11 best moth remedies

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The reason for the appearance of moths in residential premises is most often cereals stored in pantries and kitchen cabinets. To avoid negative consequences, in the form of the destruction of food stocks or woolen and fur items, measures should be taken as early as possible. The modern household chemical industry offers a lot of moth remedies that have a variety of strengths and are designed for different purposes.

Types of moth remedies

  1. Aerosols. They are one of the most effective, as they instantly destroy both the adult moth and its larvae. At the same time, the effect lasts up to 1 year. Such products do not leave stains on the fabric and do not damage clothes. But when working, you should follow the safety rules: take children and animals out of the room, put on a respirator, and ventilate for half an hour.

  2. Plates. They are cardboard or polymer plates on which insecticides are applied that kill insects and their offspring. The plates are available in the form of pendants, Velcro and “pills”, which are hung or laid out in drawers and cabinets. They work as a preventive measure.

  3. Traps. Plates with a special adhesive layer are most often used for kitchen cabinets. They are a cardboard base with a sticky layer applied to it, with pheromones that attract adults. Once in a trap, the moth can no longer get out of it and dies. Traps only affect adults. Have no smell. Food safe.

  4. hanging sections. Used for prevention, when storing winter things. They are made on the basis of essential oils and insecticides and are hung in cabinets and on mezzanines. Valid for 4 to 6 months.

Moth remedies are also available in other forms – gels, liquids, heating plates, sprays, tablets. In any case, when choosing a suitable tool, you should focus on the following parameters:

  1. Moth remedies must be completely safe for humans;

  2. When using the tool, no preparatory work or special skills should be required;

  3. The price of a moth remedy should be affordable;

  4. The drug must work effectively and cope with its task within the time specified by the manufacturer;

  5. In no case should the insecticide damage clothes, furniture, wardrobe items that are nearby.

  6. Some of the most effective means, according to experts and buyers, we have placed in our today’s rating.

Rating of the best moth remedies

Nomination Place Нproduct name Price
Rating of the best moth remedies      1 Trap for food moth “Aeroxon”      313 ₽
     2 Moth plates “Dr.Klaus”, odorless,      62 ₽
     3 Paper sheets from the moth Delicia Mottenscuhutz      169 ₽
     4 Moth spray “Dr.Klaus”, with lavender aroma      158 ₽
     5 Trap “Raptor” from food moth      157 ₽
     6 Anti-moth gel Raid “Cedar”      125 ₽
     7 Heat fumigator RAPTOR “Moth elimination system”      232 ₽
     8 Moth pad “Raid”, green tea      222 ₽
     9 Moth plates “Dr.Klaus”, with lavender aroma      43 ₽
     10 Sachet of Molly “Raptor”      120 ₽
     11 Hanging moth section “Dr.Klaus”, odorless      150 ₽

Trap for food moth “Aeroxon”

Rating: 4.9

The glue-based trap with the bait “Aeroxon” opens our today’s rating. The remedy is effective against cereal and barn moths that live in the kitchen, in closets with clothes, in food production.

The bait works by applying a special bait with pheromones that attract males to the adhesive tape. This stops reproduction and quickly reduces its population. For humans, the product is absolutely harmless, it can be placed near food. One trap is designed for 6 weeks of use. “Aeroxon” is suitable for use in food production, warehouses, storages.

In the reviews, users note that the tool copes with its task quite effectively. The Aeroxon trap is harmless, odorless and easy to use. The only thing that confuses is the unpresentable appearance after several weeks of use and the too sticky layer, which is very difficult to wash off if it accidentally comes into contact with any surface.



Moth plates “Dr.Klaus”, odorless

Rating: 4.8

The insecticidal drug “Dr.Klaus” against moths, designed to protect fur and wool products, becomes the second step in the rating. The action of active plates is aimed at the destruction of larvae in the growth phase, which are the main pests. The plates are odorless and safe for humans. The kit comes with 10 plates.

The active substance transfluthrin is applied to a special porous plate, which, gradually evaporating, protects things from moths for a long period (up to 6 months). The tool is not intended for the kitchen and food warehouses. The cabinet will need to use 10 plates at the same time; for boxes – 3-5 pcs.; for shoes and things stored in boxes – 1 pc., Shelf life of plates – 5 years.

In the reviews, buyers say that the Dr.Klaus moth remedy is effective for prevention in small areas. It can be put into shoes, into a fur hat or a glove. But, alas, they will not be able to protect large areas of the plate.



Paper sheets from the moth Delicia Mottenscuhutz

Rating: 4.7

Moth repellant in the form of paper sheets impregnated with an active substance to protect clothes, rugs and carpets from moths and other pests becomes the third step in our rating.

Delicia Mottenschutz is a divisible sheet packed in a sealed film. As soon as the paper is removed from the packaging, the active substance will begin to act. The tool repels the moth, preventing it from laying larvae. Thanks to this, things are protected for a period of up to 4 months. Delicia Mottenschutz is harmless to humans, odorless and has no harmful substances. For wardrobes, it is recommended to use one strip per 1 cubic meter. m. For densely filled cabinets, 2 strips (1 pack) will be required. For drawers and chests of drawers, it will be enough to divide one strip into several sheets and put it between things. The tapes are valid for 5 months after opening. Reviews about the tool are generally positive.



Moth spray “Dr.Klaus”, with lavender aroma

Rating: 4.6

Insecticide for instant destruction of moth larvae and adults “Dr.Klaus” occupies the fourth position in our rating. The active substance permethrin immediately destroys moths when sprayed on woolen and fur products. The product does not leave marks on clothes and does not damage the fabric.

One can (300 ml) is designed for 20 m2 of tissue and is generally used very sparingly. An additional repellent effect is provided by the aroma of lavender. Treated items are stored under moth protection for 6 months. One bottle can be used up to 3 years. It is also convenient that furniture can be treated with the tool, and not the clothes themselves. Customer reviews indicate that the spray is convenient and effective against moths, especially if large areas are to be treated.



Food moth trap “Raptor”

Rating: 4.5

On the fifth line of the rating is the Raptor trap, created specifically to protect cereals, pasta, spices from moths. The principle of operation of the product is based on the fact that a special plate is impregnated with a synthetic, specially synthesized attractant substance, which attracts insects to a special sticky layer.

In order for the tool to work effectively, it is recommended to place it in enclosed spaces where there are no drafts. One trap works for 3 months, after which it will need to be replaced. The kit comes with 2 traps, which will be enough to fit in 10-15 square meters. m. Buyers in the reviews share information that the trap works well, but if there are too many moths, additional protective equipment may be required.



Anti-moth gel Raid “Cedar”

Rating: 4.4

Gel “Kedr”, designed to protect clothing from moths and its larvae, our experts placed on the sixth step of the rating. The tool is easy to use – it can be hung or laid out in a closet. The packaging is equipped with perforations, making it easy to divide it into sections. Raid “Cedar” protects against moths for 4 months.

The special formula contains transfluthrin and natural cedar oil. For safety, the gel base is protected by an additional plastic container to prevent accidental seepage onto clothing. One package will be enough for a medium-sized cabinet or chest of drawers (2 x 0,5 m3). The package contains 2 blocks, one pendant will be enough for one season. Customers like the fact that the tool is convenient to use and economical.



Heat fumigator RAPTOR “Moth elimination system”

Rating: 4.3

The heat fumigator RAPTOR for the instant destruction of moths is in seventh place in the rating. The tool provides a long-lasting effect and instant action. The active substance spreads due to steam and destroys moths and larvae. Has no smell. However, it is better to ventilate the room and keep children and pets away for the duration of the appliance.

The “Moth Elimination System” works by heating the active substance. Transfluthrin is able to infect insects 10 times faster than other known agents. At the same time, the heating element, in contact with air, heats up to a temperature of 65 ° C in 5 minutes, after which the active substance on the plate begins to evaporate and spread throughout the closet or dressing room. Settling on the fabric, the molecules of the active substance kill the larvae that are on the clothes. Reviews indicate that the heat fumigator effectively kills moths, subject to proper use and compliance with safety regulations.



Moth pad “Raid”, green tea

Rating: 4.2

Moth pads “green tea” for protecting products from moths with a pleasant aroma is on the eighth level of the Expertology rating. It has received Woolmark Material Control approval and can be used on delicate fabrics.

“Raid” moth pads contain active ingredients – limonene and geraniol, which ensure the rapid elimination of moths and larvae without damaging clothes. The validity period of the active substance is 90 days. Due to the small size of the sachet, it is convenient to put it on the shelves in cabinets, put it inside shoes and fur things. The set includes packaging of 18 pillows. 12 pieces will be enough for a cabinet, based on 0,5 m 3. You will need to put 3-4 sachets into bags and boxes. Users note that the pads are effective and easy to use.



Moth plates “Dr.Klaus”, with lavender aroma

Rating: 4.2

Moth repellent in the form of plates from Dr. Klaus Lavender provides 6 months protection for wool and fur garments. The plates are effective against moths and larvae, but are absolutely safe for people and animals.

The active substance transfluthrin, which is applied to the porous plate, evaporates, protecting things, and the pleasant aroma of lavender also repels pests. The plates are placed in cabinets, chests of drawers, shoe boxes, inside products. In closed and well-packed things, the effect lasts for 6 months, in frequently opened cabinets – 3 months. The tool, according to buyers, is great for the prevention and control of moths.



Sachet of Molly “Raptor”

Rating: 4.1

Raptor moth sachets are ideal for storing fur and woolen winter products in the summer. The small size and the adhesive layer on the back make it easy to place the sachet in any closet or drawer with clothes.

The sachet contains an active substance that destroys moths and larvae at any stage of growth, the pleasant smell of jasmine serves as an additional repellent element. The raptor protects clothes for 4 months, the kit comes with 4 plates, which will be enough to fit in one closet or chest of drawers. Reviews indicate that the remedy is quite effective for prevention, some do not like the smell of jasmine, but after a while it becomes almost invisible.



Hanging moth section “Dr.Klaus”, odorless

Rating: 4.0

Moth repellent Dr.Klaus in the form of a hanging section, designed to protect fur and wool products. A special large hook allows you to conveniently attach the product to the crossbars in wardrobes with outerwear and casual clothes. Dr.Klaus protects things from moths, larvae, keeping the effect for half a year. The product is odorless and safe for humans.

The formula is based on the fast-acting substance transfluthrin and quickly destroys the moth and its larvae. The substance is applied to multi-layer porous cardboard paper and evaporates, providing a long-lasting effect. For maximum effect, it is necessary to apply the product in the amount of 2 sections per 1 m3. For a box or suitcase, the 1st section will be enough. After that, it is important to open boxes and doors as little as possible. After 5-6 months, Dr.Klaus pendants should be replaced with new ones.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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