12 Best B Vitamins

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Deficiency of any of the B vitamins is bad for human health. All compounds in this group are water-soluble vitamins. They practically do not accumulate in the body. In view of this, it is necessary to constantly replenish their deficit.

Why are B vitamins needed?

In the human body, B vitamins perform various functions. Some of them:

  1. promoting the overall strengthening of the body;

  2. giving stress resistance;

  3. getting rid of pain of a neurological nature;

  4. proper distribution of energy in the body;

  5. normalization of the digestive system;

  6. cosmetic impact;

  7. increasing the body’s defenses.

Certain tasks are performed by a particular substance from this group or several of them at once.

List of B vitamins

All substances from group B are divided into vitamins (8 pieces) and similar compounds (4 pieces).

Vitamins are the following substances:

  1. Cyanocobalamin (B12). Needed for better absorption of amino acids. Regulates the formation of red blood cells, participates in the hemostasis system. Improves the digestion of food. Helps to cope with mental disorders.

  2. Folic acid (B9). It is extremely important when carrying a child, as it reduces the risk of congenital pathologies. Participates in the process of maturation of blood cells, improves protein metabolism. Stabilizes the emotional state.

  3. Biotin (B7). Eliminates pain in muscle fibers, participates in the transport of carbon dioxide. Strengthens the nervous system. Leaves hair shiny, nails strong & skin clear & hydrated. Normalizes blood sugar levels.

  4. Pyridoxine (B6). Improves metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, improves brain performance, improves mood. Participate in the synthesis of hormone-like substances. Has a cosmetic effect.

  5. Pantothenic acid (B5). Responsible for the repair of damaged tissues. Important for a healthy metabolism. Increases the body’s resistance to stress. Protects against early geriatric processes.

  6. Niacin (B3). It can also be called: vitamin PP or nicotinic acid. Without it, more than 50 enzymatic reactions in the body will not be able to fully proceed. Stabilizes blood pressure, helps to get rid of dermatological problems, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

  7. Riboflavin (B2). Needed for the formation of antibodies. It has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision. Necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland. Combats skin flaking.

  8. Thiamine (B1). Helps to eliminate strong tension during stress, relieves nervousness. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract. Improves the process of memorization and concentration.Compounds like vitamins (choline, inositol, para-aminobenzoic and pangamic acid) also play an important role in the human body. But their deficiency (or excess) does not lead to serious consequences or serious pathologies.

Daily intake of B vitamins

The table shows the average daily intake of B vitamins for adults:


Daily doses for adults


1,1-2,4 mg


1,8-2,2 mg


13,0-25,0 mg


5,0 mg


1,5-2,8 mg


50,0 μg


400,0 μg


2,4-3,0 µg

Although the excessive accumulation of B vitamins in the body is unlikely. However, these biologically active substances should not be abused. The attending physician should select complexes of drugs in which this group is well represented. This review is devoted to the consideration of the best means of such a plan, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy or ordered from foreign online stores.

Rating of the best B vitamins

Nomination Place Name of product Price
The best B vitamins from pharmacies      1 Saljus Vitamin B-complex      975 ₽
     2 Kombilipen tabs      457 ₽
     3 Berocca Plus      950 ₽
     4 Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + B vitamins effervescent tablets      260 ₽
     5 Multi-V complex Vitamir      174 ₽
     6 Pentovit      114 ₽
The best B vitamins from online stores      1 Ratiopharm Vitamin B Complex      3 938 ₽
     2 Solgar B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula      1 653 ₽
     3 Thorne Research Basic B Complex      3 590 ₽
     4 Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw B-Complex      2 166 ₽
     5 Now Foods B-50      1 140 ₽
     6 Country Life Coenzyme B-Complex Caps      2 740 ₽

The best B vitamins from pharmacies

In pharmacies, complexes of B vitamins from imported or domestic manufacturers are well represented. It can be drugs or dietary supplements.

Saljus Vitamin B-complex

Rating: 4.9

The German manufacturer Salus produces dietary supplements Vitamin B-complex. The composition contains the maximum substances from group B. Only folic acid is missing in it. Taking such a complex of vitamins is useful for people who experience serious physical or emotional stress. This supplement is great for vegetarians and seniors. This B-complex is gluten-free.

For sale B-complex from Salus in capsules. They have a standard size and are swallowed practically without problems. Their shell is sandy in color. Take a vitamin complex 1 capsule 1 time per day. It is recommended to do this during breakfast with clean water. Almost all the components in this supplement more than cover the daily requirement of the body, with the exception of riboflavin and pyridoxine.

This German complex copes well with its tasks. During the application of the B-complex, the skin is cleared of acne, acquires a healthy glow. The functioning of the intestines is also normalized, the emotional state is stabilized. The B-complex is well absorbed and usually well tolerated by organisms. Although some people complain about the appearance of a rash during a therapeutic course.



Kombilipen tabs

Rating: 4.8

The Russian manufacturer Pharmstandard produces the drug Combilipen tabs. This multivitamin contains 3 active ingredients: benfotiamine (a fat-soluble form of thiamine B1) 100mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) 100mg, and cyanocobalamin (B12) 2mcg. The first two substances are presented here in fairly high therapeutic doses. This drug is taken strictly according to indications, and not for preventive purposes.

Combilipen tabs are relatively small, round tablets, convex on both sides. They are covered with a white shell. Are located in packing with planimetric cells. Take tablets after meals, 1 piece up to 3 times a day. They are not recommended to be chewed, but should be swallowed whole. Drink vitamins with half a glass of clean water.

Many patients praise the drug Kombilipen tabs. From this complex, first of all, an analgesic effect is expected, which allows to reduce the use of NSAIDs. And he fully justifies his appointment in such cases. Along the way, this drug also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Combilipen tabs is well tolerated by many patients. But for some, it causes a rash, tachycardia, and nausea.



Berocca Plus

Rating: 4.7

The French multivitamin complex Berocca Plus includes 8 B vitamins, vitamin C, as well as the minerals Ca, Mg, Zn. Vitamins are presented here in therapeutic doses. This drug is appropriate for people who experience excessive physical or psychological stress. This complex can also be a good support for those who are malnourished, on diets or suffer from chronic alcohol abuse.

Berocca Plus is an oval tablet, convex on both sides. Their color is close to light brick. They are up to 1,8 cm long, so it may be difficult to swallow them whole. These vitamins should be taken with a glass of clean water. All persons over 15 years of age should take 1 tablet per day.

Berocca Plus has a cumulative effect, but the first improvements can already be observed on the 3rd-4th day of use. This tool helps to increase physical and mental activity, calm the nervous system, improve sleep quality. After the course of application, many note that they begin to rejoice that the hair stops falling out, the nails become strong, and peeling disappears on the skin. Tolerability in Berocca plus is not bad, but the appearance of rashes on the skin or mild gastrointestinal disorders is not excluded.



Doppelgerz Active Magnesium + B vitamins effervescent tablets

Rating: 4.6

German dietary supplement Doppelgerz Active includes 5 B vitamins and magnesium. In the composition, you can also find food flavoring (citrus) and starch. This complex is especially indicated for people with low energy levels, increased nervousness, chronic fatigue syndrome. The presence of magnesium enhances the positive effects of B vitamins.

This German supplement is sold in the form of effervescent tablets. They are quite large and white. They are placed in a plastic oblong tube in the amount of 15 pieces. When dissolved, they form a yellow drink and a small white precipitate. They taste and smell lemon-grapefruit. The drug is intended for adults. One effervescent tablet is dissolved in 200 ml of pure water and drunk 1 time per day.

This dietary supplement provides a surge of energy from the first tablet. In the morning, this dietary supplement helps to wake up easily and feel cheerful throughout the day. It also eliminates nervousness and irritability well. With this complex, the quality of sleep is normalized. These vitamins are pleasant to take and rarely cause allergic reactions, although this is not excluded.



Multi-V complex Vitamir

Rating: 4.5

The Russian manufacturer Kvadrat-S produces dietary supplements Multi-V complex Vitamir. This tool contains all 11 substances belonging to group B. Moreover, the concentration of the components is quite high and in some of them significantly exceeds the average daily dose. But for vitamins that are soluble in water, this is quite acceptable.

Tablets Multi-V complex Vitamir are small, light yellow, without a particularly pronounced taste. When swallowed, there are no problems (do not stick to the tongue, do not get stuck in the throat). They are located on plates with contour cells. Adults drink these vitamins 1 per day. They try to do it during breakfast. Usually this remedy is well absorbed by the body. But some people complain about the appearance of allergies.

People who experience severe physical or emotional stress note that against the background of its use, they fall asleep much faster, and in the morning they easily wake up well rested and full of energy. With this tool, constant irritability disappears already in the second week of use. This complex is also valued for its cosmetic properties. Women are very pleased with the condition of their hair, skin and nails after using it.




Rating: 4.4

The Russian manufacturer of Altaivitamins produces the drug Pentovit. As part of this complex, there are 5 main B vitamins. They are present in a fairly high concentration, which corresponds to the average daily or even significantly exceeds it. The combination of these components favorably affects the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Pentovit tablets are round, convex. in a smooth white shell. There are 50 of them on one plate. The daily dosage for adults is 6-12 tablets, which are divided into 3 doses. It is advisable to use them after dense meals. The course of treatment can be 3-4 weeks. But such a large amount that needs to be taken per day does not suit everyone.

From the reviews it follows that Pentovit usually does not cause side effects. This drug contributes to pain relief as part of complex therapy for neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis. The Russian complex Pentovit helps to cope with increased irritability, apathy, nervousness. Along the way, it has a cosmetic effect on the body. Women note that their nails become especially strong and hair grows well.



The best B vitamins from online stores

Online you can order dietary supplements from foreign manufacturers, which are rarely available in ordinary pharmacies. Usually their components are contained in very high dosages.

Ratiopharm Vitamin B Complex

Rating: 4.9

Pharmaceutical brand Ratiopharm (Germany) produces a food supplement Vitamin B Complex. It contains all the main vitamins of this group. This drug helps to improve the functions of the nervous system, reduce fatigue and exhaustion. It is useful for people with dermatological and cosmetic problems. Also, this drug helps to improve hemoglobin levels.

Vitamin B Complex by Ratiopharm is a medium-sized hard capsule for oral administration. They are located on the plates and additionally packed in a cardboard box in the amount of 60-120 pieces. The standard adult dosage is 1 capsule per day. Drink these vitamins with plenty of pure water. Reception is best done after breakfast or early lunch.

This supplement from a German manufacturer is quite effective. It allows you to quickly improve the condition of the patient with various neurological pathologies. During the use of this German supplement, the physical condition improves and the emotional background stabilizes. This drug also showed itself well in the complex therapy of dermatological diseases.



Solgar B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula

Rating: 4.8

The Solgar brand (USA) has a B-complex with vitamin C in its range of supplements. This formula is designed to combat stress. The product contains 10 substances belonging to group B (their dosages are simply huge), L-ascorbic acid, as well as a natural powder mixture of medicinal plants. Does not contain gluten and lactose.

B-Complex with Vitamin C tablets are quite large and have an optimistic bright yellow color. They are round, convex on both sides, with ribbed edges. They taste very bitter. Some may have difficulty swallowing them. Tablets are placed in a dark glass bottle in the amount of 250 pieces. Adults take them 2 tablets during breakfast, drinking plenty of water.

This American complex perfectly relieves irritability, hysteria and gives calmness. And it is felt already after the use of several tablets. Relaxes not only the psyche, but also the muscles. And after 4-6 weeks of use, the condition of the skin is noticeably improved. Dietary supplements are usually well tolerated, without causing obvious adverse reactions. But many do not like that during the use of this remedy, urine is strongly colored and acquires a specific smell.



Thorne Research Basic B Complex

Rating: 4.7

The American manufacturer Thorne Research produces the Basic B Complex, which includes 8 essential vitamins and 1 vitamin-like substance. All components are present in very high dosages. The supplement does not contain gluten. Basic B Complex is great for stress management and energy. It is especially necessary for the elderly and those who have problems with digestion.

The complex from Thorne Research is on sale in bottles from dense plastic. It is a standard size capsule. They are recommended to take 1 piece 1-3 times a day. Due to the presence of niacin, spots on the skin and a slight increase in temperature are possible. To minimize such manifestations, it is necessary to take the supplement after a heavy meal.

In the reviews, consumers note that Basic B Complex improves overall well-being and mood. With these vitamins, sleep becomes deeper, and in the morning there are no problems with waking up. A surge of energy is felt throughout the day. This supplement helps to manage irritability. All of these effects can be observed already in the first week of use.



Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw B-Complex

Rating: 4.6

The Garden of Life brand produces raw B-complex vitamins. The composition of this dietary supplement is very rich. In addition to 8 B vitamins, it contains a blend of organic fruits and vegetables, as well as a probiotic and enzyme blend. This product is free of sweeteners, flavors or flavor enhancers. This dietary supplement is suitable for vegetarians.

This Garden of Life complex is sold in dark glass bottles. It is a capsule with a transparent vegetable shell and sand powder. Adults are advised to take 2 capsules 1 time per day. It is better to do this during meals, drinking plenty of water. Alternatively, the contents of the capsule can be mixed with juice. According to reviews, the supplement leaves a not very pleasant aftertaste, and the capsule can also stick to the esophagus.

These raw vitamins are great for the digestive tract. With them, it is much easier for women to experience PMS. Some say that with this complex they were able to get rid of chronic pelvic pain. And also many praise this dietary supplement for the fact that, against the background of its use, it is now almost impossible to piss them off. This remedy is usually well tolerated, but some may develop allergic reactions.



Now Foods B-50

Rating: 4.5

Now Foods is an American brand of nutritional supplement B-50. This remedy contains 8 vitamins and 3 vitamin-like substances of group B. All of them are presented here in very high dosages. This complex is primarily intended for the health of the nervous system. Has conformity to the GMP quality standard. This product is suitable for vegetarians/vegans.

Now Foods B-50 is a standard capsule size shown on the label. They are in a plastic opaque bottle in the amount of 100 or 250 pieces. Adults are advised to take 1 capsule 1 time per day with breakfast. It swallows quite easily. The supplement should be washed down with clean water, avoiding caffeinated drinks.

According to reviews, Now Foods B-50 helps to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome and become more stress-resistant. This complex helps to wake up easier in the morning and do more during the day. Even against the background of the use of this dietary supplement, the skin stops peeling, the hair falls out less and acquires a healthy shine, and the nails become stronger and do not exfoliate.



Country Life Coenzyme B-Complex Caps

Rating: 4.4

American manufacturer Country Life launches Coenzyme B-Complex Caps nutritional supplement. As part of this complex, there are 8 vitamins, 3 vitamin-like substances of group B, as well as alpha-lipoic acid. All components here are in a coenzyme form, which contributes to the maximum absorption of biologically active substances.

Coenzyme B-Complex is a standard size vegan capsules available in 60 or 120 amber glass bottles. Their smell is vitamin, barely perceptible. Color – beige-orange. The manufacturer recommends taking 2 capsules 1 time per day during the main meal. Due to the high doses of vitamins in the composition, some decide to use 1 capsule.

About dietary supplements Coenzyme B-Complex there are mostly positive reviews. Many people like how this remedy helps them with chronic stress, as well as with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Already in the first week of using this complex, a steady surge of strength appears, which lasts throughout the day. Also, many note that thanks to this tool they have improved the condition of their hair, nails, skin.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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