- Rating of the best physics textbooks
- Orir Jay, Physics. Full course. Examples, tasks, solutions
- “Feynman lectures on physics” in 10 volumes
- “Elementary textbook of physics” by Landsberg in three volumes
- Physics for All (set of 2 books), Cooper Leon
- Physics textbooks, G.Ya. Myakishev
- Entertaining physics, Ya.I. Perelman
- Physics Dick and Hendenstein
- S. M. Kozel. Physics. Manual for students and applicants 10-11
- Physics textbooks, V. A. Kasyanov
- Mechanics. Physics: get to the very essence, V. Deltsov
- Physics, A. A. Pinsky
*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Physics is one of the basic world sciences that gives people valuable knowledge for the development of various technologies. Our experts have selected for you the most complete, unique and accessible textbooks from the list of references used as the main sources of information about the discipline.
Rating of the best physics textbooks
Nomination | Place | Name | Rating |
Rating of the best physics textbooks | 1 | Orir Jay, Physics. Full course. Examples, tasks, solutions | 5.0 |
2 | “Feynman lectures on physics” in 10 volumes | 4.9 | |
3 | “Elementary textbook of physics” by Landsberg in three volumes | 4.8 | |
4 | Physics for All (set of 2 books), Cooper Leon | 4.7 | |
5 | Physics textbooks, G.Ya. Myakishev | 4.6 | |
6 | Entertaining physics, Ya.I. Perelman | 4.5 | |
7 | Physics Dick and Hendenstein | 4.4 | |
8 | S. M. Kozel. Physics. Manual for students and applicants 10-11 | 4.3 | |
9 | Physics textbooks, V. A. Kasyanov | 4.2 | |
10 | Mechanics. Physics: get to the very essence, V. Deltsov | 4.1 | |
11 | Physics, A. A. Pinsky | 4.0 |
Orir Jay, Physics. Full course. Examples, tasks, solutions
Rating: 5.0
A well-known American scientist managed to create a unique manual – one of the most successful and complete introductory courses in physics on the planet. This course covers a wide range of theoretical material, from simple facts from the school curriculum to the latest discoveries in the field of physics.
The book enjoys great prestige among several generations of domestic scientists. In Russia, an updated and updated edition of Orir Jay’s book is known. This is a great start before diving into the famous Feynman Lectures on Physics.
The author of the book is a student of the outstanding scientist of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner – Enrico Fermi. The level of presentation of the material is available to high school students, but it will be no less useful to students and even teachers, as well as to anyone who wants to significantly expand their knowledge of the discipline.
“Feynman lectures on physics” in 10 volumes
Rating: 4.9
For a sophisticated reader and anyone who deeply studies the theoretical foundations of physics, a ten-volume book by the eminent American scientist, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman will be a real discovery. This edition is a course of lectures delivered by Feynman at the California Institute of Technology.
The lectures were originally tape-recorded and later put into writing by Professors Layton and Sands. This course has no analogues in the world. Its exceptional feature is an unusual method of presentation, which manifested the bright individuality of the scientist, his ability to arouse interest in complex science. The choice of material and the sequence of introducing students to it are also far from the classical approach.
The lecturer did not waste time explaining things in scientific terms that were already familiar to students. The emphasis is on a fascinating story about the study by man of the surrounding nature, the features of physical phenomena and the issues that physics as a science solves and must solve in the future.
“Elementary textbook of physics” by Landsberg in three volumes
Rating: 4.8
The impressive work of the famous Soviet scientist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Grigory Landsberg deserves the attention of those who want to delve into the study of the features of physical processes. The absolute advantage of the manual is the thoroughness of the study, the depth and accessibility of the presentation of the material, the subtlety of the formulation of existing phenomena in nature and technology. The three-volume book gained incredible popularity as one of the best elementary physics courses.
The first volume of the textbook is devoted to mechanics and molecular physics, the second – to magnetism and electricity, the third – to waves, optics and nuclear processes. The book is suitable for high school students, teachers, teachers of secondary specialized institutions, students.
Physics for All (set of 2 books), Cooper Leon
Rating: 4.7
The two-volume book by the eminent American scientist, theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Leon Cooper is a fun and easy way to study complex science. The author in an easy form sets out the foundations of the discipline, starting from Galilean mechanics and ending with the theory of elementary particles.
Cooper not only offers various sections of the discipline for study, but also makes it possible to analyze the essence of physical phenomena, to find out if there is a relationship between them. The author managed to brilliantly present things frankly difficult for students to understand: the material is presented simply, interestingly and at the same time quite deeply.
The first volume of the book covers the “classical” sections of the discipline: mechanics, optics, electricity, molecular physics and thermodynamics, taking into account the ideas of modern science. The second volume deals with more topical physical issues: quantum mechanics, elementary particles, etc.
Physics textbooks, G.Ya. Myakishev
Rating: 4.6
A well-known Soviet and Russian scientist, a specialist in the field of general physics, the author of a number of popular science books and several school textbooks, Gennady Myakishev developed a method for an accessible presentation of the fundamental issues of the discipline, and the application of the basic laws of this discipline in practice. Myakishev’s books also present many methods for solving physical problems.
Although the manuals of the Russian scientist are not included in the list of educational literature approved by the Ministry of Education, several publications are invariably popular in Russian schools. Of particular note are Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics for the 10th grade, Electrodynamics for the senior grades (10-11) and the section of quantum physics and optics, which are included in the 11th grade curriculum.
The manual is recommended for schoolchildren, students, teachers of preparatory departments of universities, applicants and everyone involved in self-education.
Entertaining physics, Ya.I. Perelman
Rating: 4.5
Fascinating and developing puzzles and tasks is the second book by the eminent scientist, journalist, teacher, popularizer of the exact sciences and author of the concept of “science fiction” – Yakov Perelman. The unique edition has not lost its relevance for several decades and is regularly published in huge circulations. The secret of this book is simple: its author managed to talk about complex things in a very interesting and simple way.
Young researchers will be able to try their hand at solving physical puzzles, get acquainted with incredible paradoxes and amazing facts from the world of physical phenomena. How to magnetize steel? What is visual deception? How much does lightning cost? The answers to these and many questions can be found in the book Entertaining Physics. This is an excellent textbook for developing a lively and inquisitive mind. Suitable for middle school age, as an aid to teachers.
Physics Dick and Hendenstein
Rating: 4.4
A textbook for the 10th grade, including basic and advanced levels, was written by a famous scientist who discovered a new method for finding exact solutions to the main equation of quantum physics – the Schrödinger equation – Lev Gendenstein. The physicist is the author of several dozen textbooks in this discipline.
In his work, the author focuses on the activity approach to the learning process. That is why most of the practical tasks of the textbook are placed directly in the paragraphs. This method allows to increase the efficiency of perception of information and its consolidation in practice. The manual can be used by physics teachers as an aid in the formation of a lesson plan.
The textbook consists of three parts. The first deals with the section of physical mechanics, the second deals with molecular physics, electrostatics, the laws of direct current, and the third deals with problems. Each chapter contains a section of preparation for the exam. Numerous color illustrations make the book more readable and increase interest in the subject matter.
S. M. Kozel. Physics. Manual for students and applicants 10-11
Rating: 4.3
The book, authored by a famous Russian physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, is intended as a help for high school students and university entrants. Presented in two volumes, the textbook covers all sections of the discipline studied in grades 10-11.
The first part of the textbook includes mechanics and thermodynamics, the second – electrodynamics, waves, relativity theory, quantum physics and atomic physics. The material is presented compactly, fairly accessible, strictly at the profile level. In some sections there are paragraphs marked with increased complexity (*) – suitable for those who are engaged in in-depth study of physics. The author paid special attention to the methodology for solving problems of varying complexity, and also focused on preparing for a unified state exam.
The manual will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for their teachers, as well as students of technical and pedagogical universities, and everyone who is interested in updating and deepening their theoretical knowledge of the school physics course.
Physics textbooks, V. A. Kasyanov
Rating: 4.2
A whole cycle of teaching aids in physics, supplemented with notebooks with tasks and laboratory work for the practical consolidation of the studied material, was developed specifically for high school students. Among the number of published textbooks, there are also books with an in-depth level.
Kasyanov’s textbooks fully comply with the requirements of the state standard and are recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education. A feature of the manuals of this author is the most carefully worked out material, balanced by a number of questions, creative tasks and various tasks for the qualitative assimilation of the material.
Textbooks are recommended for students in grades 10-11 of basic and profile (physics and mathematics). A separate series of methodological recommendations were published for school teachers for the effective planning of a training course (the optimal methodological guide for 3-4 hours of physics per week).
Mechanics. Physics: get to the very essence, V. Deltsov
Rating: 4.1
An excellent guide that gives a complete picture of the foundations of the discipline from the point of view of modern science. The book is the fruit of many years of teaching in the school. This is the first textbook in which the material was presented in the form of vector diagrams, widely used in engineering and universities. The theoretical component is presented as clearly as possible, accessible and at the same time at a high scientific level. The book is a great way to smoothly move from theory to practice without the need to update knowledge after entering a higher education institution.
As the material is presented, many practical tasks are considered for a more correct interpretation of the information. In fact, the task of the textbook is to help students understand the essence of physical phenomena and solve problems of any complexity as efficiently as possible. The book is strictly systematized, unique in the completeness of the material presented.
The manual was written by a teacher with 40 years of teaching experience, who prepared more than a dozen winners of the All-Russian Olympiad in collaboration with his own son, a master of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and a three-time winner of the All-Russian Olympiad.
The book is suitable for schoolchildren who study the discipline in depth, university applicants and even teachers as a handy reference book.
Physics, A. A. Pinsky
Rating: 4.0
An outstanding teacher, professor, head of the department of physics at the Kaliningrad Technical Institute, Arkady Pinsky is the author of several textbooks on physics, intended mainly for high school students. In his work, Pinsky actively studied quantum and statistical ideas, as well as their place in the school curriculum.
The author substantiated the relevance and usefulness of introducing the basics of the theory of relativity into the school curriculum. He actively studied possible connections between existing natural science disciplines (mathematics, astronomy, electrical engineering).
Among the most popular textbooks authored by Pinsky, one can single out an in-depth course for students in grades 11 (also suitable for classes in gymnasiums, technical schools and university applicants), which details the material from the sections of light waves, optics, relativity theory, atomic physics, etc.
The textbook “The Fascinating Science of Physics” deserves special attention, giving students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the study of the main issues of physics and astronomy in their unique relationship – the book allows children to form a holistic view of the world around them. The theoretical basis is balanced by practical tasks – laboratory work, tasks and experimental tasks.
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.