12 best aspirators (nozzle pumps) for newborns

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Today, in every first-aid kit, young parents always have an aspirator. This is a very important device for children from the first months of life. Its device and principle of operation may be different, but the main function is the same – it is pumping out mucus from the child’s sinuses. He still cannot blow his nose on his own, and the accumulation leads to not very good consequences. The baby is uncomfortable during breastfeeding, he is anxious and cannot always fully eat. The snot makes breathing difficult. The child sleeps restlessly, often wakes up. An increased amount of mucus can cause the development of many diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs.

Once upon a time, various improvised means were used as nozzle pumps. These were soft tubes or syringes. Today, aspirators have come to the aid of moms and dads, who quickly and safely perform their function. Our review presents 12 nozzle pumps, which have become the best according to the reviews of parents and the opinion of otolaryngologists. The experts of our magazine recommend them for purchase.

Rating of the best aspirators (nozzle pumps) for newborns

Nomination Place Name of product Price
The best mechanical aspirators for newborns      1 Mechanical aspirator Nosefrida      588 ₽
     2 Canpol Babies with nozzles 5/119 0+      483 ₽
     3 Aqua Maris Regular Care      318 ₽
     4 Asterisk Baby #1      283 ₽
The best syringe aspirators for newborns      1 Bean 00004923000000      260 ₽
     2 NUK for the nose      326 ₽
The best vacuum aspirators for newborns      1 Baby-Vac 19204      1 450 ₽
     2 Pigeon with outlet tube      606 ₽
The best electric aspirators for newborns      1 Coclean Duck      1 900 ₽
     2 B.Well WC-150      1 343 ₽
     3 CS Medica KIDS CS-17      1 622 ₽
     4 Battery powered Cleanoz      1 859 ₽

The best mechanical aspirators for newborns

Mechanical aspirator Nosefrida

Rating: 4.9

The first place is occupied by a device created by a famous Swiss brand. The raw material from which it is produced meets international safety standards. The aspirator is convenient for parents and does not cause discomfort in the newborn. Even with a sudden sharp movement, it does not injure the delicate mucous membrane of the baby. The length of the device together with the tube is 500 mm. It was tested under the control of Russian otolaryngologists, certified and complies with GOST and SanPiN.

The special filter is designed for antibacterial protection. The plastic storage container is hermetically sealed. It is convenient to transport the device in it. Boxing is compact, does not take up much space, helps to maintain sterility and protect the child from germs. The latch is firmly fixed, preventing spontaneous opening. A wide tube is quickly and well washed out of mucus.

Reviews of parents confirm all the positive characteristics of the product. It can be used from the first day of life up to 3 years. All parts of the aspirator remain unchanged, the operating functions are also preserved.



Canpol Babies with nozzles 5/119 0+

Rating: 4.8

On the second line is the device of a well-known brand that produces goods for children from the first days of life. It will help keep the nasal cavities as clean as possible and ensure a restful sleep and life without discomfort. Double protection against mucus entering the mouth reduces the risk to a minimum. She lingers in a special transparent compartment, and the mother can visually control the amount of collected secretions.

The silicone nozzle accurately repeats the anatomical shape of the spout. It excludes too deep penetration inside and therefore is absolutely not traumatic. Soft, but durable components are perfectly cleaned of secretions and not only manually, but also in the dishwasher, which greatly facilitates maintenance.

Small plastic box fits in any bag, does not take up much space, protects against microbes and contaminants getting inside. Regular use for several years does not lead to breakdowns. Plastic does not crack, silicone does not become cloudy, everything remains intact.



Mechanical aspirator Aqua Maris Regular maintenance

Rating: 4.7

In third place is the aspirator, which will easily and painlessly help remove mucus from various infections that cause a runny nose, and carry out regular hygiene to ensure free breathing. Extra soft nozzles accurately repeat the anatomical shape of the nose of babies. They do not injure the sensitive cavity even with the active movements of the child. The set includes 4 pieces. After repeated use, additional sets of 10 nozzles are purchased.

The absorbent filter keeps secretions, so it is quite comfortable for parents to carry out the procedure. The soft tube has an optimal diameter for efficient cleaning and a length for easy application.

The plastic case is convenient for storage and transportation of the device. It is compact, securely fixed, the lock does not break, providing maximum fit between the upper and lower parts of the case. The material is very strong, withstands serious mechanical shocks. The elastic tube, when folded, remains unchanged, does not twist, does not deform.



Mechanical aspirator Zvezdochka Baby №1

Rating: 4.6

Another aspirator, who ranks fourth among the best mechanical devices, will provide invaluable help to moms and dads. It consists of components made from safe, hypoallergenic raw materials. The anatomically shaped transparent tip gently enters the nasal cavity without disturbing the baby. The filter absorbs the collected material, preventing accidental entry into the parent’s mouth.

The tube is elastic, of optimal length, well washed from mucous secretions. It folds compactly for storage, does not bend. Over time, the materials do not darken, remain transparent with the original consumer characteristics.

According to reviews, the device fully meets the expectations of parents. It is convenient and simple, the procedure is fast, non-traumatic, care does not cause difficulties. “Asterisk Baby No. 1” is suitable for the smallest noses from the first day of life. For efficiency and low price, it was marked with high marks and recommended for purchase.



The best syringe aspirators for newborns

Syringe (pear) Chicco 00004923000000

Rating: 4.9

The first in this category is the result of careful development by the specialists of the Italian brand Chicco. At first glance, the shape of the aspirator does not differ from similar syringes. But in terms of efficiency, it significantly outperforms them, which has been proven both by laboratory studies and clinical testing. When pressed, optimal pressure is created to remove all accumulated mucus. The tip is soft, non-traumatic, exactly repeats the anatomy of the nasal cavity, suitable for children 0+.

The pear does not slip out of the hands and will not be able to scare the baby, thanks to special ribbed details on the surface. The procedure is silent and fast. Caring for a syringe is very simple and takes a few minutes. Water cleans well from secretions, leaving no unwashed areas.

According to reviews, this is one of the best nozzle pumps on the market. It is safe, effective. With daily use, all materials are preserved in their original form, and the effectiveness is not reduced. Moms noted the delicate color of the syringe and its presentable appearance with the logo of a brand known to all young parents.



Syringe (pear) NUK for the nose

Rating: 4.8

The second nominee was created taking into account all the anatomical features of children on the first day of life. It is designed for simple and effective care during illnesses and for the hygiene of the nasal cavity. Silicone nozzle limits the depth of penetration into the sinuses, so the child does not feel anxiety. It does not injure the skin, the baby does not experience fear of the procedure. Vacuum pressure allows you to remove all accumulations of mucus at a time.

The syringe is washed by hand, then it can be boiled in the usual way or in special sterilizers. It is very comfortable to hold in hand. The pear does not slip out. Even inexperienced parents will understand the principle of action from the first time and will not make the baby nervous. Its design is made in pure white color, the brightness of which is maintained for the entire period of operation.

An undoubted plus was the presence in the kit of an additional nozzle for cleaning the ears. All the reviews left speak of optimal characteristics, so our experts recommend paying attention to this pear aspirator model.



The best vacuum aspirators for newborns

Baby-Vac 19204

Rating: 4.9

The leader among vacuum aspirators is the device that parents choose and experts advise for use. He has no age restrictions. It is suitable for children from birth, and adults suffering from ENT diseases. In terms of efficiency, the device is similar to professional devices used in clinics and hospitals. It carefully removes accumulated mucus, providing complete control over the process.

Thanks to the unique design, the Baby-Vac aspirator regulates the force of suction itself. The vacuum pump is an ordinary household vacuum cleaner, which is in every family. All components are manufactured in accordance with existing standards. Clinical testing has proven the safety of the aspirator. Another plus is its reliability. It is designed for long-term use, and this is confirmed by customer reviews.

Moms note that the ergonomically shaped nozzle eliminates the appearance of scratches, and as a result, the reluctance to clean the spout. All parts of the device are well washed.



Vacuum aspirator Pigeon with outlet tube

Rating: 4.8

The silver medalist is a Japanese brand device that is used both as a vacuum and as a mechanical device. With a small accumulation of mucus, mom or dad can remove it themselves without using a vacuum cleaner. For thorough cleaning, it is better to use a household appliance as a pump. The model is made of high quality raw materials, which have passed a thorough pre-production selection. It does not cause irritation, it is absolutely safe for the health of the newborn.

The nozzle is very soft. Its thoughtful shape avoids too deep penetration into the baby’s sinuses. He does not feel discomfort, allows you to carry out the procedure without difficulties and as efficiently as possible. The case made of durable plastic ensures hygienic storage of the aspirator. All its parts are compactly folded, the lock closes securely.

Feedback from parents is extremely positive. Everyone noted the simplicity of the design and the strength of all parts. Long service life does not affect efficiency. The device helps both in the complex treatment of ENT diseases and preventive care.



The best electric aspirators for newborns

Nasal spray aspirator for children Coclean Duck

Rating: 4.9

The gold medalist among electric aspirators is a South Korean-made device for newborns and older babies. It is effective in caring for children, maintains hygienic cleanliness of the mucous membrane and helps to get rid of colds faster. The case exactly repeats the ergonomics of the hand, so the device does not slip, it is well fixed. Nozzle pump does not injure the delicate and sensitive nasal cavity.

Not only the optimally designed shape of the nozzle and noiselessness remove the discomfort of the child during the procedure. The built-in music player will help you relax as much as possible and not interfere with your parents’ cleansing activities.

Easy care is another advantage of the model. It is enough to remove the nozzle and the container for collecting mucus, rinse and return them to their place. If necessary, they can be boiled. Many liked the external design of the device. High-quality components do not crack, do not scratch, do not darken.



Electronic aspirator B.Well WC-150

Rating: 4.8

The second place is deservedly occupied by a device that is distinguished by efficiency and maximum safety for babies. 12 melodies are stored in its memory, which will help to carry out the procedure more comfortably. The compact size is convenient both for use at home and for long trips. Plastic complies with safety standards. Silent and vibration-free operation is another undoubted plus of the model. The compressor in a few seconds copes with a large accumulation of mucus, significantly facilitating breathing and well-being.

The soft silicone tip does not scratch the mucosa. Thanks to the restrictor, it does not penetrate very deep. The special shape prevents infection due to the penetration of microorganisms. The kit includes two tips for different ages of the child. Mucus is collected in a transparent reservoir, so parents can always see its amount and assess the baby’s health.

Cleansing after the procedure is very fast. The manufacturer took into account many factors, including batteries and a special storage bag in the package.



Electronic aspirator CS Medica KIDS CS-17

Rating: 4.7

Next on our list is an aspirator that has received positive feedback from both parents and ENT doctors. Model CS-17 is in third place. It has compact dimensions and light weight. The body is made of non-toxic durable plastic. The silicone tip very carefully penetrates into the sinuses without discomfort in infants. During operation, no noise is created that frightens the baby. With the device, you can accustom him to daily hygiene procedures without fear of them.

The electronic compressor ensures maximum clearance of mucus. Two types of tips of different lengths and shapes are designed for children from 0 to 12 years old. They exclude the penetration of microbes and infection of the child. Care after the procedure will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced mothers and fathers. Components can be easily removed and washed quickly.

The device does not require additional costs, since there is no need to buy replacement caps. The two-level system prevents mucus from entering back into the nose. The set includes a special storage case.



Battery powered Cleanoz electronic aspirator

Rating: 4.6

The fourth line is occupied by an electronic nozzle pump, which meets international quality standards and has been tested in many scientific organizations. It is also marked as a device with a zero percentage of manufacturing defects. Its shape is reminiscent of a dolphin, and it is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also brings practical convenience. Pleasant colors attract the attention of the baby, soothes, makes cleansing more enjoyable.

Powerful compressor draws out mucus in seconds. At the same time, it does not create noise and vibration. The silicone tip provides shallow penetration into the nose. It does not damage, does not injure the mucous membrane, it is quietly inserted and taken out of the sinuses.

As for disposable nozzles, buyers did not agree on a single opinion. Someone considered this a plus, since the need for post-procedure care is eliminated: you simply throw away the tip and replace it with a new one. But most preferred to spend a few minutes cleaning than buying a new set each time. Therefore, our experts singled out this characteristic as a minus of the model.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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