The main achievement of this period is a decrease in the symptoms of early toxicosis, an increase in the volume of the uterus. At week 11, the second half of the third month begins, the first trimester is coming to an end. More recently, the expectant mother, with bated breath, examined two cherished strips on the test, and a few weeks later her future baby already looks like a little man. All organs are formed in him, and he reacts to the movements of the mother, feels the taste of her food.
Fetal development
At the 11th week of pregnancy, intensive development of the fetal brain occurs. Active cell division of the central nervous system is combined with the rapid growth of the fetus over the next few weeks. The muscles of the neck are strengthened, thanks to which the unborn child can slightly raise his head, turn it to the sides. His muscle activity increased significantly due to the development of small joints, cartilage ossification. The fetus moves freely in the amniotic fluid, helping itself with its feet with fingers that have retained the membranes so far. The handles have already lost them, small fingers can cover the face, grab the umbilical cord.
Fetal parameters:
Weight – 7-8 g;
Length – up to 10 cm;
Coccygeal-parietal size – 5-6 cm.
The baby’s heart calmly pumps blood through the body, through the network of blood vessels, supplies them with oxygen. In the composition of the blood, the first lymphocytes can be detected. These blood cells will guard the immunity of the fetus. The liver at this time takes up to 10% of the total body weight, it begins to actively engage in hematopoiesis.
The small intestine, even in the absence of food, begins the first contractions and movements resembling peristalsis. The kidneys of the fetus excrete waste products into the amniotic fluid, and then it enters the kidneys of the mother.
The respiratory system has bronchi, a trachea, and a network of pulmonary blood vessels that will not soon take their first breath. The alveoli of the lungs are not yet formed.
The eyes on an excessively large head have not yet taken their permanent place, but a colored iris is already forming in them, which determines the color of the eyes in the future.
The increased need for nutrients will require the mother to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, which the doctor will recommend.
Video about what happens to the fetus at week 11, the feelings of the expectant mother, about the rules of safe food, actions in case of food poisoning:
What does ultrasound show
The thickness of the collar space is an indicator of the presence or absence of Down syndrome. Additionally, the proportions of the torso and limbs of the fetus, the shape of the head, the number of fingers and toes are evaluated.
Ultrasound parameters evaluated during screening:
The thickness of the collar space (neck fold) is not more than 3 mm;
The presence of a nasal bone, its absence is a sign of down syndrome;
The presence or absence of blood flow in the venous duct;
The size of the bladder, with down syndrome it is enlarged;
The size of the upper jaw, with down syndrome it is more than normal;
The number of umbilical arteries, if there are not 2, but 1, is a sign of a chromosomal developmental anomaly.
A positive result is a reason for consulting a geneticist and applying specific research methods.
Mandatory tests
When visiting a antenatal clinic at the 11th week of pregnancy, they will offer to pass:
Blood test for hormones,
Urinalysis to determine the level of leukocytes and protein.
A deviation from the norm of the level of protein and leukocytes may indicate an inflammatory process occurring in the body.
The level of hCG in a woman’s blood reaches its peak for a period of 11 weeks. This hormone provided the necessary levels of estrogen and progesterone throughout the entire 1 trimester, maintaining the normal course of pregnancy. From this point on, the functions of hCG are performed by the placenta.
Examination calendar
The optimal time for ultrasound is 11-14 weeks of pregnancy. The study will show whether the unborn child has Down syndrome, what condition his neural tube is in. In addition to the results of an ultrasound scan, a woman will be offered to donate blood to determine genetic pathologies. If possible developmental defects are suspected, the pregnant woman is sent for a study of the chorionic villi, confirming or refuting the assumption.
Prenatal screening:
5-6 weeks – ultrasound to confirm uterine pregnancy;
11-12 weeks – ultrasound of malformations (Down syndrome, fetal neural tube defect, Edwards defect);
11-14 weeks and 16-18 weeks – a blood test for genetic pathologies.
Pregnancy with twins
The course of a multiple pregnancy at week 11 almost does not differ either in the feelings of the mother or in the condition of the future babies. The only significant difference is that if a woman has symptoms of early toxicosis, they may be felt longer than during normal pregnancy – up to 16-18 weeks. The resources of the body during such a pregnancy run out faster, so the expectant mother of twins should tune in advance to the fact that, perhaps, the pregnancy will not be able to be carried to 40 weeks, and the newborns will have a weight slightly below normal.
At 11 weeks, both fetuses have the same rate of development, height, and weight as a fetus in a singleton pregnancy. The increased size of the uterus will make the abdomen noticeable earlier, especially since at this time the growth rate of each fetus will increase.
Tips and Tricks
Increased tearfulness, resentment, mood swings, unreasonable fears are a reason to contact a psychologist.
To improve bowel function and replenish calcium, you should include more fermented milk products in your diet – cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.
Weakness and fatigue are possible symptoms of iron deficiency, so you need to take a hemoglobin test and, if necessary, take measures to combat anemia, including beef, liver, pomegranates, apples, and iron supplements recommended by a gynecologist in your diet.
To improve well-being, it is desirable to spend more time outdoors, perform breathing exercises and feasible exercises, walk, admiring the views of nature.
Do not be upset about the deterioration of the condition of the hair and nails. After giving birth, their appearance returns to normal.
If the work of a pregnant woman is associated with physical and mental stress, it should, in agreement with the management, switch to more favorable working conditions.
Now the main thing is a positive emotional climate in the family and in the work team. It is important to remember that all negative experiences affect the well-being of the unborn child.