11th week of pregnancy (13 weeks)

11th week of pregnancy (13 weeks)

11 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

In this 11th week of pregnancy (13 weeks), the fetus measures 8,5 cm and weighs approximately 30 g.

His head remains proportionately large compared to the rest of the body, but little by little the balance is made.

The fetus is 11 weeks old and its skeleton appears, with the formation of the first bones in the pelvis and ribs. On the face, the nose and chin – for the moment simple cartilaginous tissue – begin to emerge, giving the fetus a more human physiognomy. An appearance further accentuated by the appearance of the first hairs on the eyebrows. The lanugo, a fine down that will fall off at birth, begins to cover the skin which is still translucent at this stage of pregnancy.

It’s already the end of 1st quarter and the fetal nervous system continues its rapid development. Nerve cells multiply and differentiate, but they are not yet connected to each other by the network of synapses. The brain of the 11 month old baby continues its development and now includes three entities: the reptilian brain (regulation of vegetative life), the limbic brain (seat of affectivity, emotion and learning) and the neocortex (brain of consciousness). – even formed of two hemispheres. It is not yet functional and it will take several years after birth for it to be fully functional.

The placenta, connected to the baby by the umbilical cord, now ensures all the fetal-maternal exchanges both in terms of oxygen and nutrients.

Where is the mother’s body at 11 weeks pregnant?

À 13 weeks of amenorrhea (11 SG), the nausea of ​​pregnancy subsides, as does fatigue, announcing the imminent arrival of the second trimester generally presented as the most pleasant period of pregnancy.

The uterus continues to develop and the belly begins to become visible in this 3th month of pregnancy. Little by little, the abdomen is getting ready to welcome a baby who will not stop growing during the coming months. Long before the uterus pushes back the diaphragm, changes are observed in the respiratory system: the lower sides widen, the level of the diaphragm rises by 4 cm, the abdominals become less toned, the respiratory tree is congested.

To meet the oxygen requirements of the fetus and the placenta, the blood volume continues to increase. Breathing is faster, the mother-to-be easily out of breath. As the body temperature is higher due to this increased blood flow, sweating is often more intense.


Which foods to favor at 11 weeks of pregnancy (13 weeks)?

The baby’s bones and muscles begin to build at 11 weeks pregnant (13 weeks). The mother-to-be’s uterus expands and her blood volume increases. The pregnant woman and the fetus both need amino acids, contained in animal proteins to promote these developments. These proteins as well as iron are present in meat (in particular red meat), but also in poultry and pork. Red meat must be well cooked to avoid any risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. Oily fish can be consumed twice a week, for their contribution rich in trace elements and omega 3. Dairy products (cheese, yogurt, milk) provide calcium, essential for bone building. 


11 weeks pregnant (13 weeks): how to adapt?

Week by week of pregnancy, the risks of miscarriage are lower and lower, especially from the end of the 3th month of pregnancy. However, we must continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy. It is urgent to stop this kind of consumption, if the pregnant woman has not already stopped. You should also stay away from smokers, as there are risks also for passive smoking. Self-medication is not recommended: any wish to relieve pain by administering medication must be the subject of a medical opinion. 

Good news, it’s time to think about how to announce the happy event to loved ones, if you haven’t already.

Things to remember at 13:XNUMX PM

  • inform her employer of her pregnancy. This is not a legal obligation, but doing so allows you to benefit from the provisions provided for pregnant women in the labor code and the collective agreement. This also allows the employer and the employee to better organize the departure on maternity leave. It is advisable to inform your employer in writing, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Remember to specify the expected date of delivery which appears on the pregnancy certificate, document to be attached to the letter.
  • perform examinations for the 3rd month of pregnancy (urinalysis, toxoplasmosis serology if not immunized).


To meet the increased caloric needs associated with the extra work of the heart and lungs and the energy needs of the fetus and placenta, basal metabolism increases by 15 to 30% during pregnancy. With the end of nausea, appetite often increases from the end of the first trimester, leading to an increase in food intake of 200 kcal / day. No need to eat for two! An extra snack – a fruit, a dairy product, a few oilseeds rather than a cookie or a candy bar – is enough to meet these needs.

Pregnancy week by week: 

9th week of pregnancy

10th week of pregnancy

12th week of pregnancy

13th week of pregnancy


1 Comment

  1. bohoma sthuthi.tny .

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