11 Signs Your Lover Is a Sexist

Falling in love, we turn a blind eye to certain qualities of a partner or consciously interpret them incorrectly. We mistake the desire for emotional control for caring, cruelty for masculinity. Let’s look at 11 signs of sexism that should alert you.

1. Desire to win

It is nice to win, but when the desire to win becomes an obsession, both the person and others suffer. The one who wants to be the first in everything does not allow the partner to take the initiative and cannot rejoice in his success. In a healthy relationship, both partners benefit.

2. The desire for risk

Risk takers are constantly putting themselves in danger. “Violence and crime are often associated with risk-taking and thrill-seeking,” explains Frank Farley, professor of psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia. He advises to communicate with people who are interesting in themselves, and not because of their extreme hobbies.

3. Cruelty

Even in healthy relationships, people sometimes get mad at each other. If you and your partner respect each other, then don’t be afraid to show that you are unhappy or annoyed. Displays of cruelty are a sign that a person cannot deal with anger in civilized ways.

You can not continue a relationship with someone who harms you physically. However, if your partner realizes that his behavior is wrong, he can undergo special therapy to get rid of manifestations of aggression and learn to resolve problems peacefully.

4. Arrogance

The ability to cope with difficulties on your own is a valuable quality. However, if a person refuses to seek help, their partner may feel worthless. We do not ask for help because we are afraid of becoming dependent on another. When offering help, say that it’s important to you too.

5. Striving for emotional control

You are seriously worried about something, and your partner tells you that it’s time to stop worrying about nonsense. You feel frustrated because your feelings are devalued. People behave this way out of self-doubt. In a healthy relationship, it is customary to respect the feelings of a partner, support each other without trying to control.

6. Lust for power

Some men control women simply because they do not consider them equal. Others demonstrate power because they are afraid that the partner looks too smart or successful. In both cases, with the help of control, they try to cope with their fears.

7. Sexual promiscuity

If a person avoids full-fledged intimate relationships and considers contacts with different partners to be the norm, he considers people as objects of satisfaction of biological needs. It is useless to dream that such a person, thanks to your love, will become monogamous. Women who are looking for a stable relationship should avoid such men.

8. Work priority over personal life

Most of us have to work hard. However, if work becomes the main priority, relationships with loved ones suffer. Priorities may change. A person used to be lonely and “burnt at work”, but when he has a partner, he can become different. You need to be patient and not be afraid to talk about how you need a partner, how important his presence and support are for you.

9. Striving for status

Anyone who dreams of a high status, as a rule, values ​​titles, positions and regalia higher than people. He uses those around him to reach the top.

10. Homophobia

Negative attitudes towards homosexuals are an indicator of self-doubt. Some people subconsciously fear that they may be closeted homosexuals, so they avoid communicating with same-sex couples.

11. Domination

If your partner orders for you at a restaurant, it may only seem cute the first time. Then you’ll get annoyed at having to eat shrimp, which you don’t like too much, every week. Such behavior should not be tolerated. Talk about what you like and what you don’t. Do not allow your interests, preferences and views to be suppressed.

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