11 Ratafia recipes at home

Ratafia – alcoholic drinks obtained by insisting ripe fruits and berries on 90 ° alcohol and adding sugar to the infusion. It is believed to be a type of liquor (according to the Encyclopedia Britannica), characterized by a lower sugar content and (relatively) higher strength.

You can read more about the history of ratafia and interesting facts on Wikipedia.

Vinogradnaya ratafiya


  1. Muscat grapes – 1 kg

  2. Spicy mixture – 2 tsp.

  3. Sugar syrup – to taste

  4. Alcohol – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. For the spice mixture: 3 parts cinnamon, 2 parts star anise, 1/4 part clove, 1/2 part nutmeg, 4 parts lemon peel, 1/2 part ginger, 1/2 part anise

  2. Take muscat grapes, crush the berries and place in a bottle.

  3. Pour the grapes with alcohol, put the spices and insist in a warm place for 6-8 days, stirring constantly.

  4. Then strain the contents of the bottle, filter, sweeten to taste and bottle.

Anise ratafia with spices


  1. Alcohol – 1 l

  2. Water – 200 ml

  3. Sugars – 200 g

  4. Anise – 20-30 g

  5. Lemon zest – 3 g

  6. Cinnamon and cloves – 1 g each

Method of preparation

  1. Pour alcohol into a jar, add spices and cover with a lid.

  2. Soak in the sun for 3 days.

  3. Carefully pour off the alcohol and strain.

  4. Prepare sugar syrup, cool, strain, mix with infused alcohol and strain again.

  5. Insist before use 7 days.

Rataphia cherry


  1. Alcohol – 1 l alcohol

  2. Ripe cherries – 2 kg

  3. Sugars – 600 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pure dry berries knead and carefully squeeze the juice.

  2. Mix with vodka and sugar, let stand for 5 days, filter well and bottle for storage.

Rataphia clove


  1. Alcohol – 1 l alcohol

  2. Water – 300 ml

  3. Sugar – 200 g sugar

  4. Cloves – 8 g

  5. Cinnamon and lemon zest – 2 g each

Method of preparation

  1. Coarsely crush the spices, pour into a container with alcohol and infuse at room temperature under the lid for 20-22 days.

  2. It is good to express the alcohol.

  3. Boil sugar syrup. Cool, strain, mix with alcohol and strain again.

  4. Infuse for 7 days, pour into bottles for storage, cork tightly.

Ratafia blackberry spicy


  1. Alcohol – 1 l

  2. Water – 250 ml

  3. Blackberries – 600 g

  4. Sugars – 100 g

  5. Ground cinnamon, chopped nutmeg, grated ginger – 1 g each

Method of preparation

  1. Pure dry berries knead, pour alcohol, add spices and leave under the lid for 10 days.

  2. Drain the tincture, add the cooled and strained sugar syrup, stir and strain again.

  3. Pour into bottles, cork.

Ratafia cranberry


  1. Alcohol – 1 l

  2. Cranberries – 600 g

  3. Sugars – 300 g

Method of preparation

  1. Rinse cranberries, drain water (you can use frozen berries) and knead thoroughly.

  2. Pour in alcohol, add sugar, mix.

  3. Close the container with liquid with a lid, put in a warm place for 7-10 days.

  4. Ready ratafia is well filtered, bottled and corked.

Rataphia lemon


  1. Alcohol – 1 l

  2. Water – 200 ml

  3. Sugars – 200 g

  4. Lemon zest – 60-70 g

Method of preparation

  1. Cut the zest and pour into a jar. Pour in alcohol, leave covered for 60-90 days in a warm place.

  2. Prepare sugar syrup.

  3. Strain and mix the tincture and sugar syrup, leave for 7 days, strain again, pour into clean bottles, cork tightly.

  4. Store in a cool, dark place.

Ratafia honey-ginger


  1. Alcohol – 1 l

  2. Honey – 300 g

  3. Chopped ginger – 5 g

  4. Ground cinnamon and hot pepper – a pinch each

Method of preparation

  1. Pour spices into honey and mix.

  2. Pour into a vessel with alcohol, leave in a cool place for 30-45 days.

  3. Shake the container well every day.

  4. Filter the finished ratafia, bottle it, cork it and keep it in a cold place.

Ratafia mint


  1. Alcohol – 1 l

  2. Water – 200 ml

  3. Sugars – 200 g

  4. Dried mint – 30-40 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour mint into a container with alcohol and insist in the sun for 3 days.

  2. Prepare sugar syrup, strain hot, mix with strained tincture and strain again.

  3. Infuse for 7 days, drain the finished ratafia into a storage bottle, cork tightly.

Ratafia fruit and berry with cloves


  1. Alcohol – 1,6 l

  2. Cherry juice – 1,2 l

  3. Seeds of cloves – 50 pcs.

  4. Dried plums – 50 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Pour cherry juice into a container with alcohol, mix and add cloves and plums.

  2. Cover, keep in a warm place for 7 days.

  3. Strain ratafia well, pour into dry bottles, cork.

Rataphia “garden bouquet”


  1. Alcohol – 2-3 liters

  2. Pitted cherries – 1 kg

  3. Raspberries – 500 g

  4. Red currant – 500 g

  5. Sugar – 2,5 kg

  6. Cinnamon and cloves – 3-4 g each

Method of preparation

  1. Crush the berries and let stand for 5-6 hours, then squeeze the juice out of them (you can use a juicer).

  2. Pour sugar into the juice, stir and leave until completely dissolved.

  3. After that, mix the sweetened juice with alcohol, add cinnamon and cloves, bottle, cork and leave in the sun for about a month, shaking every 2-3 days.

  4. Then strain the ratafia, bottle and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Relevance: 19.07.2018

Tags: other alcohol

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