11 week of pregnancy from conception
The first trimester ends at the 11th week of pregnancy from conception, with it the unpleasant symptoms of psychological and physical adaptation go away, and calmness and confidence come instead

What happens to the baby at 11 weeks

From the 11th week of pregnancy from conception, the baby begins to grow actively, and it will develop at an accelerated pace until the 22nd week.

During the 11th week, the bones of the skeleton actively lengthen, the child becomes more harmonious, since now his body is catching up and surpassing his head in size. Fingers are formed on the arms and legs of the child. Muscle tissue develops intensively, because of which the baby begins to actively move. True, while he is too small for his mother to feel his stirring in her stomach.

The skin of the child is very thin and sensitive, through it the blood vessels and organs of the baby are visible.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, his milk teeth are already formed, the thyroid gland is developed, and the pancreas begins to produce insulin. The central and peripheral nervous systems develop, convolutions form in the cerebral cortex. From 11 weeks from conception, the fetus begins to feed through the placenta, thereby preparing for independent life outside the mother’s womb.

Fetal ultrasound

An ultrasound of the fetus at the 11th week of pregnancy will determine the probable gender of the unborn baby. During this period, the genital tubercle in boys becomes longer and forms a penis, while in girls it increases slightly and bends down, forming a clitoris.

In addition, with an ultrasound of the fetus at week 11, you can see that the baby puts his thumb in his mouth – the muscles and length of the limbs in some cases already allow him to do this.

The eyelids of the child are still tightly compressed, future facial features are already visible, the baby’s nose is clearly visible.

Often at this time, the expectant mother is sent for the first screening, which involves an ultrasound of the fetus and a blood test. The data obtained are studied, after which the doctor can conclude whether there are risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities, for example, Down syndrome, Edwards and Patau.

With the help of a comprehensive study in the first trimester, other pathologies can be detected, for example:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • glioma;
  • cerebral hernia;
  • aneurysm;
  • bradycardia;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • hypoxia;
  • tachycardia;
  • developmental delay;
  • anemia;
  • heart disease.

Photo life

A baby at the 11th week of pregnancy from conception is the size of a large nectarine: it weighs about 28-30 grams, and its body length is about 7-9 centimeters. At the same time, it grows literally by the hour.

A photo of the abdomen at the 11th week of pregnancy already slightly hints at the interesting position of a woman, but in order to notice this, you need to remember her “before” parameters very well. While pregnancy is more obvious to her than to others.

– At the 11th week of pregnancy from conception, the bottom of the uterus moves slightly above the upper edge of the pubic symphysis and can already be felt through the anterior abdominal wall. But usually at this time, the size of the abdomen does not change so significantly that your pregnancy becomes noticeable to others, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Evgeniya Bondar.

The uterus becomes softer and more elastic day by day.

What happens to mom at 11 weeks

The difficult first trimester is left behind, ahead is the lull characteristic of the beginning of the second trimester.

Childbirth is still a long way off, but some women may already be producing colostrum, a nutrient fluid that the baby will be saturated with in the first days before milk arrives.

During this period, it is important to monitor your diet. Expectant mothers often experience increased appetite, but remember to increase your daily diet by just 300 calories while not losing sight of important nutrients. The child is actively growing and valuable for him at this time are protein (protein), iron and calcium.

The latter is necessary for the baby to form bones and, if the mother does not consume calcium in sufficient quantities, he will take it from her body. Hence the problems with the teeth of some women who have given birth. Doctors advise you to immediately review your diet so that you do not run to the dentist later.

What sensations can you experience in 11 week

The main thing that most women notice at this time is calmness and comfort, which are often lacking at the beginning of pregnancy. Unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis go away with the first trimester, the hormonal background returns to normal, in addition, the stomach is still small and does not interfere with movement – golden time.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers may feel a surge of strength, a desire to return to their usual way of life. This is normal and you should not limit your desire for physical activity.

True, at the 11th week of pregnancy, you can experience new sensations, alas, not always pleasant:

  1. Nasal congestion is a frequent companion of pregnancy. It occurs due to the fact that the mucous membranes of the mother are too active, and the vessels are dilated due to the increased volume of blood in the body. However, it is better to check with your doctor if the flu is causing a runny nose.
  2. Scabies pregnant. A fifth of all women in the position complain of itching, bothering at different times. It can be removed with antihistamines or menthol lotions.
  3. Constipation. Because of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, many women experience problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and most often with constipation. Doctors advise in such cases to add foods with a laxative effect, such as beets, to the diet, as well as move more.
  4. The soreness of the breast can still be annoying, and sometimes colostrum begins to stand out.


Since there should not be any periods during pregnancy, this is most likely not menstruation, but genital bleeding. Such bleeding can be vaginal, then they are caused by infection or mechanical damage, or uterine, which can also mean illness or problems with the baby.

What kind of discharge should motivate a woman to call an ambulance:⠀

  • if a large amount of blood is secreted;
  • if there are a large number of blood clots in the secretions;
  • if bleeding is accompanied by weakness and fainting.

– Bloody discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy occurs with placenta previa or abruption, and sometimes from the vagina and cervix for reasons not related to pregnancy (trauma, inflammation, polyps, tumors, etc.). Bleeding can be a symptom of a threatened or incipient miscarriage. In any case, this is a formidable sign that requires immediate medical attention, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Evgenia Bondar.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain at 11 weeks of gestation is a fairly common symptom. Most often, these are pulling pains that are associated with an increase in the uterus and a change in its position in the woman’s body. They are easy to distinguish because they are intermittent and do not interfere with a woman’s daily activities.

Sometimes abdominal pain occurs due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The same constipation and bloating can cause discomfort to the expectant mother.

Another thing is severe abdominal pain that does not subside after rest. They can mean serious problems, up to a miscarriage, especially if accompanied by other warning signs, such as spotting.

Brown discharge

Normal discharge during pregnancy is the same as in normal times:

  • white or transparent;
  • usually odorless (possible slight sour smell);
  • they are similar in texture to raw egg whites.

Everything else can already mean pathology. Any discharge with an unpleasant odor, an unusual color, for example, brownish (outside of menstruation), with itching and burning in the perineum, should alert.

Such discharge can mean anything from an infection to a possible placenta previa or abruption, from tumors or injuries to a miscarriage.

For any non-standard discharge during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor and do not hesitate to call an ambulance if necessary.

Popular questions and answers

What is Rhesus conflict and why is it dangerous?

The so-called Rh conflict develops only in cases where the father was Rh-positive and the fetus is also positive, and the mother is Rh-negative. In this case, the mother’s body produces antibodies against the fetus, perceiving the child as something alien. The baby suffers from a lack of oxygen, his body begins to actively produce toxic bilirubin, and all this can even lead to the death of the child.

Fortunately, there is a prevention of the Rhesus conflict. An Rh-negative mother is given immunoglobulin at 28 weeks to block the woman’s immune system. After 12 weeks, he will be removed from her body by itself. After giving birth, they also give an injection.

Is it true that pregnant women should not sunbathe?

Smoking and tanning in a solarium are almost comparable in terms of harm to the body, so do not be zealous in the pursuit of chocolate skin color. Yes, this is certainly a way to get vitamin D, but it is better to find other sources of it. Ultraviolet, for a second, increases the risk of developing oncology, and the appearance of the skin does not have the best effect – it ages faster.

But you shouldn’t completely deprive yourself of pleasures, you can sunbathe for half an hour before 10 am or after 17.00 pm, when the sun is not so destructive.

Is it possible to plan the gender of the child?

Now they talk a lot about this, on the net you can find a bunch of tips, tables on how to conceive a baby of the desired gender. It’s just that they all don’t work. A new life is born when an egg is fertilized by a sperm. The first always contains an X chromosome, and the second X or Y. If X, you will have a girl, and if Y, you will have a boy. And so far there is no way to influence the fact that it is the sperm with the right chromosome that will win the race and fertilize the egg.

Is it possible to have sex?

At 11 weeks pregnant from conception, many couples feel a surge of sexual energy. This is due to the fact that the discomfort for a woman is behind, the body calms down and the libido awakens with renewed vigor.

Is it possible to have sex during this period? It is possible and necessary, but subject to a normal pregnancy.

The main thing is not to forget that “pregnant” sex has some features. At the turn of the first and second trimesters, due to the growing uterus and hormonal surges, libido increases. Some women claim that at this time they had the brightest and longest orgasms. By the way, you don’t have to be afraid of orgasms. In a normal pregnancy, uterine contractions will not harm the baby.

When is the best time to refrain:

if there is a threat of abortion or early miscarriages in the past;

if there is bloody or atypical discharge;

with a low location or placenta previa;

if your partner has not been tested for sexually transmitted diseases;

with restrictions, you can have sex for women who bear several babies at once.

What to do if the temperature rises?

A slightly elevated temperature during pregnancy is a common thing. But if a woman feels unwell and a real fever, you need to go to the doctor. It could be a common cold that will go away on its own after a week, or it could be an infection that will require medication.

You should not take antipyretic drugs on your own, only a specialist can prescribe you safe medications.

But you can resort to traditional methods of relieving heat: wiping with cool water, airing the premises, ice compresses.

What to do if it pulls the lower abdomen?

– After physical and emotional stress, the pregnant uterus may tone up, which is manifested by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In this case, you need to calm down and lie down. If after rest the pain does not go away or intensifies, you should consult a doctor, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Evgenia Bondar.

How to eat right?

Nutrition of a pregnant woman should be complete and varied. Food should be taken in small portions at regular intervals.

You can eat bread, grain products, rice, potatoes, pasta, plant foods, fiber, bran, whole grains, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits.

At the 11th week of pregnancy, you should try to eat foods rich in calcium, iron and proteins more often. Calcium is needed by the baby for teeth and bones, and iron is needed by both mother and child, due to an increase in blood volume.

Naturally, it is better to refuse fried, canned and spicy. If a woman is prone to puffiness, you need to limit the use of sweet and salty. If you suffer from constipation, remove from the diet products that complicate the work of the intestines.

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