11 Possible Reasons You’re Still Single

Perhaps you hear from others every now and then: “Listen, you’re just incredible! How come you don’t have anyone?” And, looking around, comparing yourself with others, you think: “Really, what is wrong with me?” Don’t blame yourself – chances are there’s a good reason why you’re not in a relationship yet.

1. You have other priorities right now.

Maybe at the moment you are more focused on your studies or work, on building a career or solving your financial issues, this takes all your attention and this is normal.

No matter how you look at it, relationships require effort and resources – perhaps at this stage in your life you do not consider it appropriate to spend them on this. And rightly so: you should not put off achieving your goals for later for the sake of the idea of ​​​​a love union alone.

2. You are not in the mood for a relationship at all.

Yes, we are all “social animals”, however, in order not to feel lonely, some of us have enough friends, relatives or even pets. And if this is your case, if you feel good alone, stop worrying about your social status – it does not determine your value.

3. You are waiting for someone really worthwhile.

The one who will deserve you, who will really be your mate. Perhaps you once, in your youth, responded to the words of one of the heroines of Richard Bach, who believed that “it is better to learn happiness in solitude, to love your friends and your cat, to wait for your own soul, which still does not come, than to agree to a miserable compromise.” And this is your right.

4. You don’t need a partner to live life to the fullest.

Sometimes you think that it would be great if there was someone with whom you can share your wonderful life – like-minded, kindred spirit – but you are definitely not ready to pause everything and go on a long and tedious search.

5. There are many things that annoy you about men.

This happens, especially if you often met sexists, manipulators or infantiles. You definitely don’t want to see one of them around again.

6. Dreams of Prince Charming are a thing of the past.

Perhaps, as a child, you dreamed of a hero who would ride a white horse and rescue you from the dungeon. But now you are a mature, strong, self-sufficient woman and you are looking for another – a deep relationship with someone who stands on his feet as firmly as you do. And you are not ready to settle for less.

7. Your accomplishments scare men.

You are smart, strong, successful, you have achieved a lot and are completely unprepared to hush up your achievements, try to look dumber than you really are, just so that the man does not feel like a loser next to you. And rightly so: you need someone who will be proud of you, respect and support you in all your endeavors.

8. You spend a lot of time with friends.

… as well as at cultural events, parties or camping trips. And you don’t understand at all how to find a place in your busy life for someone else.

9. You like living alone

So much so that you are completely unprepared to change something in your life, to adapt and get used to another person – even in theory.

10. You haven’t recovered from a previous relationship.

Perhaps you are afraid that you will be hurt again, hurt, offended. In this case, it is worth remembering that all people are different and the fact that you are unlucky does not mean that you should transfer your negative memories to all potential partners.

But maybe you still hope to get back together with your former partner. Then it is important not only to soberly assess your chances, but also to analyze previous relationships and understand whether they really suited you 100%.

11. You’re just not ready yet.

You know yourself and are sure: the time has not yet come. You understand that relationships require investment and work, but are not yet ready to take on extra obligations. Don’t rush yourself. Everything has its turn.

So anyway – why?

Because you are smart and successful, because you are satisfied with your life and your self-esteem does not suffer from the fact that no one is waiting for you at home. Because you are not ready to spend time with just anyone, and “the one” has not yet met. But you have stocked up with patience and do not push yourself. Because you made a conscious choice to be alone for now – at least until you find someone who is worthy of you.

Stay true to your choice, do not let others impose stereotypes about family and marriage. When that same person appears, you will be grateful to yourself for waiting for him.

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