11 life hacks that look crazy but work

Some of them help to save money, others – to quickly get rid of the annoying cleaning.

If you listen to our grandmothers, then the hair stands on end from what life hacks they came up with to run the house. They heated the bread on the radiator and washed the cellophane bags. However, each time has its own delusional advice. For example, here are some life hacks invented in our time.

1. Sponge soap

On Aliexpress you can buy sponges with handles – detergent is poured into the handle, and you don’t need to refresh it every time, it squeezes out of the dispenser by itself. And for those who do not want to wait for a package or spend money, they came up with a sponge with soap. Housewives advise you to simply grate regular soap (maybe even household soap) on a grater and pour it into a tight-fitting jar. Then take a regular dish washing sponge, cut a gap in it on the side, as if you are going to stuff it with garlic. And we pour soap shavings there. And we store the rest next to the sink in a jar to add as needed.

2. Micellar water for shoes

Those who like to wear sneakers and sneakers know: the most difficult thing in Russian realities is to maintain the whiteness of the sole. You can wash it with a nail polish remover, melamine sponge, an ordinary eraser, or you can wipe it with micellar water. They say that it works no worse than an eraser, and smells many times better than a nail polish remover. In addition, micellar water well refreshes the surface of leather shoes. No wonder – because it is intended for the skin.

3. Toothpaste in the cistern of the toilet bowl

You can flush the atmosphere in the toilet in different ways: use air fresheners, clean the plumbing equipment twice a day, attach the capsule under the rim of the toilet bowl or put a special tablet in the drain tank. And you can put in a drain tank a tube of toothpaste, perforated in several places. Budget pastes cost no more than a pill for a tank, but the effect is the same: they smell good and last a long time. In addition, the components of the paste slightly whiten the earthenware.

4. Spray instead of iron

There are several ways to iron your clothes without picking up the iron. Here is one of them: dilute a teaspoon of vinegar and the same amount of hair conditioner in two glasses of water. Then spray the clothing with the resulting liquid, smooth it slightly with your hands to straighten the folds, and leave it on the shoulders to dry the item.

5. Dining room for midges

In the summer, fruit flies begin to annoy many – they swarm in flower pots, over fruits, dried herbs. Those who have tried all means in the fight against that scourge, advise to organize a “dining room” for the midges: throw a couple of berries or several pieces of fruit into a cup, tighten it with cling film and make a hole in it. Flies fly inside, and can not get back anymore.

6. Rubber on the dispenser

The usual rubber band, which intercepts packs of money, will save liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Often, when you press the dispenser, a too large portion of the product is squeezed out. And if you wind the rubber band on the base of the dispenser, the stroke length will decrease, and less money will be squeezed out.

7. Sponges for fresh vegetables

As Brightside recommends, to keep vegetables fresh for long, put a few ordinary dishwashing sponges on the bottom of the drawer in the refrigerator. They do not need to be wetted – on the contrary, they should be as dry as possible. Sponges absorb excess moisture, so fruits and vegetables will stay fresh longer. Bonus: sponges at the same time save you from the smell in the refrigerator.

8. Sandpaper for clothes

What do you do when there are pellets on things? Some carefully remove them manually, some shave. The last method, however, is quite risky: you can easily make a hole in things. There is another way – to walk on the rolled up clothes with a piece of fine sandpaper. The method is effective, but you need to be careful so as not to make puffs.

9. Animal Hair Spray

Styling spray is generally capable of wonders. Thanks to him, you can even wash the curtains less often. Or, for example, it’s easier to cope with cleaning furniture from pet hair. You need to put on a rubber glove on your hand, sprinkle with varnish, and run your hand over the “woolen” surface. It works quickly, simply, without fail and for any hard-to-reach spots.

10. Toilet Shaving Foam

To get rid of unpleasant odors in the bathroom, it is recommended to apply shaving foam on the toilet and tile. This is best done when leaving for work: generously fill the surface with foam and set off on business. Then just wipe it with a rag, removing the remaining foam. There will be no trace of unpleasant odors.

11. Cat odor filler

After all, it’s actually made for this: to absorb not the most pleasant smells from a cat’s toilet. But the filler will “cure” anything from the smell: from a rug to shoes. You just need to put a handful of filler along with a source of unpleasant aroma in a plastic bag and tie it tight.

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