11 things to avoid when trying to get pregnant

11 things to avoid when trying to get pregnant

Nobody likes restrictions, but isn’t being able to become parents faster is worth it?

Trying to get pregnant is like playing with an unpredictable ending. You never know if this will be the same day or month when the test comes back positive. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can increase your chances of conceiving. And here we are not talking about the classic tracking of the cycle, but about some self-restraints. After all, sometimes what you don’t do is just as important as what you care about all the time. So what are 11 things to give up for all those who want to get pregnant?


You are probably already planning to quit smoking when you are in position, but it is better to do this beforehand. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, smokers take longer to conceive: smoking increases the egg’s tendency to genetic abnormalities and also increases the risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. In addition, girls with this “useful” habit are forced to resort to artificial insemination almost twice as often. By the way, your partner should also stop smoking breaks – research shows that smokers have lower sperm count and their motility or swimming speed, and more sperm abnormalities appear.

Too Much Caffeine

Don’t worry: you will get your morning dose of pleasure. The researchers concluded that drinking up to 200 milliliters of caffeine a day did not affect fertility or the risk of termination of pregnancy. Nevertheless, experts advise not to exceed the recommended rate. Caffeine increases blood pressure and heart rate for both you and your baby. In large quantities, it can lead to dehydration and cause dependence in the fetus already in the womb. So if you don’t want to overdo it, start cutting your daily coffee intake now.


Sorry to be upset, but excessive alcohol consumption (two or more drinks a day) can lead to irregular ovulation and abnormal estrogen and progesterone levels. And all this can make it difficult to conceive. Plus, if you’re charting your basal body temperature, it’s hard to get accurate readings even after a glass of champagne.

Need another compelling argument? Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to fetal disorders, and it may take two weeks or more before you realize that you are pregnant. Is it worth the risk if you are already planning to conceive? It is better to skip the bar or opt for safer drinks like soda. But not only you are advised to abstain. It has already been proven that even moderate alcohol consumption (about five drinks a week) can reduce the quality of a partner’s sperm.

Extremes in weight

It is very important to have a healthy weight when you are planning a pregnancy. With a low mass index, there is a risk of irregular ovulation or no ovulation at all. Obesity can cause a number of complications during pregnancy: gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, birth defects, or the need for a caesarean section.

There are special calculators to calculate your mass index, and if you fall into one of the risk categories, then consult your doctor on how to come to the normal indicators. Often, even a little weight gain or loss is enough to increase your chances of conceiving.

Improper diet

There is still no definitive proof of the existence of products that increase our reproductive function. But experts agree on one thing: if you are in good shape, you will get pregnant much faster. What’s a good form without proper nutrition? Another reason to ditch fries in favor of spinach salad is folate. It contains vitamin B, which the body needs before and after conception to prevent birth defects. Doctors also recommend consuming vitamins that are high in folate (at least 400 micrograms) all the time you are trying to get pregnant.

Neglecting oral hygiene

It’s time for both you and your partner to make an appointment with the dentist if you want a healthy continuation of the family. Poor oral hygiene can affect a person’s sperm count. And if you have gum disease, there is an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight.

Lazy lifestyle

Do you still come up with excuses not to play sports? It’s in vain. One reproductive study found that regular, moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, leisurely cycling, golfing, and gardening, reduces the amount of time it takes for women to become pregnant.

Heavy loads

We understand that I also want to stay in shape, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. In the same study we mentioned above, vigorous exercise increased the amount of time it took women to get pregnant. This does not mean that you need to give up your morning run if you have always done it, but you definitely should not exhaust yourself with training, otherwise there is a risk of knocking down the entire menstrual cycle.


BPA, aka bisphenol A, is a chemical found in some plastic products. You can meet him in water bottles, food containers and even in aluminum cans. Some studies have led scientists to believe that high exposure to BPA can affect fertility in men and women by lowering sperm count or reducing the number of viable eggs. To limit your exposure to BPA, it is best to avoid canned foods and plastic items with a recycling number of 3 or 7. These are usually indicated on the bottom of the item.

Increased stress

Experts disagree over whether it can cause infertility. However, research has shown that women who are exposed to more stress doubled their chances of infertility. And the problems with conception themselves are still such stress! So if you feel that your emotional background may affect your ability to conceive, then talk to your doctor about troubling problems and how to solve them. Several studies have shown that with activities such as yoga and acupuncture, not only can you relax, but also increase your chances of conceiving a healthy baby.

Large sea fish

If you want to get pregnant, then give up marlin, king mackerel, bigeye tuna, shark meat or swordfish. They contain a large amount of mercury, and this, in turn, can adversely affect the reproductive functions of both men and women. In addition, mercury is not excreted from the body for a long time and can harm the brain or nervous system of the fetus. What about seafood lovers then? Just opt ​​for the less dangerous species: anchovies, scallops, cod, salmon, sardines, flounder, trout or tilapia. But remember, on the menu of pregnant women, such delights can occur no more than two or three times a week, and the serving size should be limited to 100 grams.

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