11 best pumping stations

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

No modern private house is complete without a pumping station. Thanks to this device, it is possible to organize a comfortable water supply for both residents and household appliances. In addition, pumps help irrigate plants in the garden, as well as increase the pressure in the highway. But the main advantage of the pumping station is the ability to automate water supply or irrigation. A wide range of water pumps is sold on the Russian market. They differ in both technical characteristics and cost. The advice of our experts will help you make the right choice.

Recommendations for selection

Design features. When creating pumping stations, manufacturers choose one of two designs.

  1. Centrifugal pumps pump water through the rotation of the blades, which pick up water and supply it to the outlet pipe with a hose. Such models have high performance, low vibration, versatility of use. Of the minuses, it should be noted the sensitivity to water quality and the high price.

  2. The vortex pump is also equipped with a rotating impeller with blades. But water moves in a spiral, and suction occurs due to the formation of a zone of strong rarefaction (negative pressure). Pumps are inexpensive, they are easy to repair and maintain.

Lifting height. One of the most important characteristics of a water pump is the lift height. It is also called maximum pressure. The elevation is usually expressed in meters. 10 meters corresponds to a pressure of 1 atmosphere. When calculating the maximum pressure, the consumer should take into account not only the length of the water supply, but also the depth of the fence.

suction depth. Each pump has a maximum immersion depth from which it can still lift water. The length of the electrical cord can also be a limiting factor. It must be longer than the maximum immersion depth of the pump.

Bandwidth. When water is supplied to several points of consumption at the same time, it is important to take into account such a parameter as performance. It is also called throughput, the characteristic is expressed in cubic meters or liters per hour. The starting point of the calculation should be the peak drawdown.

Hydraulic accumulator volume. Many pumping stations are equipped with hydraulic accumulators (hydraulic tanks). These are storage tanks in which a certain supply of water is stored. The accumulator can be up to 100 liters. The more residents and household appliances (washing machines and dishwashers), the more water is required. The most popular in our country are models with a hydraulic tank of 20-25 liters.

Materials. The durability of the pumping station largely depends on the materials used by the manufacturer for the manufacture of components and parts.

  1. The best option for creating a body is the use of high-strength cast iron.

  2. Reliable shafts are made of stainless steel.

  3. Non-ferrous metals and their alloys are suitable for the role of blades.

  4. Plastic is becoming a great option for lids and boxes.

Table What is better pump or pumping station

Device type




+ ease of use

+ reasonable price

+ quiet operation

+ maximum suction depth

– it is problematic to automate water supply

– low level of comfort

Pumping station

+ convenience for consumers

+ full process automation

+ reliability and durability

+ high performance

– high price

– limited suction depth

11 best pumping stations deserved high ratings from the editors of simplerule magazine. All of them are sold in specialized stores in Russia. Positions were distributed based on the opinion of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from domestic homeowners.

Rating of the best pumping stations

Nomination Place Name Cost
The best centrifugal pumping stations      1 Grundfos MQ 3-35 (850 W)      31 270 ₽
     2 JILEX Jumbo 70/50 H-24 (carbon steel) (1100 W)      12 750 ₽
     3 Grundfos JP 4-47 (850 W)      18 470 ₽
     4 Denzel PS800X (800 W)      8 300 ₽
     5 KARCHER BP 3 Home (800 W)      12 490 ₽
     6 VORTEX ASV-800/24 ​​(800 W)      7 890 ₽
     7 JILEX Jumbo 50/28 Ch-18 (500 W)      7 800 ₽
The best vortex pumping stations      1 LEO NSSN-904 (900 W)      8 600 ₽
     2 Aquarium AUTO ADB-60 (760 Вт)      11 450 ₽
     3 Wilo PW-175EA (125 V)      10 930 ₽
     4 Aquarium AUTO ADB-35 (430 Вт)      12 900 ₽

The best centrifugal pumping stations

A wide range of models is offered to consumers in the category of centrifugal pumping stations. Pumps favorably differ in universality of application, power and convenience of service. The experts liked the following pumps.

Grundfos MQ 3-35 (850 W)

Rating: 4.9

A multi-stage device for establishing water supply in the house is the Danish development Grundfos MQ 3-35. The pump combines high quality materials, functionality and noiselessness. Experts note the successful use of chromium-nickel steel in the creation of the body and critical parts. The unit is equipped with a convenient control panel on which fault indicators are installed. In case of overheating or “dry running”, the pump automatically switches off. To avoid continuous switching on and off of the device at low water consumption, the manufacturer has installed an “anti-cycling” system. The device becomes the winner in the nomination.

Russian users liked the quiet operation of the station, compact dimensions and durability. The disadvantage of the pump is the high price.



JILEX Jumbo 70/50 H-24 (carbon steel) (1100 W)

Rating: 4.8

The automatic mode of water supply for domestic needs allows you to set up the Jumbo 70/50 H-24 pump of the well-known Russian company GILEKS. The model stands out from the competition with its record breaking head (50 m) and large suction depth (9 m). A decent performance (4,2 cubic meters / h) is provided by a powerful electric motor (1100 W) to the station. The pump is equipped with a 24 l hydraulic tank. Experts recommend a station for supplying water to several points of water intake. The device not only raises water from deep sources, but is also capable of increasing the pressure in the main. The metal case gives to a product durability and durability. Domestic development receives the silver of our review.

Many owners are satisfied with the technical parameters of the installation and the strong steel case. Of the minuses, noise during operation is noted.



Grundfos JP 4-47 (850 W)

Rating: 4.7

The highest performing pump in our review was the Grundfos JP 4-47 model. The device is capable of pumping up tanks with a total capacity of 4,7 cubic meters within an hour. m. The station looks worthy in such indicators as suction depth (8 m) and head (47 m). The unit is driven by an electric motor with a power of 0,85 kW. The manufacturer equipped the pump with a built-in ejector, thanks to this design, the installation and operation of the unit is simplified. Experts highlight the lightness of the station (8 kg) and its compactness. The asset of the pump should include a neat assembly, the presence of protection against overheating. The device wins the bronze position.

In Runet, there are still few reviews from real consumers. Perhaps a deterrent when buying for many Russians is the high cost.



Denzel PS800X (800 W)

Rating: 4.7

A successful combination of price, quality and excellent technical parameters is possessed by the Denzel PS800X water supply unit. The device can pump water with a pressure of 38 m, lifting it from a mark of 8 m below ground level. An 800 W electric motor provides a performance of 3200 l / h. The manufacturer equipped the station with a 24-liter hydraulic accumulator. The device can be configured to automatically turn on / off, and set the mode of continuous operation. The station’s assets include the use of stainless steel to create the hull. The pump resists corrosion for a long time.

Domestic homeowners are satisfied with the affordable price, decent power and quality factor. Some owners consider the operation of the device to be noisy.



KARCHER BP 3 Home (800 W)

Rating: 4.6

The KARCHER BP 3 Home installation is designed to provide family members, as well as household appliances with water. Experts appreciated the high-quality materials that the manufacturer used to make the device. The model is equipped with a check valve, pressure gauge, thermostat, hydraulic tank with a volume of 19 liters. The pump connects easily and runs quietly. The product is inferior to the leaders in some technical characteristics. So, the suction depth is limited to 7 m, and the performance barely reaches 3000 l / h. The station demonstrates the maximum pressure in the region of 36 m. The pump takes the fifth place.

Russian consumers speak flatteringly about German quality, minimal noise, and ease of installation. Of the minuses, the appearance of leaks after a couple of years of operation is noted.



VORTEX ASV-800/24 ​​(800 W)

Rating: 4.5

Low cost and powerful pressure helped the VORTEX ASV-800/24 ​​pumping unit to get into the TOP-6 of our review. Domestic development adequately competes with more famous brands in such parameters as throughput (3600 l / h), suction depth (9 m) and maximum head (40 m). The station consumes electricity quite economically, which is the merit of a low-power engine (0,8 kW). The manufacturer equipped the model with a capacious hydraulic tank (24 l). The pump is set to turn on at a pressure of 1,5 bar, and turn off when it reaches 3 bar. The body of the device is made of glass-filled polypropylene.

There are enough flattering words from consumers in the reviews about the acceptable cost, compactness, and decent technical parameters. The downside is noisy work.



JILEX Jumbo 50/28 Ch-18 (500 W)

Rating: 4.4

The most economical electric motor (500 W) is equipped with a Jumbo pump 50/28 Ch-18 of the Russian company JILEKS. The pump demonstrates a modest head (28 m) and performance (3000 l / h), not inferior to the authorities in such an aspect as immersion depth (9 m). Experts call the strengths of the device low price, easy connection, built-in ejector. Due to the forced cooling system of the motor, the station is able to operate continuously for a long time. Effectively softens water hammer when turned on the storage tank with a volume of 18 liters. The presence of a pressure switch allows you to organize automatic water supply.

Domestic consumers liked the low cost, economical energy consumption, and the availability of spare parts. Some users consider a small hydraulic tank a minus.



The best vortex pumping stations

High water pressure can create vortex pumping stations. The devices stand out for their quietness, reliability, affordable price. Experts have selected several devices tested by users.

LEO NSSN-904 (900 W)

Rating: 4.9

The high-performance station LEO NSSN-904 was created to provide water to private houses. The installation is designed not only for water supply, but also for creating an irrigation system. Thanks to a modern control system, all work is carried out automatically. The pump is self-priming, so when you first start it is not necessary to fill the working chamber with water. The station boasts a decent performance (3600 l / h), a large immersion depth (8 m) and a good lifting height (42 m). The device is driven by a powerful electric motor (900 W). The model wins in a tough fight with competitors.

Domestic consumers are satisfied with the quality of the materials used and the accurate assembly. The only downside is the high cost.



Aquarium AUTO ADB-60 (760 Вт)

Rating: 4.8

The record head (55 m) against the background of competitors is given by the Aquario AUTO ADB-60 pumping unit. The pump is capable of taking water from a mark of 7 m, an electric motor with a power of 760 W helps to fill containers with a volume of 3600 liters with water within an hour. Experts appreciated the use of stainless steel in the manufacture of the shaft. The cast iron body has brass inserts. As a result, the pump has exceptional wear resistance. It is convenient for users to control the pressure according to the readings of the pressure gauge; the pressure switch of the mechanical type is reliable. The Italian developer equipped his product with an 18-liter hydraulic tank. The station takes a silver position on the podium.

Russian consumers have no comments on quality, pressure and durability. The disadvantages are only noisy work.



Wilo PW-175EA (125 V)

Rating: 4.7

The main advantage of the Wilo PW-175EA vortex station over competitors is low power consumption. A 125 W electric motor supplies water to a mark of 35 m, extracting it from a depth of 8 m. Within an hour, the pump is able to fill a tank with a volume of 2100 liters. The experts liked the body made of high-strength cast iron, resistant to wear, the most. Therefore, the manufacturer claims a 10-year service life. The pump is suitable not only for supplying water to the house or increasing the pressure in the water supply, it is easy to set up the irrigation system of the backyard with its help. The model closes the top three of our review.

In the reviews, the owners praise the installation for its compact size, efficiency, and noiselessness. But after a long period of inactivity, you have to push the impeller during start-up.



Aquarium AUTO ADB-35 (430 Вт)

Rating: 4.6

Another pumping station of the famous Italian brand Aquario falls into our review. The AUTO ADB-35 installation looks more modest than the leaders in terms of a number of technical characteristics. The maximum lift is limited to 35 m, the suction depth is 7 m, and the capacity barely exceeds 2000 liters per hour. In this case, the electric motor consumes 430 watts of energy. But the pump is able to pump heated water with temperatures up to 60ºС. The manufacturer equipped the station with an 18-liter hydraulic tank; when overheated, the device automatically turns off. The experts liked the durable stainless steel shaft and the reliable cast iron body.

Consumers flatter about endurance, accurate assembly, and minimal noise. The disadvantages include the need to install a filter at the inlet.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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