11 best manufacturers of spotlights

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Spotlights have replaced traditional pendant chandeliers. They have become an integral part of stretch ceilings, wardrobes, kitchen sets. Manufacturers from different countries, following the trends of changeable fashion, develop new models, come up with original designs and unique designs. It is possible to equip with spotlights not only living rooms, but commercial and public institutions. For each case, lighting fixtures with a specific set of technical parameters are required. The recommendations of our experts will help potential buyers find their spotlight.

Recommendations for choosing a luminaire

Installation option. All spotlights can be grouped according to the installation method.

  1. Embedded models are the most popular category. They are used in the decoration of ceilings, the manufacture of kitchen sets and wardrobes. The device is completely hidden in niches, forming a flat surface. Only the decorative part of the luminaire remains visible.

  2. Overhead devices are used when finishing concrete or brick building structures. When installing, the craftsmen do not have to make recesses in the walls or ceilings. When buying, you should pay attention to the presence of fasteners in the kit.

  3. Hanging spotlights are distinguished by the versatility of installation. Thanks to the decorative finish of the mounts and the power cord, the device can harmoniously fit into any interior.

Design features. Spotlights come in different designs.

  1. The simplest are stationary (static) models, which, after installation, will illuminate a certain area of ​​the room. Most often, such devices are built into furniture or suspended ceilings.

  2. Swivel models have wider functionality. The user can manually direct the light beam to the desired location in the room.

  3. Rotary-retractable structures allow you to constantly change the illumination in the room. They are able to withstand a large number of turns.

  4. An original addition to the interior in the room can be the installation of a cardan-type spotlight. The direction of the light beam is adjustable in different planes by changing the position of the levers.

  5. The most daring fantasies in the decoration of premises allow the implementation of spot models. The design consists of several lamps, and each of them can be rotated at the desired angle.

Additional functions. Lighting devices can be equipped with a number of additional functions.

  1. With the help of dimmers, the intensity of the light beam is regulated.

  2. The remote control increases convenience and comfort when choosing the right lighting mode. All adjustments are made while sitting on the couch or lying in bed.

  3. The durability of a spotlight depends on the degree of dust and moisture protection. This indicator is indicated using a two-digit number. The larger each number, the tighter the light will be.

Our review includes 11 of the best manufacturers of modern lighting equipment. All represented brands sell spotlights in Russian stores. The distribution of positions was carried out by the editors of the journal simplerule, based on the opinion of the expert community. At the same time, feedback from domestic users was also taken into account.

What is better spotlights or chandelier

Lighting device type




+ modern look

+ variety of models

+ compact and lightweight

+ versatility

– more complex setup

– small lighting area


+ good general lighting

+ easy installation

+ many shapes and styles

+ wide price range

– take up a lot of free space

– modest functionality

Rating of the best manufacturers of spotlights

Nomination Place Manufacturer Rating
Rating of the best manufacturers of spotlights      1 Paulmann      5.0
     2 Lightstar      4.9
     3 SLV      4.8
     4 Lucid      4.7
     5 lamp art      4.6
     6 Novotech      4.5
     7 The Art of Light      4.4
     8 Spot Light      4.3
     9 Gauss      4.2
     10 electrical standard      4.1
     11 EGLO Ferrara      4.0


Rating: 5.0

The German company Paulmann has been producing lamps since the 70s of the last century. Company founder Rüdiger Paulmann began making and testing his flask designs in the basement of his own home. As the business developed, the range of lighting products was replenished, new collections and designs were born. Today, the manufacturer has reached decent sales volumes, products are sent to all European countries. A series of spotlights is also constantly being improved. The consumer is offered both household and industrial appliances. The experts noted the company’s commitment to high quality and advanced developments.

Domestic users have no comments on the operation of Paulmann spotlights. There are fakes on the market, so you should buy devices from official suppliers.




Rating: 4.9

The leader in Europe is the Italian brand Lightstar. The developers amaze the imagination of buyers with the originality of lighting fixtures. Experts appreciated the high quality of the materials used. In combination with a modern production base and strict quality control, the output is products with a minimum percentage of rejects (no more than 0,1%). Despite its youth (the company operates in 1994), the company managed to quickly win the trust of partners. Lighting devices have been supplied to the Russian market since 2001. The trademark becomes the silver medalist of the review.

In the reviews, domestic consumers praise spotlights for their excellent quality, durability and original design. The only downside is the high price.




Rating: 4.8

Another German brand gets on the prize pedestal of our review. The SLV company was founded in 1979, from the first days of its existence, it has been engaged in the production of lighting products. Quite quickly, the products found their buyer, these were both ordinary citizens and municipal authorities. The range of the company included both lamps for the home and devices for street lighting. The real success came to the brand in the late 90s. According to experts, the popularity of spotlights is due to their high quality, stylish appearance and variety of models.

Russian users are satisfied with the rich choice of colors, neat assembly, and spectacular design. The only limiting factor when buying is the high cost.




Rating: 4.7

The Belgian company Lucide has been operating in the lighting market since 1992. The company’s range consists of spotlights, floor lamps, chandeliers, light bulbs, etc. The catalog also contains products for street lighting (spotlights, lanterns). Experts appreciated a wide range of styles, from traditional classics to modern high-tech. The manufacturer manages to maintain its leading position thanks to the use of innovative technologies and a strict quality control system. The brand stops a step away from the prize podium.

In reviews, consumers praise Belgian spotlights for their beautiful appearance, high quality and durability. Unfortunately, devices can not be purchased in all regions of Russia.



lamp art

Rating: 4.6

A modern approach to the production and sale of lighting products is demonstrated by the Italian brand Arte Lamp. The company appeared on the European market not so long ago (2001), but quickly managed to find its niche. A large logistics center built in 20 helps to constantly expand its presence in 2009 European countries, including Russia. To develop new models, the company attracts leading designers and closely cooperates with the Venice Institute. The assortment portfolio is filled with lamps of different styles and directions. The catalog contains classics, exquisite Loft, modern high-tech. Experts note the active use of energy-saving technologies.

It was not possible to take a higher place in our review of the brand due to the Chinese assembly.




Rating: 4.5

The Hungarian brand Novotech is betting on today’s fashion trends. Despite little experience (about 15 years), the manufacturer managed to gain a foothold in many European countries and Russia. The experts drew attention to the narrow specialization of the company. Recessed spotlights are widely represented in the catalog, the assortment consists of several thousand items. They differ not only in exclusive design, but also in fireproof execution. Products are reliably protected from moisture and dust, thereby increasing the service life.

On thematic forums, Novotech spotlights are praised for their unique design, original rotary designs, and affordable prices. The disadvantages of users include the limited power of lighting devices.



The Art of Light

Rating: 4.4

The Italian brand L’Arte Luce boasts a rich history (founded in 1936). Gino Sarfatti timely reoriented from the aircraft industry to the production of home and street lighting devices. The company has developed and released many collections and models. In 2001, the brand began to explore the vast Russian market. Experts admire the bewitching appearance of the lamps; many models are decorated with forged elements. The manufacturer should include an attentive attitude towards customers as an asset, managers and consultants always try to help with the choice of chandeliers or spotlights.

Most of the reviews in RuNet are positive. Users are satisfied with the stylish design and high quality. The downside is the high price.



Spot Light

Rating: 4.3

The Spot Light brand is an example of close cooperation between manufacturers from around the world. The South Korean company Samsung has built a branch in Poland, where the assembly of LED devices has been established. Glass components are supplied from the Czech Republic. The manufacturer is constantly expanding the range, since 2010 the luminaires have been equipped with Power LED chips. The experts liked the original collection of wood, which appeared thanks to the rich experience of Polish craftsmen. The manufacturer offers a wide selection of spotlights, from budget models to premium collections.

There are still few reviews on Spot Light spotlights in Runet. One of the reasons is the modest presence of Polish products on the shelves of Russian stores.




Rating: 4.2

The young brand Gauss began to conquer the lighting market only in 2008. However, by focusing on the production of energy-efficient devices, the company quickly gained a leading position in the market of post-Soviet countries. Experts attribute the brand’s success to a successful combination of quality and price. The production of spotlights has been established at Russian and Chinese factories. The advantage of Gauss lighting equipment is a 7-year warranty. The lamps of the new generation use protected CBB capacitors, thanks to which the operation of backlit switches is stabilized, the lamp flickering after switching off is excluded.

Users are satisfied with the exact dimensions, energy efficiency and durability. Among the shortcomings, a decrease in the brightness of the glow after overheating is noted.



electrical standard

Rating: 4.1

For more than 20 years, Elektrostandard has been operating in the domestic lighting equipment market. The editors of simplerule magazine included the brand in the TOP-10 of our review for the constant updating of the model range, competent pricing and excellent logistics. The products of the Russian manufacturer are supplied to all regions of the country. The catalog includes both built-in spotlights, as well as rotary spot systems and pendant chandeliers. The company has implemented an effective quality control system, starting with the supply of raw materials and ending with the release of finished products.

Consumers speak flatteringly about the variety of models, attractive appearance, affordable price. Of the minuses, the invisibility of the decorative rim after turning on the lamp is noted.



EGLO Ferrara

Rating: 4.0

The Austrian company EGLO Ferrara has accumulated rich experience in the field of lighting engineering. Having been born in 1969, the company began to quickly gain momentum. Since the mid-80s, the brand has been a recognized leader in Europe. According to experts, the brand’s products deserve praise for their high quality and variety of collections. The asset of the brand should be the prompt response of employees to customer requests. The company attracts potential buyers with original offers, for example, newcomers can enjoy a discount of 5 to 15% on lamps throughout the year the house is rented out.

Russian consumers have appreciated the quality of the products, the attentive attitude of the managers, and the rich choice of models. The downside is the high price.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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