12 best gum products

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Gingival inflammation is a general term that includes both superficial and deep processes. Anyone can face this problem to some extent. If you do not pay due attention to it, you can even lose healthy teeth. It is necessary to recognize the inflammation that has begun in a timely manner, assess the depth of the pathology, get a consultation from a dentist and prevent possible complications with the help of special tools for the gums.

Possible causes of inflammation

Many things can cause inflammation of the gums, but most often the fault is poor oral hygiene. If a person does not know about the existence of rinses, dental floss, or uses brushes of inappropriate stiffness, then it is likely that food will accumulate in the gaps between his teeth, which is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Reactive gum disease is often provoked by the presence of tartar. First of all, it promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. And the sharp edges of such formations easily damage the gums. The situation becomes worse under the influence of such factors:

  1. general weakening of immunity against the background of systemic diseases, surgical interventions or infections;

  2. decrease in local immunity after gum damage (wearing braces, hard bristles of a toothbrush);

  3. getting burns as a result of thermal or chemical exposure;

  4. deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin D or other micronutrients (poor diet or problems with the digestive system);

  5. endocrine pathologies (thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus);

  6. unhealthy habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);

  7. taking certain groups of drugs (oral contraceptives, antihypertensives, antidepressants, antibacterials).

In the presence of inflammation, it is imperative to find out the cause of the pathological condition. When contacting a dentist, it is necessary to inform him of all existing diseases, surgeries or traumatic injuries experienced. If the cause is eliminated in time, this will protect against exacerbation of the disease in the future.

Types of inflammation and possible symptoms

There are two main types of inflammatory processes in the gums:

Gingivitis. This is a shallow inflammation of the gums, in which the periodontal junctions are not affected. Most often, this refers to inflammation of the gum area between two adjacent teeth. However, this pathology is not dangerous for the teeth themselves. It does not cause their mobility.

Periodontitis. With this pathology, inflammation spreads to tissues that are located deep (bone structure, tooth roots). In this case, periodontal pockets are often formed. They accumulate food particles, soft plaque, which aggravates the situation over time.

With periodontitis, decay processes often join, and the teeth become very mobile and there is a high risk of their falling out. Both diseases can occur locally or affect the entire periodontium. A limited local inflammatory process most often occurs against the background of an injury. General inflammation is usually caused by other negative factors.

Recognizing inflammation of the gums is quite simple by the following symptoms:

  1. hyperemia, tissue edema;

  2. increased sensitivity of periodontal tissues;

  3. the appearance of bleeding;

  4. loose gums;

  5. bad breath.

If periodontitis is running, then the appearance of purulent discharge and a feverish state is not excluded. With ulcerative gingivitis, ulcers appear on the surface of the soft tissues. Atrophic gingivitis leads to exposure of the tooth necks. And this in turn makes the teeth more sensitive to hot or cold food.


Individual therapeutic schemes are selected for each patient. The specialist takes into account the general well-being of the patient, the nature of the pathology and the severity of the symptoms. The main methods of therapy are divided into local and systemic. In the arsenal of local means of influence, dentists have: rinses, local gels or medicated toothpastes.

Sometimes funds that act locally are not enough. In this case, the dentist or orthodontist may prescribe systemic drugs. These can be: antibacterial, antifungal agents, antihistamines, immunomodulators, vitamin-mineral complexes. And in this review, we will look at the best gum products in the form of gels and rinses.

Rating of the best products for gums

Nomination Place Name Price
The best dental gels for gums      1 Elugel      270 ₽
     2 parodium      370 ₽
     3 Holisal      420 ₽
     4 Metrogil Denta      225 ₽
     5 Asepta      200 ₽
     6 Kamistad      268 ₽
     7 Parodontocide      160 ₽
Best gum rinses      1 Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection      990 ₽
     2 Listerine Expert Protection right      197 ₽
     3 Lacalut Active      308 ₽
     4 Asepta Active conditioner      258 ₽
     5 Forest balm with pine nuts oil and sage extract      109

The best dental gels for gums

Most dental gels for gums have a combined composition. Thanks to this, the therapeutic process is accelerated and facilitated.


Rating: 4.9

Our review is opened by the nominee from France – Elugel dental product. Its main active ingredient is chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0,2%. Thanks to Elugel, you can completely get rid of bleeding gums and stop inflammation of any complexity in the shortest possible time. Elugel prevents the formation of tartar. It is also advisable to use it for hygiene purposes or after surgery on the gums.

Elugel is sold in a metal tube (40 ml) with a small but stable cap. This gel can be applied to pathological foci in any convenient way (with a washed finger, with a brush with soft bristles). This product should not be swallowed. However, there is no requirement to rinse the mouth with water after manipulation. The optimal result will be achieved if Elugel is used in courses of 15 days with breaks of 10 days.

This French dental remedy has a sweetish taste and a pleasant aromatic composition. It perfectly eliminates pain and has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The gel quickly strengthens the gums, solving the problem of blood in the oral cavity. Also, this product does not allow secondary infection to join. Adverse reactions usually do not cause this gel, but some individuals may be allergic.




Rating: 4.8

The French manufacturer Pierre Fabre releases another effective tool – Parodium. This preparation contains 2 active ingredients: rhubarb extract and chlorhexidine. It is excellent for sensitive periodontal tissues. Parodium effectively relieves inflammation, deodorizes and envelops. This remedy is approved for use from 6 years old, and is also suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Parodium is available in iron tubes (50 ml) with a small, stable cap. The gel has a rich carrot color. It is runny in texture. The taste and smell are dominated by medicinal notes of chlorhexidine. Apply the gel to the gums with a special applicator or just with your finger. It is recommended to do 1 application per day. You can not swallow the drug. Rinse your mouth is not required. This gel is consumed quite quickly.

Patients share that Parodium perfectly solves the problem of bleeding and heals wounds on the gums. With it, the swelling of the mucous membrane quickly disappears. This tool is great for helping to cope with various diseases of the oral cavity. Women who have used this gel during lactation note that the babies did not experience any allergic reactions. And those who wear dentures note that Parodium perfectly eliminates pain and discomfort.




Rating: 4.7

The Polish pharmaceutical plant produces gum gel – Holisal. Its therapeutic effect is explained by the presence of two main components: choline salicylate (eliminates inflammation, pain, hyperthermia) and cetalkonium chloride (fights bacteria, viruses, fungi). The drug is used to treat all kinds of periodontal diseases that provoke inflammation and pain.

Holisal is produced in small iron tubes of 10 or 15 g. Additionally, they are packed in a cardboard box. The gel has a homogeneous consistency. It is clear and has a rich aniseed aroma. Holisal can be used up to 3 times per day. For adults, a strip of 1 cm of gel is enough, for children – 0,5 cm. A clean finger is used to apply to the gum. Rub the agent into the pathological focus with light massage movements.

Many people like that there is no lidocaine and sugar in Holisal. At the same time, the gel has a good analgesic effect and heals wounds in the shortest possible time, eliminates inflammation and swelling. The analgesic effect develops within 2-3 minutes after application and can last up to 8 hours. Holisal is suitable for all family members, including babies from 1 year old. Adverse Cholisal rarely causes. But some people have an initial burning sensation, which quickly passes.



Metrogil Denta

Rating: 4.7

The dental product Metrogil Denta, produced in India, contains 2 active substances: metronidazole (fights various bacteria) and chlorhexidine (antiseptic and antimicrobial action). Dentists recommend this drug for various inflammatory gum diseases. In pediatrics, this gel is allowed to be used from the age of 6.

Metrogil Denta is sold in plastic laminated or metal tubes. His packaging is different. The gel is soft, translucent, cloudy white. It has a pronounced menthol taste. Easily distributed over the gum. At one time you need to use a minimum of funds. The application is repeated 2 times a day. After the procedure, the gel is not washed off.

Consumers share the fact that immediately after the distribution of this gel, the inflamed area stings strongly. After some time, pain relief occurs (without the effect of freezing) and a slight cooling effect remains. Many note that with this remedy, complex inflammations heal much faster. Metrogil Denta perfectly treats stomatitis, helps with gingivitis and periodontal disease. Among the side effects of this drug are local allergic reactions and headache.




Rating: 4.6

Asepta gum gel is the brainchild of the Russian pharmaceutical company Vertex. As an active ingredient, it contains a product of the vital activity of bees – propolis, which acts bactericidal on various pathogenic microorganisms. It also reduces pain, relieves inflammation and heals wounds. This tool is often used for increased sensitivity of the gums, as well as for stopping bleeding.

A special spatula is attached to the iron tube with Asepta gel, which should facilitate the application process. The gel is watery with a yellow-brown color. It tastes and smells like propolis. The agent is applied in a thin layer to the gums shortly after hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity. It is distributed evenly throughout the pathological focus. Immediately after the manipulation, you should refuse to eat and drink. The gel can be used 2-3 times per day.

This Russian remedy for gums has many positive reviews. Patients note that Asepta gel quickly eliminates bleeding, pain and swelling. In use, it is quite convenient, it is fixed securely on the gum. This natural product is generally well tolerated, but in some individuals it occasionally produces a “metallic” taste in the mouth.




Rating: 4.5

The German remedy for gums Kamistad contains lidocaine (quickly and permanently removes pain in the gums) and chamomile flower extract (suppresses inflammation, heals). This drug is approved for use by people over 12 years old to solve all kinds of gum problems. It should be borne in mind that sodium saccharinate is present instead of sugar in this medicine.

This German gum remedy is a yellow-brown gel of medium density. It has an unsharp, floral-herbal aroma. The product is in an aluminum tube with a long spout, which facilitates the dosing process. For one procedure, take about 0,5 cm of gel. It is applied to the pathological focus and gently rubbed with massage movements up to 3 times a day. The duration of use of Kamistad depends on the severity of the pathological process.

Many people are very satisfied with the Kamistad gel, as it effectively soothes the gums when teething “eights”. Immediately after application, the “freeze” effect develops, and the pain is felt much less. Swollen gums return to normal in 2-3 days. Its puffiness and inflammation are perfectly eliminated. Kamistad usually does not cause any problems. But occasionally this gel provokes the appearance of allergic reactions.




Rating: 4.4

Russian Parodontocid gel contains 7 active ingredients, mainly of plant origin. Among the auxiliary ingredients are also present essential oils. This product does not contain chlorhexidine, metronidazole, or lidocaine. However, some, attentive to the composition, consumers are confused by the presence of methylparaben in it.

Parodontocide is in a metal tube (15 g) with a small cap. The color of the gel is pure white. It is moderately thick and does not spread. This product is very economical. For one manipulation, 1 cm of gel is enough. It is applied, pre-washed, with a finger or on a piece of bandage. The product is recommended to be used 2 times a day. The therapeutic course can be 1-2 weeks.

Patients note that immediately after applying this gel, you need to be prepared for the fact that the gum will burn slightly. But this feeling quickly passes and soon comes the analgesic effect. This tool perfectly reduces the sensitivity of the gums and relieves them of bleeding. Parodontocide suits many with its taste characteristics. Procedures with its use do not cause discomfort.



Best gum rinses

Dentists often encourage their patients to resort to rinsing their mouths, as this can serve as an excellent prevention of various periodontal diseases. Such manipulations solve several problems at once: they remove food debris, soft plaque, reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, and prevent pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying.

Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection

Rating: 4.9

The Italian manufacturer Coswell SPA produces Biorepair Mouthwash Gum Protection. The product has a multi-component balanced composition. With it, you can provide excellent care for both teeth and gums. This rinse contains hyaluronic acid, thanks to which it moisturizes the gums, protecting them from the development of inflammation and bleeding.

This antibacterial rinse is sold in bottles (500 ml) made of white plastic. The kit includes a dosing cup. The product has a thick, enveloping texture. The color of the conditioner is pale pink. For the purpose of prevention, it is enough to use it 5 ml twice a day. The mouth is rinsed for half a minute. For therapeutic purposes, the solution is used after each meal, 5-10 ml, and the manipulation is performed for 60 seconds.

This gum remedy has a very pleasant, mild, minty taste, which is why many people use it with great pleasure. The tool does not burn the mucous. With it, you can quickly forget about the appearance of blood on the toothbrush. This tool perfectly eliminates various inflammatory processes, heals wounds. Along the way, this product has a great effect on the condition of sensitive teeth. But the presence of SLS in the composition stops some from buying such a rinse.



Listerine Expert Protection right

Rating: 4.8

The next nominee in our review was a product from Johnson & Johnson – Gum Protection rinse. It contains ethyl alcohol and other anti-inflammatory ingredients. The product is free from fluorine compounds. This rinse perfectly heals the gums, significantly reducing inflammation. It can be used by anyone over the age of 12.

Listerine Expert Gum Protection is a turquoise liquid. It is placed in transparent plastic bottles with a lid that children cannot open. The packaging in terms of volume of this product is very diverse. The taste of this product is menthol, sweetish. Rinse your mouth with this remedy after brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. Enough 20 ml of solution. The mouth is rinsed for half a minute.

From the reviews it follows that this rinse seriously burns the mucous membrane and tongue. But after such a “torture”, the discomfort quickly passes, and the positive effect on the gums does not take long to wait. He quickly stops any inflammatory processes. Also, with the systematic use of such a rinse, you can forget about bleeding gums. The tool gives a pleasant feeling of freshness in the oral cavity.



Lacalut Active

Rating: 4.7

Lacalut Aktiv gum rinse solution is made in Germany. It contains: olaflur (a fluorine-containing substance), aluminum lactate (strengthens the gums, eliminates their bleeding), chlorhexidine digluconate (an antibacterial component with an anti-inflammatory effect). This product prevents the formation of tartar, stops bleeding and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Ideal for people wearing dentures.

The conditioner is packaged in pink plastic bottles (300 ml). They are equipped with a measuring cup for dosing. The solution itself is clear and colorless. The smell of the product is pronounced menthol. The taste of the liquid is vigorous, it tingles a little. This is especially felt if there are wounds in the mouth. For one procedure, 10 ml of solution is enough. Rinse your mouth for at least half a minute.

Persons with problematic periodontal disease share the fact that already on the second day of using this rinse, their gums hurt and swell less. This tool allows you to forget about traces of blood on the toothbrush and perfectly eliminates any inflammation. Many people like that this solution does not contain ethanol. But people with gastritis need to be especially careful not to accidentally swallow this solution, otherwise it is fraught with an exacerbation of the disease.



Asepta Active conditioner

Rating: 4.6

Among the nominees for the review was also the Russian conditioner Asepta Aktiv. It contains 2 active ingredients: benzydamine (anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic action) and chlorhexidine (antibacterial action). This product is designed to protect gums from inflammation and improve oral hygiene. This tool can be used by all family members over 6 years old.

Asepta Active is produced in bottles of blue, transparent plastic. The kit comes with a cup, which is convenient to dose the product. The clear liquid smells pleasantly of mint. During application, it stings and burns a little. The conditioner does not need to be diluted. For one rinse, take 10 ml of this solution and perform the procedure for about 20 seconds. After this, they abstain from food and drink for half an hour. Apply the remedy up to 3 times a day.

Patients of dentists report that already after several applications the condition of their gums improves markedly. And towards the end of the first week of using this remedy, you can forget about bleeding. Also, this product provides fresh breath and reduces the formation of soft or hard plaque on the teeth. Many quickly get used to burning and slight numbness of the tongue and are ready to forgive this rinse for its effectiveness.



Forest balm with pine nuts oil and sage extract

Rating: 4.5

The Russian manufacturer Kalina produces Forest Balsam gum rinse with pine nut oil and sage extract. In addition to the two components appearing in the title, this product contains a coniferous complex based on extracts of fir, resin, and juniper. This complex has been shown in clinical trials to reduce gum inflammation by up to 94%.

Such a conditioner is produced from the Forest Balsam brand in transparent plastic bottles. The solution itself is similar in consistency to water. Its color is bright green, the aroma is coniferous. The taste also has bright coniferous notes. In the process, it does not pinch or burn. It is advisable to use this tool in the morning and evening, as well as after meals. Fill the cap with rinse aid, and rinse your mouth thoroughly for half a minute.

With inflammation of the gums and bleeding, the remedy copes perfectly. This balm is very comfortable to use. And it has a very attractive price, so many prefer it. In addition to its beneficial effect on the gums, it also takes excellent care of the teeth. The rinse aid prevents solid deposits from building up on them. This Forest Balm freshens breath for several hours.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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