Absinthe (from the English “absinthe”) in its pure form is a rather bitter drink, so all the methods that have been invented for more than 200 years are aimed at softening this bitterness. There are more than a dozen ways to drink absinthe, in this article Shake will try to reveal them all.
Pour one part of absinthe into a glass, put a special absinthe spoon on the edge of the glass, put a sugar cube on it. Pour three parts of ice water into a glass over sugar in a spoon. Sugar will dissolve in water, and the resulting syrup will mix with absinthe.
A continuation of this method is the use of absinthe with crushed ice in the same proportions.
The Czech method consists of 2 possible options, consider them:
First. Through a piece of sugar on an absinthe spoon set at the edges of the glass, skip one part of absinthe in large drops. Set fire to sugar and drip the resulting caramel into absinthe. Then dilute with three parts of water. This, the most famous, method is dangerous because absinthe in a glass can easily catch fire, and requires caution. In such cases, some connoisseurs consider this one of the signals to start diluting absinthe with water – the drink, losing its strength, will go out by itself.
Second. It consists in the fact that a piece of sugar is placed on a heated spoon with holes, which is held over a glass. Absinthe is poured onto the spoon. Thus, Absinthe is mixed with sugar and a kind of syrup is obtained. This method raises doubts about practicality, because in order to achieve a similar effect, the spoon must be constantly heated.
Czech method of drinking absinthe.
Crystal Czech
One of the classic and easiest ways. Pour a little absinthe over your eyes into a thick-walled glass. Light it up and wait a bit for it to burn out. Blow out and immediately drink in one gulp, without eating or drinking.
Make sugar syrup separately, and then dilute it with absinthe in the desired proportion. Personally, I have been using this method for quite some time, it is fast and very effective for large companies. The disadvantages of this method include the loss of absinthe taste due to excessive sweetness.
Pour four parts of iced absinthe into an absinthe glass. Set it on fire. Put a piece of sugar on an absinthe spoon, hold it over the flame. The sugar will begin to melt and drip into the glass, crystallizing at the bottom. When the number of round brown crystals fills the remaining fifth of the glass, remove the spoonful of sugar. Prepare a cocktail tube. Blow out the flame and immediately, lowering the tube into the glass, without stopping, drink all the liquid contents of the glass through it in several quick large sips, be sure to pass it all over the tongue in order to feel the taste deeper.
The method is quite bold, but because of the plastic tube, I would not recommend testing it. If you have steel tubes – definitely try it and write about the effect in the comments.
citrus absinthe
For this method, we need any citrus fruit, cut it and form slices, peel the slices from internal films, thus exposing the pulp of the fruit. Roll the slices in a mixture of granulated sugar and cinnamon to taste.
Pour 50 ml of absinthe into an absinthe glass and set it on fire. With steel tongs, take the previously prepared slice and hold it over the fire so that the mixture of sugar, cinnamon and juice drips into the glass. You can press the slice a little with tongs for more abundant juice secretion.
Now it is necessary to block the access of oxygen to the glass in order to extinguish the flame. Let the glass cool down a little and drink warm absinthe. For a snack, dissolve crystals of burnt sugar with cinnamon.
Toad (Friday)
30 ml of absinthe is poured into the snifter. 15 ml of mint liqueur, 100 ml of champagne and 30 ml of vodka are poured into rocks. Absinthe is ignited in the snifter and rotated so that the glass is heated evenly and does not crack. Then pour the burning contents into the rocks and insert the snifter from above.
It is important that the snifter is firmly immersed in the rocks to create a kind of vacuum between the glasses, with the help of which the “toad” effect is created in the form of bubbles on the surface of the drink. Once the bubbles are gone, quickly remove and place a couple of wipes under the snifter. Shake the rocks in the same way as tequila boom, drink in one gulp, and then inhale the vapors from under the snifter through a plastic tube (the tube must be carefully placed between the napkin and the snifter).
Happy Milkman
Mix in equal proportions absinthe, whiskey and milk. Drink slowly, if possible, with pleasure.
Pour 1/3 of ice water into a glass, then 2/3 of absinthe, so that the liquids do not mix, but there are 2 layers. We drink. The effect is that the strong taste of absinthe is replaced by the softness of water.
Pour absinthe and grenadine into the shot in a ratio of 9 to 1, set it on fire and carefully lower the stack into a highball glass of champagne. The contents begin to slowly turn into a bright cherry color, and in the end a rich eggplant-colored drink is obtained. The stack must remain in the glass at all times. To make the taste of the drink uniform, you can stir it with a straw. Drink slowly and enjoy.
Pour absinthe into an iron mug on one finger, add cold water to the level of 2/3 of the mug. Mix and drink in small sips.
Now you know how to drink absinthe correctly.
13 famous absinthe drinkers
Relevance: 04.03.2015
Tags: absinthe