12 Best Olive Oils

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The variety of brands of olive oil confuses the buyer. In addition, its different types differ not only in price, but also in properties. Simplerule experts are in a hurry to share the secrets of choosing a useful product, as well as the rating of popular products on the market.

How to choose olive oil

Each buyer decides for himself which olive oil to buy. However, there are certain criteria that are important in the first place. Our experts have selected 8 main parameters for choosing a quality product:

  1. Price. A good product cannot be too cheap. The low cost should alert the buyer.

  2. Shelf life. Real olive oil does not lose its beneficial properties for a maximum of 2 years. The younger the pomace, the more useful it is.

  3. Packaging. The product must be sold in a tin or glass container. It is necessary to check the tightness of the packaging and its property, which allows not letting in the light of the sun.

  4. Oleic acid ratio. Each type of oil has its limits. The indicator should not exceed 0,8%. If the percentage of acidity is not displayed, it means that it varies depending on the storage conditions. Marks PGI and PDO indicate that the acidity does not exceed 0,2-0,3%.

  5. Manufacturer. An indicator of the excellent quality of the goods are awards from international competitions on the label. Foreign text on the bottle does not confirm that the product was manufactured in a particular country. It is obligatory to have on the packaging the name of the country of the manufacturer, the address of the official representative and the manufacturer.

  6. Type of olive oil. There are two types of product on the shelves: obtained after grinding and pressing at low temperature (unrefined) and refined. Extra Virgin corresponds to the first type and indicates that the product is best suited for use as a dressing. Refined oil is ideal for frying food, as it is not afraid of high temperatures.

  7. Shade. The color of juice squeezed from olives depends on the number of green and ripe fruits. The main thing is the absence of sediment in the oil. The shade itself cannot be seen due to the dark packaging of the product. It can be both bright green and pale yellow, golden.

  8. Taste. High-quality olive oil is characterized by fruitiness, slight sharpness and barely noticeable bitterness. In this matter, buyers are guided by their own preferences. A good product contains a description of the taste and aroma on the label.

It remains to get acquainted with the best brands of olive oil.

Rating of the best olive oils

Nomination Place Name Price
The best Spanish olive oil      1 Deortegas Picual Extra Virgin      1 100 ₽
     3 Borges Extra Virgin      700 ₽
     4 IBERICA OLIVE POMACE OIL      300 ₽
The best Italian olive oil      1 BIONATURAE ORGANIC EXTRA VERGINE OLIVE OIL      1 600 ₽
     2 Casa Rinaldi Apulia Extra Virgin      1 700 ₽
     3 Monini Extra Virgin62,      620 ₽
The best Greek olive oil      1 GAEA Green & Fruity      2 300 ₽
     3 Delphi Extra Virgin      680 ₽

The best Spanish olive oil

Spain is the largest supplier of olive oil. Products are famous for their decent quality and demanding production control.

Deortegas Picual Extra Virgin

Rating: 4.9

The first line of the rating is deservedly occupied by unrefined premium oil. This is an environmentally friendly product that is made from early harvest olives. It is obtained from the Almazara Deortegas farm, where trees are grown at an altitude of over 600 meters above sea level. This variety is famous for its rich content of natural antioxidants. Calorie content of 900 kcal makes the product nutritious.

The squeezed juice is green in color with a golden hue, rich aroma that conveys notes of fresh grass, green tomatoes, almonds and fruits. Deortegas Picual Extra Virgin is great as a dressing for vegetable salads. For a bottle of 500 ml, you will have to pay about 1200 rubles. The price is justified by the high quality of the product. Reviews about the product are mostly positive.




Rating: 4.8

MAESTRO De OLIVA is a balanced blend of olive oils of different varieties. It is obtained by direct cold pressing of fruits without the addition of chemical or biochemical substances. The product is positively reviewed by both specialists and ordinary consumers. The oil was awarded the prize of excellent taste at the prestigious competition, which was organized by the International Institute of Taste and Quality in Brussels. In 2013, the composition was studied by Roskontrol, and the product was recommended for purchase.

The product is produced in glass bottles with a volume of 1 l, 0,5 l, 0,25 l and tin containers of 0,5 l and 1 l. Buyers note convenient packaging, optimally suited for daily use. The price for 0,5 liters is 560 rubles.



Borges Extra Virgin

Rating: 4.7

Borges Extra Virgin oil is made from selected fruits, respecting the unfailing tradition of Borges quality. The company produces natural products without the use of artificial additives. The main advantages are impeccable taste, rich aroma, the presence of vitamins and healthy fatty acids in the composition. The oil is obtained by pressing at low temperatures, thanks to which it retains the aroma, taste characteristics and benefits of the fruit. It is great for various marinades, sauces, appetizers from meat, fish and vegetables.

Light bitterness is liked by many fans of olive oil. Customers are happy to use it to make Greek salad. On the market, the product is presented in tin, glass and PET packages. The shelf life of the oil is 18 months, which once again proves the excellent quality of the product. 500 ml cost 620 rubles. Some buyers considered the price too high, given the ordinary taste.




Rating: 4.6

We could not help but include refined POMACE oil in the rating, made from pomace remaining after the manufacture of the primary processing product. It is mixed with the juice of the first cold pressing. IBERICA OLIVE POMACE OIL is ideal for creating dishes in the oven, because its combustion temperature is +260 degrees C°. Olive oil does not add any extra flavor or taste to food.

Buyers note the inconvenience of using the container and lid. After a few uses they are all in oil. We have to pour the liquid into the decanter. Buyers choose a product for proven quality and affordable price. A 500 ml bottle can be bought at a price of 350-400 rubles.



The best Italian olive oil

In Italy, olive oil is called “green” gold. It produces products of the highest quality that cannot be sold at a low price. This can be seen by getting acquainted with the participants of the rating from the second category.


Rating: 4.9

BIONATURAE is certified organic by the United States Department of Agriculture. The oil is obtained by crushing and pressing the fruit. It is certified by QAI and includes 5 popular varieties of olives grown in Italy and grown on family farms. All stages of production are carefully controlled, including cultivation, fruit picking, pressing, bottling and storage.

Genuine Italian oil is low in calories – 120-130 kcal. It is remembered for its combination of fruity aroma and mild taste. Acidity ranges from 0,29-0,32%. For a container with a volume of 750 ml, you need to pay about 1900 rubles. Despite the fact that the price is not affordable for everyone, customer reviews about the product are only positive.



Casa Rinaldi Apulia Extra Virgin

Rating: 4.8

The next participant in the rating is high-quality unfiltered oil with an acidity of less than 0,4%. It is obtained mechanically in the Puglia region. The DOP mark indicates that the entire production stage is carried out according to strict rules. Use the product as a dressing for salads, vegetables, meat and fish dishes. It has a golden yellow color and a spicy taste. The content of saturated fatty acids is not more than 0,8%. Squeezed fruit juice retains the maximum amount of useful properties due to the absence of chemical and heat treatment.

The presence of oleuropein gives olive oil a slightly bitter taste. The composition contains polyphenols and fatty monounsaturated acids. The shelf life is 540 days, which is quite consistent with quality standards. 500 ml cost 1900 rubles.



Monini Extra Virgin

Rating: 4.7

The product, manufactured by Monini, deservedly placed in third place in the ranking. The brand has a rich history that dates back to 1920. Its owner personally tastes and selects products for sale. The oil is produced from olives grown in ecologically clean places without the use of chemicals and pesticides. The product is supplied to more than fifty countries of the world. Its distinctive feature is the addition of dry vegetables, herbs and spices. Buyers note the fruity taste with a slight bitterness, which is great for making vegetable salads.

During the test, experts found that Monini Extra Virgin meets safety requirements and has good organoleptic properties. However, saturated fatty acids are over 20% higher than labeled. Shelf life – 18 months. Energy value exceeds 820 kcal. For 250 ml you need to pay about 600 rubles.




Rating: 4.7

The next position in the ranking went to olive oil from the Italian brand ALCE NERO. The abbreviation DOP indicates that the fruits of the olive trees were harvested in a particular area. The product retained its nutritional value due to the absence of a long transportation after harvest. ALCE NERO has been famous for decades for the naturalness of its products. She has a certificate of European quality, giving the right to mark the EU Organic Bio. The composition includes vitamin E (17,0 mg), polyunsaturated fats (9,2 g).

Consumers note the delicate taste of the oil with a fresh herbal touch, which is ideal for their favorite dishes. The product is sold in cans and glass bottles. Shelf life before opening – 14 months. The cost for 750 ml is 2300 rubles.



The best Greek olive oil

The third group of the rating includes olive oils, which are produced in an amazing and unique country in its beauty. Squeezed juice from Greece is considered the most useful. Its structure is very different depending on the growth of olive trees.

Oil from Greece has rich flavors with fruity notes. To find a quality product and not be disappointed, you should get acquainted with the products below.

GAEA Green & Fruity

Rating: 4.9

True connoisseurs of gourmet dishes will like the GAEA Green & Fruity fruity bouquet with the taste of ripe olives. The brand’s products are considered among the most popular in the world. The brand has many awards, including a gold medal at a prestigious competition in Europe, the title of the best innovative product in Greece and many other prizes.

Olive oil is produced mechanically from Koroneiki olives. All fruits are harvested and processed by hand. The result is high-quality thick juice with a slight bitterness and rich taste. The oil has an emerald green color and is bottled in 0,5 liter bottles made of thick thick glass. Opinions about the product are mostly positive. For 500 ml you need to pay about 950 rubles. It is a pity that the oil is not always available.




Rating: 4.8

The next participant in the rating shows an excellent combination of volume, quality and price. The MINERVA brand appeared on store shelves at the beginning of the last century, and today oil under this brand is the standard of Greek culinary traditions. The product skillfully combines the latest technology with an old recipe. Olive oil comes to the domestic market from the Peloponnese, located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. This is one of the popular places for good fruit growth.

Buyers praise the pleasant taste, versatility of the oil. It is especially liked by healthy food lovers who regularly buy the product in the store, because the price for 750 ml starts from 650 rubles. The shelf life is less than 2 years, and the energy value is 824 kcal. Oil is sold in a can, which reliably protects the contents from the sun and other external influences. The acidity index varies depending on the crop itself, but it never exceeds 0,8%.



Delphi Extra Virgin

Rating: 4.7

The rating is completed by olive oil produced on the large island of Crete. The Delphi brand was created in 2000 specifically for the import of European goods into our country. The company is a representative of large factories and is famous for its high quality products. All characteristics indicated on the label correspond to a quality product: acidity 0,3-04,%, shelf life – 2 years, amount of fat – 92 g.

Many buyers have been using only Delphi Extra Virgin for a long time and note its optimal taste without an unpleasant smell and bitter aftertaste. Others consider these qualities scarce. Products are packaged in glass and tin containers. Pleased with an adequate price – about 300 rubles per 0,25 liters. On sale you can find containers with a volume of 3 liters, which are quite profitable to buy for long-term use. The main thing is to make sure the product is fresh, especially if it is purchased through an online store.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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