12 benefits of eating silage

You may be tempted to call the silage superfoods. Food fermented is easier to digest and has a very high nutritional value (a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber), and at the same time low in calories. However, first of all, silage is a natural probiotic. Here are 12 benefits of eating pickles every day

We publish an excerpt from the book “Home pickles that heal”, by Magdalena Jarzynka-Jendrzejewska and Ewa Sypnik-Pogorzelska, courtesy of the RM Publishing House.

Silage – a good ingredient in slimming diets

How is silage so low in calories? Well during pickling in vegetables and fruits, the initial sugar content is reduced, which also reduces the number of calories. In addition, pickled plant products contain a lot of fiber, so they give you a feeling of fullness despite the low caloric content. Therefore, we can recommend silage as a good ingredient in slimming diets.

The silage is well absorbed

Ensiling increases digestibility and eliminates certain substances from products that are considered undesirable, e.g. gas-forming cyanides, thioglycosides, and also reduces the level of anti-nutrients such as oxalic acid and nitrates. As a result, the nutrients from the silage are better absorbed.

Silage supports the work of the digestive system

The pickled products improve digestion and help restore normal intestinal microflora. They support intestinal peristalsis, which is crucial in the prevention and treatment of constipation. Lactic acid microorganisms regulate the composition of the microbiota, having a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Silage supports the immune system

Fermented food products strengthen the body’s immunity. Probiotic bacteria destroy or weaken the pathogens that cause certain diseases. By acting positively on the intestinal microflora, they strengthen the protective barrier and help fight infections. Vitamin C contained in silages is an additional support for the immune system.

Pickling stabilizes vitamin C.

Contrary to popular belief, silage does not contain more vitamin C than fresh vegetables and fruits. However, fermentation stabilizes vitamin C, thanks to which it does not break down (under normal conditions it is one of the most sensitive vitamins to external factors, especially to heat treatment, light and oxygen).

Silage contains strong antioxidants – vitamins A, C, E.

Lactic fermentation also stabilizes provitamin A, which makes silage a good source of it.

Fermented products are also rich in vitamin E. Vitamins A, C and E are powerful antioxidants. Therefore, containing them silage prevents the aging of the body and reduces the risk of developing cancer, for example.

Vitamin A is essential for the vision process, and also has anti-cancer properties, strengthens the immune system, prevents infections, and helps fight bacteria and viruses. It also affects the beauty – it maintains the proper condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Vitamin C also strengthens the body’s immunity, reduces the susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. It is an effective antioxidant that prevents the aging processes (also of the skin), has anti-cancer properties and improves the functioning of the circulatory system. Vitamin C seals and strengthens blood vessels, which prevents easy bruising, bleeding and gum bleeding.

Vitamin E is called the vitamin of youth. It accelerates the formation of collagen and elastin, neutralizes free radicals responsible for the aging processes, and therefore is widely used in cosmetology. It stimulates circulation, supports the blood supply to connective tissue, skin and mucous membranes and increases skin hydration.

Silage is a source of vitamin B2 and PP

Vitamins B2 and PP are formed during lactic acid fermentation, so the silage has much more of them than the starting product.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It takes part in metabolic processes, the formation of red platelets, and the production of antibodies by the immune system. It also supports tissue regeneration.

Vitamin PP (niacin, also known as vitamin B3) is responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. It takes part in the synthesis of sex hormones, cortisol, thyroxine and insulin.

Silage is a source of many minerals

Fermentation increases the absorption of calcium and ironwhich is important in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, osteopenia and anemia. Silage is also a good source of other minerals, e.g. potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Calcium is the basic ingredient of teeth and bones. It takes part in muscle contractility and conduction of nerve stimuli. It also reduces the permeability of cell membranes (soothes food allergies). It is responsible for proper blood clotting and is a component of many enzymes.

Iron is essential for the proper functioning of our body. It plays an important role in the functioning and building of the hematopoietic system and in strengthening our immunity. It is a component needed for the transport and storage of oxygen.

Potassium is an element that ensures the proper water-electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, it also helps to maintain adequate blood pressure and muscle tone, and prevents swelling.

Phosphorus together with calcium and vitamin D is responsible for healthy and strong bones. In addition, it is necessary, among other things, for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Silage lowers cholesterol

Eating fermented foods lowers cholesterol – partly due to the fact that some microbial bacteria convert it into sterols. In addition, the high fiber content in the silage has a positive effect on regulating cholesterol levels.

See also: The symptom of high cholesterol appears on the feet. Pay attention to this detail

Silage regulates the absorption of glucose in the blood

The pickled products regulate the absorption of sugar in the blood, and thus – are recommended for the prevention and support of diabetes treatment.

Silage contains acetylcholine

Acetylcholine is also produced in the ensilage process. This chemical has many effects. It improves intestinal peristalsis, lowers blood pressure and is a neurotransmitter, i.e. it supports the transmission of nerve stimuli. Therefore, this substance affects the activity of the heart and the digestive tract, but also participates in memory processes and determines the ability to concentrate attention. It is also responsible for the efficiency of the muscles and the rest of the body.

Silage – a source of probiotics and prebiotics

For us as nutritionists, the most important health-promoting advantage of silage is that it is a source of natural probiotics and prebiotics. Lactic acid bacteria positively influence metabolic processes and regulate the composition of the gastrointestinal microflora. In addition, probiotic bacterial cultures develop even better thanks to the accompanying prebiotics contained in the silage.

The inclusion of silage in your menu supports the renewal of the bacterial flora, weakened, for example, by antibiotic therapy or the frequent use of popular painkillers.

Ecological Sauerkraut Juice and Ecological Sauerkraut Juice at affordable prices can be found at Medonet Market.

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