11 best gas meters

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The most important source of energy in our country is gas. Hydrocarbon raw materials are distinguished by an affordable price and environmental friendliness. However, with rising costs, many consumers had to use blue fuel prudently. Meters help to establish accounting for gas consumption. They are easy to install and operate, the only concern for the consumer is the timely verification of the device. A wide range of gas meters from different manufacturers is presented on the Russian market. Our experts will help you identify the main criteria for selecting a gas meter.

Recommendations for choosing a gas meter

Design features. Currently, several types of gas meters are being implemented.

  1. Turbine models have high performance, ease of maintenance and durability. Their scope is industrial facilities and gas distribution stations. Such designs allow you to take readings remotely.

  2. Membrane-type meters have a large calibration interval. With a service life of about 20 years, verification will have to be done once every 1 years. The devices do not require periodic maintenance, but they are rarely used in the domestic sphere due to the high price.

  3. The most popular models among owners of houses and apartments are rotary counters. They are affordable, compact in size and easy to use. But you will have to check the devices about once every 5 years.

Performance. An important technical characteristic of a gas meter is performance or throughput. This parameter shows the range of volume of gas mixture that can pass through the instrument in one hour. Models with a low capacity of up to 2 cubic meters per hour are suitable for apartments with a central heating system. In houses with gas heating, devices with a throughput of up to 6 cubic meters per hour are installed. Industrial models often exceed the 20cc mark. m/h

Subtleties of designation. Gas meters have a standard designation. It encodes the bandwidth of the device. So, the number 4 indicates the performance of the device within 4 cubic meters per hour.

Verification interval and date of manufacture. Each gas meter is considered valid only when it has been verified by a special standardization body. The calibration interval depends on the model, it can vary from 3 to 10 years. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture. It will be the starting point for the next verification pass.

Installation work. Before buying a gas meter, the consumer needs to find out some features of the highway. First of all, this concerns the direction of gas movement. On sale there are right- and left-handed varieties of counters. On many instruments, an arrow indicates the direction of flow. If you do not take this moment into account, then the scoreboard may end up near the wall.

Our review includes 11 of the best gas meters. All of them are sold in specialized stores in our country. When distributing places, the editors of the magazine simplerule proceeded from the opinions of experts, taking into account the feedback from domestic users.

Rating of the best gas meters

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best electronic gas meters      1 Grand-6 TK      4 400 ₽
     2 SGMB-1,6      1 900 ₽
     3 ECO BOOK-1.6 1/2″      2 188 ₽
The best gas meters with size G4      1 VK g4      2 750 ₽
     2 SGK-g4 Signal      2 390 ₽
     3 SGB ​​g4 Elehant      2 650 ₽
The best gas meters with size G6      1 SGD-3T-g6 5250      4 800 ₽
     2 BK g6 V2      5 700 ₽
     3 Elster BK-g6 T 5600      4 800 ₽
The best industrial gas meters      1 SG 16 (MT 100)      60 800 ₽
     2 VK G25 Du 50      31 580 ₽

The best electronic gas meters

The most modern gas meters are electronic models. They are distinguished by accurate readings, the user can at any time view the history and make an analysis of the consumed gas. The weak side of electronic devices is the presence of a battery. The following devices received high marks from experts.

Grand-6 TK

Rating: 4.9

A reliable and multifunctional assistant in a house or apartment can be a gas meter Grand-6 TK. The electronic device not only counts the cubic meters of gas used, but also shows the temperature in the room. The device is lightweight (1,8 kg) and compact, it is able to operate in the measurement range of 0,04 … 6,0 cu. m/h The experts gave the model the laurels of the winner for measurement accuracy (up to 2,5%) and ease of use. The meter is powered by a 3,6 V battery, but the current source can only be replaced at the factory.

Users in the reviews express satisfaction with the appearance, ease of use, and the presence of a built-in thermometer. The service life of the model can exceed 20 years.




Rating: 4.8

The Betar company has developed an individual gas meter SGMB-1,6 for the private sector. The device is somewhat inferior to the rating leader in throughput (0,04-1,6 cubic meters per hour). The working temperature range also looks more modest (from -10 to + 50ºС). But the device looks favorably in terms of compactness and lightness (0,7 kg). The manufacturer has provided both vertical and horizontal installation of the model, which makes the device universal. The experts are satisfied with the quality of the assembly of the meter, the warranty period is 12 years. The product deservedly takes a silver position in our review.

In consumer reviews, a lot of flattering words are said about the accuracy of indications, versatility and reliability. Of the shortcomings, a rare type of battery is often mentioned.



ECO BOOK-1.6 1/2″

Rating: 4.7

The ECO NOM-1.6 1/2″ gas meter was helped to get into our review by such advantages as an affordable price and good quality. The experts also highlighted the universal qualities of the device, it demonstrates accurate readings for natural and liquefied gas. Specialists do not have problems with the connection, the manufacturer has applied an arrow on the body, which indicates the direction of the blue fuel jet. Since the performance of the device reaches only 1,6 cubic meters. m / h (with an error of 3%), then the scope is limited only to the private sector.

The apartment owners are completely satisfied with the reliability of the meter and the long calibration interval (10 years). Only with the replacement of the battery (3,6 V) there are problems.



The best gas meters with size G4

The most common modifications of gas meters in everyday life are devices with a standard size g4. Their scope is limited to apartments, houses and small workshops. The maximum productivity of such devices rarely exceeds 6 cubic meters per hour. The experts liked the following counters.


Rating: 4.9

A German development was successfully tested with Russian natural gas, which, after organizing assembly in our country, received the designation VK g4. In addition, the device works well with liquefied gas. The counter differs in high accuracy of indications, unpretentiousness in work. The device feels great both in the heat of +50ºС and in 30-degree frost. The model has been singled out by experts for silent operation and reliable protection against corrosion. The manufacturer offers a choice of two modifications, the consumer only needs to decide which option (left- or right-handed) is best suited to the conditions of a house or apartment.

Users praise the gas meter for its high-quality assembly and affordable price. Only in appearance, some owners have comments.



SGK-g4 Signal

Rating: 4.8

The gas meter SGK-g4 Signal has an even wider range of operating temperatures. The device is not afraid of either African heat (+60ºС) or Siberian frosts (-40ºС). Experts draw on two versions, there are left-handed products and right-handed ones. The throughput of the model is also at a height (from 0,04 to 6,0 cubic meters / h), which allows the device to be used in everyday life without restrictions. The asset of the device should include a large interval between verifications (10 years). The manufacturer’s warranty is 48 months. All parts are protected against corrosion, so that the service life often exceeds 20 years.

Most users in the reviews praise the counter for reliability, unpretentiousness and durability. But sometimes defective products get on sale.



SGB ​​g4 Elehant

Rating: 4.7

Ample opportunities are provided to consumers of natural gas by the electronic meter SGB g4 Elehant. A smart device not only records the total consumption of blue fuel, but also allows you to look into history. The experts liked the original move of the manufacturer, who used a replaceable decorative overlay. You can change the appearance very quickly and cheaply, which is especially important when changing the interior of the room. The technical characteristics of the meter also look harmonious, so the performance of the model is 6 cubic meters per hour. At the same time, the device is quite unpretentious, it retains its performance both at high (+60ºС) and at low (-40ºС) temperatures.

Russian homeowners appreciated the build quality, affordable price and long warranty period (16 years).



The best gas meters with size G6

For large cottages and commercial firms, gas meters with a standard size g6 have been created. They have a capacity of up to 10 cubic meters per hour. A lot of flattering words have been said about several devices.

SGD-3T-G6 5250

Rating: 4.9

Among gas meters with a standard size g6, the SGD-3T-g6 5250 model is very popular with Russian property owners. The membrane-type device is designed to account for blue fuel in apartments, houses and public utilities. The throughput of the device is 0,06-10 cubic meters per hour. The unique ability of the meter is to adjust to the gas temperature, which makes the readings very accurate. The model is able to operate in a wide range of operating temperatures (-40 … + 50ºС), allowing it to be used in various areas of human life. Experts gave the product the highest step of the pedestal.

Domestic users have no particular complaints about the counter. It works flawlessly for many years, verification must be performed once every 8 years.



BK g6 V2

Rating: 4.8

The German counter BK g6 V2 is assembled in the Russian city of Arzamas. The device can measure media such as inert gases, methane, butane, propane and mixtures thereof. The operating temperature range is also quite wide (from -30 to +60ºС). The device can be used in private homes, small businesses, housing and communal services. The meter does not require regular maintenance, experts highly appreciated its reliability and durability. However, the large overall dimensions did not allow us to become the winner of our review.

Many apartment owners endure installed gas meters, because they are very noticeable in the room and dissonant with the interior. The disadvantages of users include a high price. Of the advantages, reliability, noiselessness and a 10-year calibration interval are noted.



Elster BK-g6 T 5600

Rating: 4.7

A variety of gas mixtures can be controlled by the Elster BK-g6 T 5600 meter. The list includes both the usual natural and liquefied gas, and chemically inactive compositions. The device is designed to work in private homes, apartments, factories and laboratories. Such a wide range of applications is explained by good throughput (from 0,06 to 10 cubic meters per hour) and sensitivity threshold (0,008 cubic meters per hour). The operating temperature range is from -25ºС to +55ºС. The device is checked every 10 years. The experts gave bronze to the counter for the combination of affordable price and high quality.

In the reviews, users praise the model for its reliability, good quality, and accuracy. The weak side is considered outdated design and expensive installation.



The best industrial gas meters

In the industrial sector, high-capacity meters (up to 40 cubic meters per hour) are used to account for consumed gas. Many devices allow you to adjust the power of the gas flow, and you can take readings remotely. Experts highly appreciated the performance of several devices.

SG 16 (MT 100)

Rating: 4.9

One of the most reliable and unpretentious industrial gas meters is the Russian development SG 16 (MT 100). The principle of operation of the counter is based on the rotation of the built-in impeller by the flow of the gas mixture. The number of revolutions is converted into the volume of gas passed by a simple mechanism. The operability of the device is maintained both at high temperature (+50ºС) and at low temperature (-40ºС). Experts note ease of installation, compact size, resistance to corrosion. The editors of the simplerule magazine give the first place to the device for an affordable price and unpretentiousness.

The energy companies of enterprises are satisfied with the accuracy of the readings of the SG 16 (MT 100) meter, the error is about 1%. You have to check the device every three years.



VK G25 Du 50

Rating: 4.8

The industrial gas meter VK G25 Du 50 stands out with a high throughput. The membrane-type device measures the flow of the gas mixture in the range of 2,5-40 cubic meters. m/h The German device combines reliability and elegance, as well as versatility. The model is easy to maintain, it does not need to be serviced during the entire calibration interval (10 years). And the service life of the device exceeds 20 years. The experts liked the accuracy of measurements, the possibility of remote readings. The manufacturer reliably protected all parts from corrosion. But the high price did not allow the counter to become a winner in our review.

Users have no comments on the build quality, reliability and accuracy of measurements. Only the high price stops consumers from buying.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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