12 best first food puree manufacturers

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The gastrointestinal system of the baby is imperfect, and certain foods are needed for its proper functioning. Therefore, pediatricians advise starting the first complementary foods with mashed potatoes. Industrial products act gently and do not cause a negative reaction. Simplerul’s experts figured out the best product choice and made their rating based on the main criteria and customer reviews.

How to choose puree for the first feeding

Why do pediatricians advise starting the first complementary foods with vegetable purees? Due to the lack of fructose – the main irritant of the pancreas and intestines. Mom can cook a vegetable herself and grind it in a blender. However, experts recommend store products, because they are made using a special technology in compliance with all norms and rules.

It is better to opt for a well-known brand. Popular companies protect their reputation without violating production technologies. And then parents should study the information on the jar:

  1. Natural composition. There should be no preservatives, salt or other ingredients. Few people know, but salt is already present in the product itself. Its excess can cause a negative reaction of the body.

  2. Grinding degree. High-quality puree for the first feeding should be well mashed, homogeneous and without lumps.

  3. Mono and multicomponent. The recipe for the first puree includes only one ingredient. After the child gets used to a particular type of vegetable, you can gradually offer him a different one. Multi-component dishes should appear on the menu when the baby tries separately the products present in this puree.

  4. Hypoallergenicity. The selected product must not contain ingredients that cause adverse reactions.

  5. jar integrity. Parents should inspect each container at the time of purchase for dents, chips on the glass. You also need to pay attention to the date of manufacture.

  6. Age. Each package has an age limit. It is worth considering this factor.

By following simple rules, you can choose a good puree for the first feeding.

How to start the first weaning

The first complementary foods usually begin with the permission of the local doctor, approximately at 5-6 months. The main rule is gradualness. Give a new product for 1/4 spoon. Every day the dose is increased by half. Then bring to a full jar. If after this there was no negative reaction, then this dish is suitable.

The diet is expanded, introducing no more than one new component per week. If redness appears on the skin, or the stool has changed, you will have to postpone the puree for 1,5 months.

At 6-7 months, it is better to buy a vegetable dish from the following products: zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower. At 7-8 months, it is allowed to introduce a product based on fruits and meat. At this age, you should begin to introduce your baby to semi-solid foods, adding them to pureed dishes.

New food should not be introduced in the following cases:

  1. child is sick;

  2. the weather is very hot;

  3. preventive vaccinations are given


Sometimes it takes up to 10 feeding attempts for a baby to approve a new product. The main food of the crumbs is still formula milk or breast milk. Our rating includes brands of the best purees for the first complementary foods from various manufacturers. It remains to get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages.

Rating of the best producers of mashed potatoes for the first feeding

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best producers of mashed potatoes for the first feeding      1 Tanner      90 ₽
     2 HIPP      70 ₽
     3 Heinz      70 ₽
     4 Semper      100 ₽
           5 Fleur Alpine      60 ₽
     6 Grandma’s basket      45 ₽
     7 NUTRICIA      45 ₽
     8 Frutonyanya      30 ₽
     9 HUMAN      140 ₽
     10 Subject      55 ₽
     11 Baby      30 ₽
     12 Agusha      40 ₽


Rating: 5.0

The Gerber brand is liked by parents for its high-quality composition containing 100% natural vegetables and fruits. Puree is prepared without sugar, starch and salt. In addition, the taste of the products does not cause negative reactions in babies. Even Gerber cauliflower is well tolerated by children. The secret is in a special production technology. The products at the output do not sour, while retaining all the useful properties.

Consistency without lumps, well ground and homogeneous. This is just what you need to switch to thicker foods after breast milk or formula. A pleasant taste is inherent in almost all Gerber products. The color of the puree inspires confidence. The price does not always please parents, but they do not refuse to buy. One jar of vegetable puree costs an average of 63 rubles per 80 grams.




Rating: 4.9

Our experts gave the second position in the rating to the HIPP trademark. The company offers Russian customers a wide range of products – over 120 items from various categories of goods. More than half of the range has the “BIO” mark, which proves the organic origin of the components. The puree is approved by Russian experts and inspires confidence due to its natural composition. It contains only vegetables and water.

The consistency is uniform and moderately thick. On sale there are products with the taste of zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin. The latter option is especially praised. There are conflicting reviews about HIPP mashed potatoes. It contains hard pieces. Such a product is not suitable for a baby who has poor chewing skills.

Parents put a big plus for hypoallergenicity. The first complementary food from HIPP does not cause negative reactions. The price is slightly cheaper than the previous manufacturer. On average, it is 55 rubles per jar of 80 grams.




Rating: 4.8

Heinz is no less famous manufacturer than the previous participant in the rating. The company fundamentally abandoned the use of preservatives, flavors, dyes and GMOs. The brand is in great demand among modern parents.

Mashed potatoes with zucchini can be of several types. Therefore, we recommend not to be guided by the label, but always study the composition of the product. At the moment, Heinz produces zucchini puree called “Zucchini” and “Zucchini”. The first one contains cornmeal. Accordingly, you can no longer call it single-component. It is better not to buy the product for children who are not familiar with corn on their menu. The second option “Zucchini” contains only vegetables and water. It is ideal for the first feeding. The rest of the trademark purees are quite suitable for parents in terms of composition. On average, one jar of 80 grams costs 50 rubles.




Rating: 4.7

The Semper brand has won great trust from parents due to its high-quality composition. On sale you can find mashed potatoes from zucchini, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin. They contain only the appropriate vegetables and water. For a four-month-old baby, there are prunes, blueberries, apples, and pears to choose from.

Puree is made in Sweden. Understanding that fruits in the European state are considered one of the most environmentally friendly, allowed us to include the brand in the ranking of the best. The consistency is homogeneous, without lumps. Therefore, mashed potatoes are optimally suited for introducing little gourmets to the first complementary foods. Allergic reactions in children were not observed. The cost is quite high. On average, 100 rubles for a jar of 80 grams.



Fleur Alpine

Rating: 4.6

The next place in the ranking is occupied by Fleur Alpine. The manufacturer indicates that all vegetables for puree are grown in clean fields in Scotland, and are processed using innovative production technologies.

Jars of cauliflower and broccoli contain rice flour. It is added here in a 50/50 ratio with the main vegetable. This means that such formulations can only be given to children who have already tried rice. No negative reactions were found in babies, however, the presence of flour overshadows the vegetable smell.

From the line for the first complementary foods, pumpkin puree is valued. The product is completely monocomponent, does not cause allergies and is very popular with children in terms of taste. On average, a jar from Fleur Alpine costs 100 rubles.



Grandma’s basket

Rating: 4.5

The products of the Russian manufacturer “Babushkino lukoshko” are certified and prepared in accordance with all quality standards. On sale there is a line of mashed potatoes for the first complementary foods. First of all, it should be noted the excellent composition of the products. It contains no starch, no sugar, no salt.

The consistency is thick in moderation and is well suited for the first acquaintance with adult food. Children are satisfied with the taste of products. It is pleasant and natural. Enjoy the varied assortment. Reviews about “Grandmother’s basket” are contradictory. There is information about the presence of foreign objects in the jar, which is associated with non-compliance with the rules of production at the plant itself. Prices are quite democratic. For a jar of 100 grams, you will have to pay about 60 rubles.




Rating: 4.4

Our experts gave the next place in the rating to NUTRICIA. Most parents praise the brand’s products for their great taste. Children, as a rule, are delighted with the first complementary foods of this manufacturer.

Some parents are alarmed by the presence of rice flour in vegetable purees. Such a dish is suitable only for those children who have already tried rice. But this is the only negative in the composition declared on the package. There is a lack of confidence in the shelf life of products. For example, NUTRICIA cauliflower lasts 2 years in a closed jar and 48 hours in an open one. Usually the shelf life of mashed potatoes in the first case is 1 year, in the second – 24 hours. A jar of 125 grams will cost about 55 rubles.




Rating: 4.3

The next participant in the rating is the domestic brand Frutonyanya. Purees of this company have long been known to the Russian consumer. Most parents respond positively to the brand.

The product is perfect for babies as a first food. According to the experience of parents, the child’s stool after its use improves markedly, allergic reactions do not occur. The reason for this is a good composition: only vegetables and water.

The flavors are pretty decent. Even broccoli is eaten by babies instantly. Although the composition does not contain any salt or other flavoring additives. In zucchini puree, there are small dark blotches, similar to the peel of a vegetable. The price is quite reasonable for this quality. The price for a jar of 80 grams will be approximately 40 rubles. If you buy mashed potatoes in online stores for several pieces in a package, you can save a lot (1 container will cost 29-30 rubles).




Rating: 4.2

The German brand inspires the confidence of most Russian mothers, while in Germany the HUMANA trademark does not belong to the premium category, although it meets all quality standards. The production technology is based on modern knowledge and proven by leading experts in the field of scientific research. The company creates products that meet the needs of each baby, depending on his age and level of development. On sale there are fruit purees from pears, apples, peaches, carrots, bananas. Combined compositions based on potatoes with broccoli and carrots are in demand.

Puree for the first feeding is made from vegetables with the addition of a small amount of water. The product is quite thick in consistency. Taste is pretty decent. Jars hold 125 grams, there are vegetables with meat 190 grams each. The cost is an average of 110 rubles.




Rating: 4.1

Our experts gave the next place in the rating to the manufacturer of baby food “Tyoma”. The brand is famous for making delicious meat puree for little gourmets. Tyoma has a line of vegetable and fruit dishes, which are also popular. The manufacturer takes into account the traditions of the first complementary foods, so he cares about the composition. It contains only the main product and water.

On sale you can find mashed potatoes from zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin. All products are hypoallergenic. According to consumer reviews, vegetable products are too liquid in consistency. There are no complaints about taste properties. Most children liked the products of the brand. In Internet stores, a jar of mashed potatoes costs from 40 rubles. Meat dishes are more expensive.




Rating: 4.0

On the last lines of the rating is mashed potatoes from the Russian manufacturer “Spelyonok”. Vegetables and fruits for cooking are grown in the Volgograd region. In order to preserve the maximum benefit from nature, the products are made in the harvest season, and then the “cold rub” method is used. Contains no harmful chemicals or sugar. The introduction of food into the diet does not cause allergies.

Liquid consistency is ideal for the very first complementary foods. However, some customers complain about the presence of small particles in pumpkin puree, which can be processed seeds. Glass containers have stickers on the sides that indicate the integrity of the jar. A characteristic sound when unscrewing indicates tightness.

The cost cannot but rejoice. For a jar of 80 grams, you will have to pay about 30 rubles. Thus, the price is quite consistent with the quality.




Rating: 4.0

The domestic brand “Agusha” closes the rating. The manufacturer has a diverse line, products vary in composition and density. The most liquid are cauliflower and zucchini, the denser ones are carrots and pumpkin. This difference is related to the order in which new products are introduced. Babies who are breastfed easily take the first solid food in the form of a liquid consistency.

Pleased with the absence of starch and salt. It is also worth noting the hypoallergenicity of products, a detailed description of the composition, recommendations for use on the package, the presence of a thermal label, availability in stores.

Not all children like the taste properties. Perhaps due to the fact that the composition contains nothing but water and the product itself. Purees are reasonably priced. Only 36 rubles for a jar of 80 grams.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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