12 best heat transfer fluids for heating systems

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

An integral element of a modern heating system is a coolant. If the probability of freezing at home is excluded, then the highway is filled with clean water. But when the premises cool down to sub-zero temperatures, it is more profitable to fill in non-freezing liquid. Despite the additional costs that arise when buying a large amount of antifreeze, it will be cheaper than replacing defrosted batteries and pipes. Manufacturers offer Russian consumers antifreezes based on various chemical compounds. Some of them are attractive at an affordable price, while others look more profitable in terms of security. Recommendations from our experts will help potential buyers make the right choice. 

Recommendations for choosing a coolant

Basis. The search for a coolant should begin with the determination of a suitable basis.

  1. The most popular organic compound is ethylene glycol (ethanediol-1,2). Dihydric alcohol has such useful qualities as a low freezing point, good solubility in water and high fluidity. But the toxicity of the coolant limits its scope to closed heating systems.

  2. A more environmentally friendly, but also expensive substance is propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol). This dihydric alcohol remains in a liquid state at temperatures from -40 to +108ºС. The product can be mixed with water, which will narrow the working temperature limit. But due to the higher viscosity of propylene glycol, a more powerful circulation pump will have to be installed.

  3. Glycerin becomes the optimal basis for creating a harmless and affordable coolant. Triatomic alcohol is a more viscous antifreeze, which is important to consider when buying a circulation pump.

Operating temperature range. Since all coolants are liquids, it is important that antifreeze remains in this state of aggregation over a wide temperature range.

  1. The freezing or crystallization point shows at what temperature the fluidity of the coolant is lost. If in the southern regions a liquid with a crystallization point of -15ºС is suitable, then in the Far North this figure should reach -65ºС.

  2. The boiling point is an equally important indicator. When this mark is reached, the coolant begins to foam. It is best to fill the heating system with antifreezes with a boiling point above + 100ºС.

Dilution rate. In the distribution network you can find both concentrates and coolants mixed with water. On the one hand, it is more convenient to pour the contents of the canisters into the heating system without calculating the optimal concentrations. Especially if the exact volume of the heating system is unknown. But at the same time, you will have to carry more canisters in the trunk of a car. It is also important to compare prices, adding water to the concentrate will cost a penny for many homeowners.

Durability. Another important parameter affects the final choice of antifreeze. This is the service life. There are coolants that need to be changed every 5 years. Other products keep working up to 10 years. A simple calculation suggests that, with comparable characteristics, preference should be given to a more durable coolant.

We have selected in our review the 12 best heat transfer fluids for heating systems. All these products are sold in Russia. When distributing places, the editors of the magazine simplerule relied on the opinion of experts, taking into account the feedback from domestic consumers.

Rating of the best heat carriers for heating systems

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best heat carriers for heating systems      1 TermoTactic EcoBlue -30º      1 800 ₽
     2 Thermagent -30°      1 500 ₽
     3 You said -65      1 910 ₽
     4 Warm house ECO -30      2 340 ₽
     5 Galan -35      1 800 ₽
     6 Warm ECO 30      1 010 ₽
     7 Hot Point 65      1 900 ₽
     8 AMT-300      1 630 ₽
     9 Hot Stream      1 540 ₽
     10 Power -30 BIO      680 ₽
     11 heat pump      630 ₽
     12 NEO -65 Extra      1 500 ₽

TermoTactic EcoBlue -30º

Rating: 4.9

TermoTactic EcoBlue -30º technical fluid can be used in various areas, from heating systems to air conditioners. The basis of the coolant is propylene glycol, which retains fluidity in a wide temperature range (-30 … + 105ºС). For the manufacture of the product, the Russian company Thermo Tactic acquires polypropylene glycol from leading European manufacturers. To achieve the necessary technical parameters, special additives are introduced into the composition. Experts appreciated the environmental friendliness, safety, inertness, stability and hygroscopicity of the material. The product wins first place in our review.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the quality of the coolant, affordable price and environmental friendliness.



Thermagent -30°

Rating: 4.8

The Thermagent -30° coolant can be used with any type of heating boilers. The product based on ethylene glycol was developed by specialists from the Russian company Obninskorgsintez. Antibacterial, antifoaming and anticorrosive additives have been added to the composition of the technical fluid. Depending on the concentration of the solution, different operating temperature ranges can be achieved. For example, at a ratio of 77% ethylene glycol and 23% water, the freezing limit of the coolant reaches -40°C. Experts appreciated the inertness of the product to the pipes of the heating system. The coolant becomes the silver medalist of the review.

Russian users like durability, inertia, affordable price, stability (service life of at least 10 years).



You said -65

Rating: 4.7

The coolant DIXIS-65 has the lowest freezing point. It retains a liquid state at temperatures from -65 to +111ºС. The product is optimally suited for use in heating systems in the northern regions of the country. If the coolant is purchased for operation in areas with a temperate climate (up to -20ºС), then water can be added to the antifreeze in a ratio of 1:1. Experts also note the inertness of the composition to different metals and alloys. The liquid does not spoil the polymer pipes, it takes care of the soldering points. The basis of the coolant is ethylene glycol, to which the manufacturer has added a package of modern additives.

In the reviews, homeowners praise the composition for fire safety, low freezing point, and inertness. Of the minuses, high viscosity is noted.



Warm house ECO -30

Rating: 4.6

Antifreeze Teply Dom ECO-30 was developed by a Russian manufacturer based on propylene glycol. In order to quickly detect leaks, the solution is colored green. The consumer is offered two packaging options: 10 and 20 kg. The liquid is safe for human health, if it gets on the skin, it is enough to wash it off with clean water. To reduce the viscosity of the coolant and increase the heat capacity, experts recommend diluting the concentrate with water. Optimal performance is observed when the freezing temperature is brought to the level of -20 … -25ºС. In this case, the service life of the coolant exceeds 10 years.

Users follow the recommendations of experts when diluting antifreeze. But it is often necessary to install a more powerful circulation pump in the heating system.



Galan -35

Rating: 4.5

Galan-35 antifreeze has high performance properties. The product has received a hygienic certificate from the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation and can be used with various types of heating boilers, including electrode ones. It is possible to fill in technical liquid in heat exchangers and conditioners. The Russian manufacturer took ethylene glycol as a basis, to which he added anti-corrosion additives and components to prevent scale formation. The working temperature range of antifreeze is -35 … + 106ºС. Experts do not recommend mixing the composition with other coolants. The product takes 5th place in our review.

In the reviews, domestic consumers note the high quality of antifreeze, stability and durability. The disadvantages are the high price.



Warm ECO 30

Rating: 4.5

Experts include Warme ECO 30 as the latest generation of coolants. The basis of the antifreeze liquid is glycerin. The manufacturer managed to find the optimal ratio of organic compounds with water, anti-foam and anti-corrosion additives were also introduced into the composition. Thanks to the phosphor dye, the consumer will timely detect the slightest leak of antifreeze from the heating system. Experts appreciated the environmental friendliness and safety of the technical fluid, the neutral attitude towards galvanized pipes and sealing elements. The coolant closes the TOP-6 of our review.

Russian users find the glycerin formulation an attractive alternative to propylene glycol products in terms of cost. Of the minuses, there is a tendency to foaming.



Hot Point 65

Rating: 4.5

Hot Point 65 coolant meets all international safety standards. It can be used in heating systems for houses and passenger cars, in air conditioners. The operating temperature range depends on the degree of dilution with water. For example, when the ratio of antifreeze and water is 4:1, crystallization begins only at -40ºС. Experts consider a special package of anti-corrosion additives to be a coolant chip. The asset of the product should include the stability of thermophysical properties, due to which energy resources are economically consumed. The use of a silicate additive made it possible to increase the service life up to 5 years.

Domestic consumers liked the affordable price, the possibility of dilution, taking into account the climate of their region. The disadvantages include the deficit in the trade network of Russia.




Rating: 4.4

The Russian coolant AMT-300 is packaged in containers of various sizes, from 20 kg to 180 kg. The consumer can accurately calculate and purchase the required amount of antifreeze for his heating system. A distinctive feature of the product, according to experts, is the use of oil as a base. The oil product first passes through several stages of special processing (catalysis, adsorption, aromatization). It is important to consider that such antifreeze is suitable for regions with a mild climate, where the minimum temperature in winter stops at -15ºС.

Users are satisfied with thermal stability, high boiling point (300ºС). Of the minuses, they note the need to install a powerful circulation pump.



Hot Stream

Rating: 4.3

The basis of the Russian Hot Stream coolant is ethylene glycol. The manufacturer added a package of Belgian additives to the antifreeze. As a result, the technical fluid does not foam, it has inertness. Crystallization of the product begins when the temperature drops to -30ºС. Experts appreciated the zero expansion coefficient, different packaging options (10, 20, 30 kg). The composition is very popular, both in the European part of the country and in the Far East. It is poured into the heating systems of residential buildings and industrial facilities. Antifreeze successfully combines affordable price and stability.

Domestic users liked the uniform distribution of heat, long service life (up to 10 years) and affordable price. But you can not dilute the product with water.



Power -30 BIO

Rating: 4.2

Food glycerin became the basis of Kraft-30 BIO coolant. Experts note the high level of product safety, which allows the use of antifreeze in various liquid systems in the pharmaceutical, perfumery and food industries, as well as in everyday life. Technical fluid crystallizes at -30ºС, boiling begins at -108ºС. The product does not cause corrosion of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, does not destroy sealing elements. Antifreeze is compatible with metal-plastic and polymer elements. Scale does not form on the internal surfaces of pipelines. The composition closes the TOP-10 of our review.

In the reviews, Russian consumers praise the coolant for safety, respect for communications, and durability. The only downside is the high price.



heat pump

Rating: 4.2

Experts call Teplocom antifreeze a successful novelty on the coolant market. The Russian manufacturer made it based on glycerin. The product is of high quality, environmental friendliness, protection of parts of heating systems from corrosion. The liquid does not damage rubber gaskets, aluminum radiators, circulation pumps. The operating temperature range is -30…+105ºС. Subject to the recommendations for operation, the service life will be 8 years. Antifreeze is not afraid of complete freezing; after thawing, the liquid retains its best properties. In addition, when thickening, there is no expansion of the material.

At thematic forums, the coolant is praised for its environmental friendliness, respect for communications, and durability. Of the minuses, increased viscosity can be noted.



NEO -65 Extra

Rating: 4.1

High efficiency and reliability helped the NEO-65 Extra concentrate to get into our review. The product is versatile and suitable for all heating, cooling and air conditioning systems. The experts liked the combination of price and quality, while they draw the attention of potential buyers to the toxicity of ethylene glycol, which has become the basis of antifreeze. The heating system is completely protected from corrosion, oxidation, foaming. The active composition should include a wide temperature range (-65 … + 106ºС), no expansion during crystallization.

So far, there are few reviews of real consumers on the thematic forums about the properties of antifreeze. Therefore, the product closes the review of the best coolants.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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