The mind, like the body, requires proper nutrition and regular exercise. Keep him in good shape – especially since you have several proven IQ simulators at your disposal.
We know that memory can be trained by learning foreign languages or memorizing poetry, the body – by yoga and physical activity. But all this requires will and considerable capacity for work. Scientists offer us 11 not-so-obvious ways to become smarter without much effort. And they tell how sugar, water and computer games affect our mental abilities.
1. Drink two glasses of water within 30 minutes of waking up. Water is essential for the body to filter toxins and maintain fluid balance. When we sleep, we don’t drink for 6-9 hours straight. Two large glasses of water make up for this deficiency. Research by psychologists Burgess and Benton also shows that when students drink plenty of water, they perform better on intellectual tasks.
2. Read book reviews during breakfast. Newspapers and news feeds are not the best choice for good mornings. To keep abreast of the most useful book novelties, a brief retelling of new publications in the field that interests you will help. To subscribe to reviews, use applications such as smartreading or knigikratko (books in Russian), Blinkist and getAbstract.
3. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks on your way to work. It’s an easy and enjoyable way to keep learning. An excellent source of valuable information will be the lectures of the TED portal. You can download audio files in advance, without spending extra on mobile Internet.
4. Drink green tea at work. Green tea (especially powdered Japanese matcha) contains L-theanine. This amino acid improves concentration and relieves stress without causing drowsiness.
5. Have a siesta. A short nap refreshes the thought process and increases the effectiveness of learning. On average, most people need sleep between noon and 16:00 pm, and around XNUMX:XNUMX pm. This is the perfect time to relax.
6. Limit your sugar intake. It’s best to avoid it altogether. But if you are not ready for such drastic measures, at least try not to eat sweets during intensive work. An increase and subsequent sharp decrease in blood sugar levels have a bad effect on mental abilities. “Invigorate” the brain fatty acids found in eggs or fish.
7. Access social media and entertainment sites only once or twice a day. The brain adapts to the type of information you feed it with. If you bombard him with fast-paced, non-stimulating content, attention spans inevitably drop. If you are prone to procrastination, turn on the timer: so it will not take hours and days to scroll mindlessly through the social network feed.
8. Instead of watching series and TV, play games. Watching TV is a passive and often completely useless activity. Try switching to video games. German researchers have found that even such a simple game as Super Mario has a noticeable effect on the plasticity of brain structures.
9. Learn programming. Programming is like solving puzzles. It is a powerful stimulant of logical abilities. Thanks to new online resources (for example, or the Russian-language Foxford), even a schoolboy can master it. And you can definitely do it…
10. Communicate with scholars. Habits are contagious, and not only bad ones. The way of life and thinking of the people around you will definitely leave an imprint on you. Let those who have something to learn get into your circle of friends.
11. Walk. Walking improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain, and the level of stress hormones is greatly reduced. Walking in the middle of the day is a recharge until late in the evening.
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