11 best floor paints

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

One of the most popular and affordable ways to finish the floor is staining. Lacquer coating allows you to give the surface a beautiful appearance, as well as increase the service life of the base. Today, a wide range of paints and enamels of Russian and foreign production is presented on the domestic market. They differ in cost, scope and performance properties. To select a good floor paint, potential buyers should heed our expert advice.

Floor paint recommendations

coverage requirements. Floor paint must have certain characteristics in order to last for many years.

  1. One of the most important parameters is strength. If in residential areas the coating must withstand the impact of people walking, then in garages or warehouses the paintwork layer must withstand the wheels of cars and forklifts.

  2. Moisture resistance becomes the next important performance characteristic of floor paint. After all, the surface must be cleaned regularly, moisture enters with shoes or wheels of cars.

  3. Various chemical compounds (alkalis, salts), oil products can also get on the floor surface. In this case, paint is required that is resistant to these negative factors.

  4. Manufacturers add colors to paints and varnishes. Not all of them withstand exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, when buying a composition for a gazebo or balcony, it is better to give preference to UV-resistant products.

Types of bases. Floor paints are made from various organic compounds.

  1. Traditional oil paint is made on the basis of drying oil. This is a vegetable oil that has undergone heat treatment. The advantage of oil paint is environmental friendliness, high hiding power, hydrophobicity and low price. But the coating dries for a very long time.

  2. Water-based acrylic resin paints are also considered safe. The advantages of the material include good hiding power, versatility of use, moisture resistance and quick drying of the layers. But such compositions are more expensive.

  3. Alkyd enamels are made on the basis of resins of the same name and organic solvents. A characteristic feature of the paint is a pungent smell that remains in the room for a long time. Therefore, the scope is limited to outdoor work. But the service life of the coating exceeds 10 years.

  4. Fast drying products include polyurethane paints. They retain a beautiful color for a long time (up to 20 years). Noteworthy is wear resistance and strength, elasticity and excellent adhesion. The downside is the high price.

  5. Epoxy paints are not inferior in strength, resistance to abrasion and inertness to chemical compounds. They retain their original color for a long time, but the palette of shades leaves much to be desired. The disadvantages include the need to prepare a solution before staining.

We have selected 11 of the best floor paints for our review. All these formulations are sold in the Russian trade network. When distributing positions, the editors of the magazine simplerule relied on the opinion of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from domestic consumers.

Rating of the best floor paints

Nomination Place Name Price per liter
The best wood floor paints      1 Tikkurila Betolux Aqua      1 400 ₽
     2 Flugger Acrylic Floor Paint      1 400 ₽
     3 ArmorSeal Tread Plex Sherwin Williams      1 785 ₽
     4 MYLANDS Floor Paint washable semi-gloss      4 200 ₽
     5 Colorex Universalfarg 30      1 000 ₽
     6 Sniezhka gender      490 ₽
Best Concrete Floor Paints      1 ROYAL Porch&Floor Ace Paint      2 800 ₽
     2 Drylok Latex Concrete Floor Paint      1 322 ₽
     3 Teknofloor Teknos      1 000 ₽
     4 Sniezka Concrete-floor      800 ₽
     5 Enamel “Profi” Tex      375 ₽

The best wood floor paints

In many private houses, on terraces and in gazebos, the owners arrange wooden floors. They need protection from moisture, bacteria and ultraviolet radiation. Special paints help extend the life of wood, preserving and enhancing its beauty. Here are some effective paint products.

Tikkurila Betolux Aqua

Rating: 4.9

High decorative and performance properties helped the Finnish paint Tikkurila Betolux Aqua to win the gold of our review. The material is made on a polyurethane-acrylate basis, thanks to this recipe, the manufacturer managed to achieve the perfect combination of strength and elasticity. This is especially important for wooden structures that “breathe”, sensitively reacting to changes in humidity and temperature. Experts appreciated the ease of preparation, the paint is brought to the desired viscosity by adding water (you can save on buying a solvent). The composition should include the possibility of applying it to any type of old paint.

Russian users are satisfied with the moisture resistance of the paint, ease of use, and chemical resistance. The only downside is the high price.



Flugger Acrylic Floor Paint

Rating: 4.8

Acrylic paint Flugger Acrylic Floor Paint has high wear resistance. It dries quickly and has good vapor permeability. Experts recommend using the composition when painting floor surfaces that actively absorb moisture. The composition is suitable for finishing not only wooden, but also concrete bases. The advantages of the material include the absence of smell, harmlessness, quick drying. The paint can be tinted both according to the Flugger system and according to the RAL catalog. The scope of the product is quite wide, starting from residential premises and ending with basements. The composition becomes the silver medalist of the review.

Russian consumers liked the paint for good hiding power, environmental friendliness, and wear resistance. Their main disadvantage is the high price.



ArmorSeal Tread Plex Sherwin Williams

Rating: 4.7

A beautiful and durable coating on wooden floors allows you to get ArmorSeal Tread Plex paint from the American company Sherwin Williams. The product meets the requirements of industry standards, allowing you to protect wood both inside and outside buildings. The paint is a one-component composition, in which acrylic resins predominate. Thanks to them, the coating acquires a unique operational strength, wear resistance, water repellency. Experts note the inertness of the paint to the effects of chemical compounds and petroleum products.

In RuNet, the composition received a lot of flattering reviews for economical consumption, high strength, and beautiful appearance. Users consider the high price to be a disadvantage.



MYLANDS Floor Paint washable semi-gloss

Rating: 4.7

The English paint MYLANDS Floor Paint is made on a water basis. Thanks to the unique composition, the manufacturer managed to achieve a pure saturated color, unique texture and moisture resistance. Experts pay attention to the versatility of the product, it can be used to paint both internal and external wooden structures. The paint can be used as a primer, for this the composition is diluted with water by 10%. The second coat is applied after a 4 hour wait. Paint consumption during the formation of a single-layer coating is 1 liter per 12 square meters. m. In the asset, the material should include wear resistance and easy maintenance.

So far, the composition from the UK has not found its fans in Russia. The reason for this is the shortage of the product in the country’s trade network and the high price.



Colorex Universalfarg 30

Rating: 4.6

The paint coating based on Colorex Universalfarg 30 has a high durability. The semi-gloss product is created on a urethane-alkyd basis, due to which the paint becomes elastic after drying. With the help of the material, it is possible to paint wooden structures located inside or outside the building. Experts pay attention to the resistance of the coating to moderate and chemical attack, active anti-corrosion protection. The manufacturer recommends applying paint not only on the floor, but also on facades, windows and doors. It is allowed to use the composition for finishing internal concrete bases or primed metal products.

Domestic users are satisfied with the affordable price, economical consumption, good performance. The downside is the bad smell.



Sniezhka gender

Rating: 4.5

Especially for painting surfaces that are subjected to mechanical stress, the Polish composition Sniezhka floor has been developed. The paint is sold in stores in our country at an affordable price, while experts note the good performance properties of the formed paintwork. The manufacturer offers 3 walnut shade options, allowing you to choose the best combination with other room finishes. For the design of wooden surfaces, two layers are required. The paint can be used both inside the house and for painting exterior structures. The product closes the TOP-6 of our review.

In the reviews, domestic users speak flatteringly about the strength of the coating, resistance to abrasion and water, and affordable prices. Not everyone liked the hiding power of the material.



Best Concrete Floor Paints

Concrete floors can be found on balconies and loggias, in garages, gazebos and warehouses. Special paints help to increase their aesthetics and protect them from damage. They are distinguished by good adhesion, resistance to moisture and mechanical stress. Experts have chosen several compositions.

ROYAL Porch&Floor Ace Paint

Rating: 4.9

A lifetime quality guarantee is given to its ROYAL Porch & Floor Ace Paint by an American manufacturer. The product is made on an acrylic base, which is reinforced with polyurethane. Experts note the high resistance of the material to an alkaline environment, which allows the use of a wide range of detergents. To make the coating beautiful and durable, it is necessary to apply a two-layer coating. After the formation of the first layer, it is necessary to withstand 24 hours, and intensive use of the surface is allowed only after a week. The product is supplied diluted, if necessary the viscosity can be reduced by adding water.

Users appreciated the premium paint properties, unlimited climate conditions and beautiful appearance.



Drylok Latex Concrete Floor Paint

Rating: 4.8

Another American product took pride of place on the prize podium. Drylok Latex Concrete Floor Paint is formulated to provide an effective finish on concrete. Experts appreciated the environmental friendliness of the material, excellent hiding power. With the help of a layer of paint, minor defects in the base can be evened out. The strengths of the paint are good adhesion and the absence of cracks after drying. The manufacturer claims a 10-year service life, coating resistance to petroleum products and chemicals. Since forklifts can be driven on the surface, the material has become popular with the owners of logistics centers.

Domestic consumers speak flatteringly about strength, resistance to various negative influences. The only downside is the high price.



Teknofloor Teknos

Rating: 4.7

Finnish paint Teknofloor Teknos is a one-component composition based on polyurethane. The coating after drying combines qualities such as strength, elasticity, moisture resistance. Experts pay attention to the unpretentiousness of the material to the quality of the preparation of the concrete base. It is not necessary to remove the old coating, due to good adhesion, the new paint layer will not peel or crack. The advantages of the paint include quick drying (you can walk after 10 hours). The composition can be used as a primer, for this it is diluted with white spirit.

Russian consumers are satisfied with the convenient packaging (0,9…9,0 l), the possibility of tinting, and quick drying. The disadvantages include an unpleasant odor.



Sniezka Concrete-floor

Rating: 4.6

The well-known Polish manufacturer of paints and varnishes Sniezka has developed a paint for concrete Beton-posadzka based on acrylic resin. The experts liked the high moisture resistance of the product. The consumer is offered 7 color options, thanks to the addition of high-quality pigments, the brightness of the coating remains for many years. After drying, the surface acquires a rich matte shade. The scope of application is not limited to heated rooms, you can paint the floor on the balcony or in the gazebo. The paintwork adequately withstands the effects of precipitation.

From users, the paint received a lot of flattering reviews. They are satisfied with unpretentiousness, moisture resistance, colors. But dust is clearly visible on the coating, which will often have to be cleaned.



Enamel “Profi” Tex

Rating: 4.5

Russian enamel “Profi” Tex was developed for painting concrete bases that experience high operational load. The scope of the product is quite wide, from balconies to warehouses. Since the composition is safe for people, it can be used in the repair of educational and healthcare institutions. True, after application, it is necessary to organize ventilation in order to remove an unpleasant odor. The product is created on an alkyd basis, which is characterized by deep penetration into the structure of concrete. The covering reliably protects the basis from moisture, increasing service life.

Russian consumers praise the paint for its durability, wear resistance, beautiful color, and ease of application. They consider the pungent smell to be a minus.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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