11 recipes for natural face and eye masks: photos, details

September is harvest time in the country. Parsley, potatoes, cucumber, even horseradish – all these products can be turned into effective products for the skin of the face, eyelids, hair and teeth. And use instead of expensive creams from stores. Blogger Irina Zaitseva shared her author’s recipes with Woman`s Day, and cosmetology experts appreciated how effective they are.

Our experts: cosmetologists from Yekaterinburg Polina Shomina, Anna Puzakova.

Parsley is rich in vitamin B2, which is an antioxidant and maintains normal eye skin condition. Sour cream perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the eyelids. This mask perfectly relaxes tired eyes, especially after prolonged reading or working at the computer.


Take a small bunch of parsley, rinse it with water, chop it finely, mix with 1 teaspoon of sour cream, put the prepared mixture on 2 cotton pads in equal parts, put on closed eyes and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool or warm water.

Our experts say – YES!

Anna Puzakova, cosmetologist comments:

– A truly magical remedy! Parsley contains vitamin C, which whitens and brightens the skin well; nicotinic acid, which improves blood circulation, thereby allowing for increased tissue regeneration for lifting the eyelids. And the presence of vitamin A in the composition allows you to get rid of dryness, make the skin smooth. This beauty recipe solves almost all problems with the centuries among the inhabitants of the metropolis and is perfect for age-related changes!

Polina Shomina, cosmetologist comments:

– Many people know what a storehouse of vitamins contains parsley and how useful it is to eat. But it can also be used as an eye mask that will smooth out radiation wrinkles, bags and dark circles. The skin around the eyes with regular use of such a mask will become radiant and youthful.

Ash Teeth Whitening Powder

Wood ash contains potassium hydroxide, which helps whiten teeth. Obviously, this recipe is worth using if you are stuck in the country for a long time!


Wood ash can be collected in the stove, on the fire in the grill. To use, you need to apply a small amount of ash to the toothpaste and brush your teeth. Use no more than 1 time per week, otherwise the tooth enamel may be damaged.

Our expert says NO!

Polina Shomina, cosmetologist comments:

– As a cosmetologist, I think this recipe is wild. Not only is it very unhygienic, it can also harm the tooth enamel, since the ash has a coarse composition and causes unpleasant taste sensations.

Strawberry vitamin mask for oily skin

The mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The face after the mask looks fresh. You can take frozen strawberries (defrost them beforehand).


Mix 1 tablespoon of strawberry gruel with 1 egg, beaten. Add 1 teaspoon flour, mix thoroughly. Apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Apply 2-3 times a week.

Our expert says – YES!

Anna Puzakova, cosmetologist comments:

– Strawberries contain many substances that help us with various skin problems. But consider strawberries as a healer for oily skin! This berry is very rich in folic acid, vitamin C, biotin, calcium, potassium. Retinol has an anti-inflammatory effect, but it does not tighten the skin, but, on the contrary, saturates it with moisture – what oily skin needs. Folic acid protects the skin from external negative factors, including UV rays, forming an invisible protective film on the surface. Organic acids of strawberries have a cleansing and exfoliating effect – oily skin cannot do without it.

The tool removes well oily shine and dries acne on the face. Cucumber is rich in phosphorus, iodine, carotene, vitamins A, B, PP.


Juicy young cucumbers (2-3 pieces) are grated and poured with vodka at the rate of about 2: 1. That is, if you take 250 g of cucumbers, there should be 500 ml of vodka. Insist in a cold place for 14 days. This lotion should be used daily to wipe the face in the morning and evening.

Our expert says – YES, but suitable for oily skin

Anna Puzakova, cosmetologist comments:

– There is such an expression: “Look like a cucumber” – it means that your skin is firm and good looking. Cucumber is a hypoallergenic product, so it can be used for any skin type, if necessary. And the indications are most of all in oily skin, since it contains salts of magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium. The fact that the lotion is infused with alcohol allows you to increase its shelf life. It has a beneficial effect on oily skin, deeply cleansing it from acne and getting rid of excess oiliness! I just want to warn you that the concentration of alcohol in the lotion should be low, otherwise you can burn your skin!

The mask eliminates peeling, nourishes the skin well. This mask has a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect, it will make the face more attractive.


Cook one medium jacket potato. Peel it and mash it in puree. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, egg yolk and a small apple, grated through a fine grater. Mix all this, let it cool a little and apply on the face for 20 minutes. After that, you need to wash off the mask.

Our expert says – YES!

Polina Shomina, cosmetologist comments:

– Yes, the effect of such a mask is excellent! There are practically no contraindications to the use of potato masks. Just pay attention to those ingredients that enhance the effect of potatoes in the mask – are you allergic to them? And one more thing: if you have dry skin, it is better to cool the mask before applying, hot or warm, it is contraindicated for dry skin.

Horseradish Whitening Mask for Dry Skin

This mask is good for dry and dull skin. And be sure to do a test before applying the mask – horseradish can cause a reaction on the skin!


You need to take: fatty (3,2%) kefir – a quarter cup, oatmeal – 1 tablespoon, grated horseradish 1 teaspoon. If there is no way to grate fresh horseradish, then it will do from the store. Thoroughly mix flour with kefir, and then add horseradish. This mask must be laid out on cheesecloth and applied to the face. The mask should not be kept longer than 15 minutes.

Our expert says – YES!

Anna Puzakova, cosmetologist comments:

– As far as horseradish is vigorous, it is also full of benefits. It contains many substances, but the most important thing is that horseradish contains a very large amount of vitamin C, even more than lemon and orange. When analyzing this recipe for beauty, this fact, I would say, is key. Kefir helps the penetration of the mask into the deep layers of the skin, and horseradish whitens.

A refreshing tonic is very easy to prepare. It soothes, rejuvenates, whitens, relieves inflammation, cleanses the skin.


Take a cucumber, peel and puree it with a blender. Then strain and remove the pulp. The resulting tonic can be used in the morning and in the evening, applying to the face, neck and décolleté with a cotton pad. You can store it in a sterile container for a week. If you are not allergic to honey, then you can add it to the tonic. You do not need to wash off.

Our expert says – YES!

Anna Puzakova, cosmetologist comments:

– There is nothing easier in preparing this lotion. And the honey included in the composition softens and moisturizes the skin! This tonic is very good to use at the beginning of the day to deeply tone the skin.

Beetroot compress for freckles

This compress also helps to reduce the brightness of age spots.


You will need a soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda dissolved in a glass of water), a gauze napkin and fresh beet juice. Dilute the juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio. With a soda solution, we wipe the areas of the skin on which there are freckles. Then we saturate the gauze with juice, put it on the face. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every day for a half month. Each session should take 5 to 15 minutes.

Our expert says – YES, however, the freckles will not completely disappear, but they will become lighter

Polina Shomina, cosmetologist comments:

– Beetroot masks will eliminate inflammation from the skin, and also lighten freckles, which the owners of these spots do not like so much. Since beets contain vitamin C and other elements useful for the skin (betaine and pectin), such a mask will increase the protective functions of the skin.

Parsley ice cubes against age spots

A very useful remedy that will help get rid of spots on the face after acne at home, as well as give the skin elasticity with daily use.


Prepare the broth of parsley, pour it into small freezer molds, and place in the freezer. Wipe the whole face with ready-made ice from the broth in the morning.

Our expert says – YES!

Anna Puzakova, cosmetologist comments:

– Parsley is also known under the name “female plant”, and it fully justifies its name. It prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, makes it fresh, healthy, tighter, more elastic and firm. In addition, parsley has a whitening effect, and products based on it are able to rid the skin of age spots and freckles. Ascorbic acid, flavonoids rejuvenate the skin, smooth wrinkles, slow down the aging process; carotene has a protective effect; potassium, iron, magnesium moisturize the skin, improve its color; riboflavin accelerates the regeneration of skin cells; finoncides – give the skin elasticity, firmness. And pectin heals wounds, acne scars, regenerates the skin.

Strawberry scrub for oily skin

This is a very mild scrub that is also suitable for dry skin. And kefir softens and moisturizes it additionally.


We take a fourth of a glass of thick kefir, add a little salt and let it warm up to room temperature. After preparing the mixture, select a few strawberries. After moistening one berry in the mixture, rub it on the skin of the face with your fingertips. We continue the procedure until the entire skin of the face is covered with strawberry-kefir mass. Wait 10 minutes and wash off the mixture with warm water.

Our expert says – YES!

Polina Shomina, cosmetologist comments:

– Strawberries prevent skin aging and maintain skin tone. Strawberries are good not only for masks, but also for scrubs, as strawberry seeds cleanse the pores and also massage the skin, thereby improving blood flow.

Raw potato mask for eye bags

This mask relieves swelling, whitens and tones the skin.


Raw potatoes can easily deal with blue under the eyes. Peel off the tubers and rub finely on a grater, the resulting puree must be applied to the face and problem areas (bags and circles around the eyes).

Our expert says – YES!

Polina Shomina, cosmetologist comments:

– Yes, it will really help relieve swelling and remove dark circles under the eyes, as potato tubers are rich in vitamins and starch. Such a composition makes them exactly the product that gently cares for the skin around the eyes and effectively whitens it. In addition, potato juice has a rejuvenating effect – it smoothes the skin perfectly!

Important! Before using any mask, carry out a test: apply a small amount of the mask on your wrist, hold for 10 minutes, rinse. If the skin is clean, there is no redness, rashes on it, then the mask is right for you

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