11 Best Expectorants

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

More than once, various articles have described modern and popular, expectorant and mucolytic agents that facilitate the removal of sputum from the tracheobronchial tree, thin it, and alleviate the condition of sick patients with pulmonary diseases, including those with acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

But at the present time, when there is an epidemic of coronavirus infection, competent clinical recommendations on the choice of exactly expectorant drugs have become in demand. A serious complication that causes coronavirus is the so-called respiratory distress syndrome. It arises, first of all, after the formation in the lungs of mute, “silent” pneumonic foci, which are supersaturated with fluid and are excluded from the process of perfusion, or oxygen enrichment of the blood.

Thus, restrictive respiratory failure is caused, which is characterized by a decrease in the area of ​​gas exchange, despite the normal patency of the tracheobronchial tree. This is manifested by progressive shortness of breath, and the development of arterial blood hypoxia, that is, a decrease in oxygen saturation according to the results of pulse oximetry. This condition requires oxygen to be given to compensate for the “silent tissue” by excessive oxygen saturation of the intact parts of the lungs, or even transfer to a mask or intubation mode of mechanical ventilation.

But, as you know, most cases of coronavirus infection proceed as a typical acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), with banal “snot”, rhinorrhea, laryngitis, hoarseness, or damage to the upper respiratory tract. There is also a slight cough. And the primary task at this stage of the development of the disease will be the liquefaction of the bronchopulmonary secret, and its timely removal. If you do not let it go out, if it forms and accumulates, then in any case there will be a worsening of the condition. The secret in conditions of poor patency of the bronchi will become infected, suppurate, and community-acquired pneumonia will occur. And against the background of a coronavirus infection, it can lead certain categories of patients to serious consequences, and even death.

Principles of respiratory treatment, including

Recall what the principles of drug therapy for respiratory diseases are. First of all, with banal viral infections, in no case should you suppress a cough. Antitussives should be explicitly prohibited. If you do not know which drugs are antitussives, and which stimulate the formation and excretion of sputum, then do not take any medicine at all. Instead, drink as much warm liquid as possible, cranberry and lingonberry juice, compotes, or at least warm tea.

Cough suppressants are needed only when there is no inflammation in the lungs and bronchi, and there is an excessive accumulation of bronchial secretions, which are food for microbes. They are needed if a person is excited either by the arc of the cough reflex, or directly by the cough center. An example of such an unproductive cough, when antitussive drugs are needed, can be a state of chronic cardiovascular insufficiency, when an increase in pressure in the small, bronchopulmonary circulation leads to overstretching of the walls of blood vessels and bronchi with a reaction of specific receptors.

Therefore, such elderly patients are more often tormented by a nocturnal cough, but there are no signs of inflammation, no sputum formation in patients, and it is this kind of cough that can and should be suppressed. They are prescribed as a means of prophylaxis in thoracic surgery, so that the sutures do not open, as a remedy before therapeutic and sanitation bronchoscopy, in case of compression of the large bronchi from the outside by sizable formations of the mediastinum, for example, with sarcoidosis.

Standard influenza, SARS, and now coronavirus infection are treated symptomatically, with the exception of influenza, in which etiotropic antiviral therapy has long been used – Tamiflu, or oseltamivir.

Coronavirus infection does not have etiotropic drugs, so it is also treated symptomatically. Medicines will:

  1. reduce body temperature;

  2. eliminate muscle and headache;

  3. facilitate nasal and tracheobronchial breathing;

  4. loosen and expel mucus.

In the case of a stable “flu” state without shortness of breath, without an increase in the frequency of respiratory movements more than 21-22 per minute at rest, the following are required:

  1. half bed mode. Bed rest, and especially constant lying on the back, worsen the excretion of sputum;

  2. plentiful drink, for example, hot milk with honey, hot compote;

  3. easily digestible food that does not require additional energy costs;

  4. various types of inhalations, for example, with mint and eucalyptus essential oils, garlic, Golden Star balm, Lazolvan and Berodual in the absence of contraindications;

Modern antipyretic drugs include paracetamol (Panadol, Kalpol, Efferalgan). Seawater nasal rinses or vasoconstrictor nasal drops (anticongestants) are also used to ease nasal breathing. During SARS, influenza and coronavirus infection, it is extremely important and necessary to breathe freely through the nose, especially at night. Passing through the sinuses, the air flow is warmed and moistened, and if the patient constantly breathes through the mouth, this leads to the drying of sputum, and the difficulty of its removal. Also used are various lozenges, lozenges with antiseptics, sprays and potions to relieve swelling and sore throat, as symptomatic remedies.

Coronavirus infection is unfavorably different from the flu, which has an average incubation period of 5 days, and already the initial development of symptoms of a typical flu “knocks a person out”. Already from the first day, a patient with a typical flu is forced to go to bed, and he “falls out” of the epidemic chain. With the coronavirus, the situation is different.

With a coronavirus infection, the symptoms can be mild, without a general picture of intoxication and fever, and such a patient can safely continue to move around the city, and at the same time he feels good. This is the most epidemiologically unfavorable type of disease, but the most favorable for the life of the patient. He can infect several dozen people, and some of them will die, but nothing threatens him;

Treatment of a mild course of the disease is only symptomatic therapy. Plentiful vitamin drink, expectorants, inhalations, paracetamol. Very useful fruit drinks and juices, compote, zinc preparations (picolinate), acupressure. It is advisable to regularly, but safely, ventilate the rooms, have an air ionizer, and still lead an active lifestyle without using cough suppressants. On the contrary, we need a chest collection, it is advisable to sleep at night, including on the stomach, try to do everyday activities with known limitations, and not lose good spirits. A dependent person, a suggestible person, will constantly assume that he does not have enough air, shortness of breath occurs, the number of panic attacks will increase, with the development of depression and anxiety. But before we can start clearing loose mucus with ease, we need to know how to do it the right way.

How to convert a cough from unproductive to productive?

Above, we wrote that a cold, flu, and SARS, and even a “super fashionable” coronavirus infection, one way or another, is usually accompanied by a cough. We need the cough to be productive, that is, to produce a significant amount of sputum, and the patient does not experience excruciating bouts of dry cough. There is a known benefit from a productive cough, and in order for it to arise, the sputum must first be thinned, and then an increase in its discharge should be achieved. Numerous medicines, both herbal and synthetic origin, serve for this purpose. These are acetylcysteine, ambroxol, bromhexine, terpinhydrate and so on. In order to convert an unproductive cough into a productive one, mucolytics, or expectorants, are required.

It is known that normally every healthy, adult person of average height daily forms half a glass of sputum, or the secret of the tracheobronchial tree per day. A healthy person, without suspecting, swallows most of it inside, and since the secret contains protein, all this is safely digested. But as soon as any respiratory disease occurs, the ciliated epithelium lining the respiratory tract begins to work poorly, the cilia sway slowly. Therefore, the excretion of sputum is reduced.

Sputum secretion, on the contrary, increases, and its viscosity increases. This excess sputum creates tracheobronchial plugs, worsening the already abnormal gas exchange, such dense mucus is an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic microbes, which are abundant in the air.

That is why it is so important to ventilate the room in a timely manner, and even in the conditions of influenza, SARS and coronavirus infection, breathe fresh air. What are the groups of expectorants?

Rating of the best expectorants

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of the best expectorants      1 Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC 200, Fluimucil, ACC Long)      320 ₽
     2 Carbocisteine ​​(Flyutidek, Bronchobos, Libeksin Muko, Fluifort)      360 ₽
     3 Bromhexine (Bromhexine-Nicomed)      152 ₽
     4 Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Abrosan, Bronchorus, Medovent, Medox, Flavamed, Khalixol)      107 ₽
     5 Gedelix (ivy leaf extract)      342 ₽
     6 Gelomyrtol      357 ₽
     7 Sinupret      391 ₽
     8 Linkas (syrup)      180 ₽
     9 Dr. MOM herbal cough lozenges      120 ₽
     10 Licorice P      160 ₽
     11 Tussamag (Thyme Extract)      241 ₽

Pharmacotherapy of productive cough: expectorants and mucolytics

The first group is secretory drugs that stimulate expectoration, and the second is sputum thinners, or mucolytics. The first group includes a large number of herbal remedies. These are oregano, thermopsis, licorice and elecampane, coltsfoot, marshmallow, terpinhydrate. They slightly affect the gastric mucosa, but at the same time they reflexively achieve stimulation of the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata, but only a little. No nausea or vomiting occurs, but it increases the activity of the bronchial glands, contracts the bronchial smooth muscles, and increases the volume of sputum, making it more fluid.

Of the long-known herbs, one can name coltsfoot, medicinal licorice, oregano, elecampane. Of the simple synthetic drugs, potassium iodide and sodium iodide can be mentioned. They also improve mucus thinning.

The second group of drugs is directly mucolytics. They do not so much increase the amount of sputum formed, but act on the already existing one, diluting its thick consistency. They act due to enzymes, compounds containing sulfur, as well as derivatives of the vizicin alkaloid:

  1. the first group is trypsin, chymotrypsin, ribonuclease (for example, Wobenzym);

  2. the second group – sulfur-containing acetylcysteine ​​and carbocysteine;

  3. the well-known Ambroxol and Bromhexine belong to the derivatives of the vizicin alkaloid.

These drugs not only reduce the viscosity of sputum, but also help to synthesize pulmonary surfactant, or alveolar lubrication, which prevents the collapse of lung tissue and minimizes the volume of pneumatic foci. These drugs reduce the viscosity and stickiness of the secret, and, of course, its removal is mechanically facilitated.

If necessary, antibiotics are also added to this medicine, but only if we are really talking about the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, for example, viral bronchitis turns into purulent. In this case, the general condition of the patient worsens, the temperature that has already begun to normalize rises again, and sputum from the mucosa becomes purulent.

In some cases, it is necessary, in addition to bronchial obstruction, or reflex, pathologically persistent narrowing of the bronchial lumen, in addition to these drugs, to use drugs that stimulate adrenoreceptors. These are salbutamol, fenoterol, and berodual. They also have decongestant properties, as they relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, and stop bronchospasm.

This drug review includes the most effective and popular cough medicines that you can buy in pharmacies of the Russian Federation in April 2020. First, each drug is preceded by its generic international name, or INN, then a list of commercial names, analogues or generics. As a rule, one of the most effective active agents is named first, which has a slightly higher cost than the cheapest analogues.

So, if you take acetylcystin, then it will be a Swiss drug, if Bromhexine, then it’s better to take Danish Bromhexine, then it’s better than Nycomed, and in the case of Ambroxol, of course, it is advisable to take the German drug Lazolvan, which can be taken orally at the same time and used as a remedy for inhalation, a product of the world famous company Boehringer Ingelheim.

The leaders of the global pharmaceutical market do not receive quotas from the state like some Russian pharmaceutical giants. They subsist on profits and can afford to spend billions of dollars on research and development of new drugs, which the Russian pharmaceutical business, which is almost completely dependent on the state, cannot afford. Market leaders are very strict about the quality of their funds. The price difference is also given, for the best representatives from each group, and for the cheapest domestic analogues, as a rule, produced on Chinese raw materials.

The price is relevant for April 2020 for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the territory of the Russian Federation. The choice of drugs was carried out according to the national clinical recommendations of pulmonologists and infectious disease specialists for the treatment of bronchitis, SARS and influenza.

Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC 200, Fluimucil, ACC Long)

Rating: 4.9

Acetylcysteine, together with carbocysteine, is a sulfur-containing drug, and exhibits a pronounced mucolytic quality: they dilute sputum very well. ACC effervescent tablets are very convenient ways to use, for this you just need to drop the tablet into warm water, and then drink the resulting solution. You can also buy sachets of granules for oral solution with orange flavor, or syrup.

All of these dosage forms contain acetylcysteine, a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. It affects sputum, shortens the molecules of its mucopolysaccharides, and breaks disulfide bridges between protein chains. The drug is indicated for all types of pathology of the respiratory system, when viscous, thick and difficult to separate sputum occurs. These are acute and chronic bronchitis with and without obstruction, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. The use of ACC is also shown in the complex therapy of cystic fibrosis, in acute and chronic sinusitis and inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), so that viscous mucus does not clog the lumen of the Eustachian tube. ACC 200 is sold in the form of 20 effervescent tablets of 200 mg, produced by the Swiss company Zambon, the package will cost from 420 to 560 rubles. It is necessary to take this remedy after meals, for adults, one tablet 2-3 times a day. For children, they need one 100 mg effervescent tablet 3 times a day, aged 6 to 14 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug is usually well tolerated, but it is advisable not to use it in case of hemoptysis, pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as well as in children under two years of age. Effervescent tablets are restricted for use in cases of histamine intolerance, since acetylcysteine ​​affects the metabolism of histamine in the body, and can lead to headache, itching and urticaria. There may be side effects: some of them are mediated just through histamine reactions, but they are less common than in 1% of cases. This is skin itching and rash, lowering blood pressure, urticaria. As in any case, it is strictly forbidden to use acetylcysteine, as well as all the drugs listed below, together with means to suppress the cough reflex. Acetylcysteine, even when taken in a fivefold dose, did not cause symptoms of an overdose, but if it is dissolved in water, then it is necessary to use a glass beaker, metal utensils are contraindicated.

Carbocisteine ​​(Flyutidek, Bronchobos, Libeksin Muko, Fluifort)

Rating: 4.8

Carbocysteine ​​is the second drug containing sulfur, and Fluditec is one of the most effective members of this class. Carbocysteine ​​is also a motility stimulant, it dilutes sputum, and at the same time, additional action is due to sialic transferase. As a result of exposure to the drug, the acid-base ratio in the bronchial secretion is normalized, the outflow of sputum is facilitated, and its viscosity is normalized. Unlike acetylcysteine, carbocysteine ​​has a positive effect not only on sputum, but also on the bronchial mucosa, increases its regenerative abilities, restoring the structure, and increases the degree of mucociliary clearance. Additionally, it affects class A secretory immunoglobulins, which provide local immunity to the mucous membrane.

It is shown in the same way, for all acute and chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, for various sinusitis, sinusitis, and inflammatory lesions of the middle ear. You can prescribe it even with adenoids, in any case, when there is a viscous, difficult to remove secret. Flutidec may also be prescribed in preparation for bronchoscopy. Fluditec is produced in the form of a syrup containing 5% of the active ingredient in an amount of 125 ml. It is produced by the French company Innotera, and the cost of one such package can be from 370 to 450 rubles.

It is necessary for adults to take the drug inside in the form of a syrup of 50 mg per milliliter. Be careful! It is a clear liquid, green in color and smells like caramel. If you need Fluditec for children, then this will already be another syrup that contains 20 mg per milliliter, and will smell like a banana and have an orange color. If you make a mistake and buy a banana for an adult, then there will be nothing to worry about: double your dose. But if you made a mistake “in the other direction”, and you give the child a green, caramel solution for adults, then an overdose may occur. Therefore, here you will need to give half the amount indicated in the instructions.

Adults need to take 15 ml – a tablespoon three times a day, and children should take syrup at the rate of 20 mg per milliliter in the same dosage, 5 ml 3 times a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of carbocysteine ​​are clear. In addition to having a good effect on mucus, it also contributes to the normalization of local humoral immunity of the mucous membranes, restoring the concentration of class A immunoglobulins, and also has a positive effect on the epithelium, increasing its ability to regenerate.

However, there are also contraindications. These are exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis, acute cystitis, age up to two years of age and pregnancy, hypersensitivity, and exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. If this agent is used together with local glucocorticosteroids, then it exhibits increased activity, in the form of a synergistic effect. It enhances the effect of antibiotics that are prescribed to treat a secondary bacterial infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It must be remembered that if it is used with antitussive or atropine-like drugs (Berodual, ipratropium bromide), then it weakens its activity.

Bromhexine (Bromhexine-Nicomed)

Rating: 4.7

Another popular drug from the category of mucolytics is bromhexine, which is available in a large number of different varieties. We will consider one of the best not tablets, but a fast-acting oral solution – Bromhexine Nycomed, which is produced by one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical leaders – the Danish company Nycomed (Takeda). The solution is inexpensive: 150 ml will cost no more than 213 rubles. in April 2020. It is an over-the-counter, expectorant, mucolytic.

Unlike previous drugs, it does not break disulfide bridges between sulfur-containing amino acid chains, but affects acid polysaccharides, increasing their negative electrical potential, that is, causing their depolarization. This leads to a decrease in the viscosity of bronchial secretions. Bromhexine is also able to stimulate the secretory cells of the bronchial mucosa to increased activity, produce more neutral polysaccharides and form alveolar surfactant.

All this leads to the possibility of prescribing Bromhexine for all diseases, with difficult-to-separate and viscous secretions, for bronchitis and tracheobronchitis, for acute respiratory viral infections, typical coronavirus infection and influenza, for cystic fibrosis, asthma, broncho-obstructive syndrome and other known conditions. It is advisable to use Bromhexine for adults and children over 16 years old, 10-20 ml 3 times a day. This will correspond to the amount of Bromhexine 8 or 16 mg, since 10 ml corresponds to 8 mg of the drug. If we are talking about patients weighing less than 50 kg, then the dosage can be half as much: 5-10 ml. As for children under 6 years old, their dosage is even half as much: 2,5 ml 3 times a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bromhexine can also be used in the form of inhalations, adults – 8 mg per 1 inhalation twice a day plus saline. Usually the effect of inhalation is manifested on the fourth or fifth day of treatment. This drug is even available in ampoules, and can be used intramuscularly or even intravenously slowly in severe cases, in thoracic surgery, to prevent the accumulation of thick sputum plugs in the bronchi. This is important because few cough medicines come in ampoules.

There may be contraindications to Bromhexine, typical for mucolytics. This is an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, the presence of bronchial asthma, a joint intake with antitussive drugs that contain codeine. But in the event that, together with bromhexine, funds are prescribed with essential oils, for example, anise, mint or eucalyptus oil, this can improve the results of treatment. We will talk about such various herbal cough preparations at the end of our article.

Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Abrosan, Bronchorus, Medovent, Medox, Flavamed, Khalixol)

Rating: 4.7

Ambroxol is an extremely popular mucolytic, you can see for yourself how many synonyms it has, but the most popular is Lazolvan. This is ambroxol hydrochloride, containing 7,5 mg of the active ingredient in one milliliter. This tool can not only be taken orally, but also used with saline inhalation, and this will be an extremely effective method of treatment. Ambroxol not only increases secretion and stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium, but also enhances the production of surfactant. As a result, mucus transport is enhanced, mucociliary clearance is increased. This relieves coughing and stimulates mucus discharge.

This drug can be used for a long time: if the patient has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, then long-term therapy with Lazolvan for 2 months or longer led to a decrease in the regular number of exacerbations per year. And this means that you can cut the use of antibiotics.

The drug is indicated for all diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, with the formation of thick sputum: with SARS, influenza, in the case of a mild coronavirus infection, as well as with pneumonia, with bronchiectasis and bronchial asthma.

Assign it to inside in accordance with the fact that 25 drops is 1 ml. Adults need 4 ml 3 times a day, and children from 6 to 12 years old – 2 ml. When inhaled, adults need one inhalation of 2 ml of solution per day, in a ratio of 1: 1 with a solution of sodium chloride.

This wonderful drug is produced by the well-known German company Boehringer Ingelheim, a solution for oral administration and inhalation will cost from 320 to 390 rubles. Of course, you can buy the simplest domestic ambroxol tablets. One package of 30 of these, the cheapest tablets, will cost only 34 rubles. but it is better to purchase really effective medicines.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps Lazolvan can cause bronchospasm if the patient has a reaction to the preservative, benzalkonium chloride, but this is extremely rare. In general, ambroxol is well tolerated, and it has fewer contraindications than other mucolytics. This is pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance. Side effects are rare, and most often it is nausea, and a slight decrease in sensitivity in the oral cavity and pharynx, sometimes a violation of taste sensations is possible. But in general, this drug is very convenient, and the ability to combine it in a double way, prescribing inside and inhaling with cold vapor using ultrasound, allows you to achieve a high effect in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, after viral infections and coronavirus pneumonia.

Gedelix (ivy leaf extract)

Rating: 4.6

Gedelix is ​​a monocomponent herbal remedy that contains an extract of common ivy leaves as an active ingredient. According to its characteristics, it belongs to the pharmacological group of expectorants of plant origin, and 100 milliliters of syrup contains almost 1 g of concentrated ivy leaf extract. As a result, a thick, yellowish-brown liquid with a peculiar smell goes on sale.

It has the same effect as sulfur-containing drugs, but not due to the effect on disulfide bridges, not due to a change in the acid-base state of sputum, but due to the content of specific saponins. As a result, it has a moderate mucolytic, expectorant and additional antispasmodic effect, expanding the muscles of the small bronchi, and reducing the syndrome of bronchial obstruction.

Gedelix is ​​indicated for typical acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, mild coronavirus infection, and other inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, when there is a cough and thick, difficult to separate sputum. It is necessary to use Gedelix for adults and children over 10 years of age in a single dose of 5 ml 3 times a day, measuring the appropriate amount with a measuring spoon. Babies can also be given Gedelix, in a single dose of 2,5 ml, which is the daily dose, diluting it with a small amount of water. The German company Crevel Meiselbach produces Gedelix, and one bottle of syrup with a volume of 100 ml will cost from 360 to 420 rubles. It is enough for an adult for 6 days of treatment. As indicated in the official instructions, the duration of the drug should not be less than 7 days, and this bottle is just about designed for such a minimum course.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many may think that this is expensive: some kind of ivy extract costs 420 rubles. But first you need to understand that ivy is bred in special pharmacy gardens. First you need to purchase its seeds, sow, monitor it, water it, collect medicinal raw materials, process it, extract the extract. And at each stage, people and equipment are needed. This drug is well tolerated, and only very rarely does nausea or abdominal discomfort occur. The drug does not contain sugar, one measuring spoon of 5 ml contains a small dose of sorbitol, so patients with diabetes can take the medicine. A big plus is the ability to take it together with the drugs described above, for example, together with Lazolvan in inhalations. Then the synergism of the two substances that affect the dilution and excretion of bronchial secretions will reduce the time for taking both drugs.


Rating: 4.5

Gelomirtol is a rather rare expectorant drug that is herbal and is taken orally in the form of enteric capsules. Herbal preparations for expectoration are usually taken orally, or in syrup, or absorbed in the form of lozenges and lozenges, or taken as inhalations. But here the content of terpenes is such that it is better to bring them directly to the duodenum. These are standardized myrtol, limonene, cineole and pinene. All these components are active components of mint, lemon, pine resin. They are what give them their characteristic smell.

Having been absorbed into the blood, these components have a systemic mucolytic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood occurs 3 hours after taking the drug, and Gelomirtol is indicated for acute and chronic bronchitis, with various forms of sinusitis, with influenza, SARS and inflammatory lesions of the upper respiratory tract. It is advisable to take Gelomirtol half an hour before meals with some water at normal temperature. Adults with acute inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract are recommended to take one capsule 3-4 times a day, and in order to improve sputum discharge in the morning, it is advisable to take one more capsule before bedtime. The duration of the drug is determined by the doctor.

Gelomirtol is sold by Boskamp, ​​Germany, 120 mg in capsules, in a package of 20 capsules, and it will cost from 315 to 415 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this drug is the ability to be used in complex therapy. The remedy alone can hardly cope with severe stagnation of sputum, especially with severe tracheobronchitis, or with pneumonia. But in the event that it is used together with Lasolvan inhalations, along with drinking hot ACC, prescribing Bromhexine tablets, then the effect will be more complete. Of the contraindications, the presence of active cholelithiasis, urolithiasis and bronchial asthma should be mentioned, since the active components can “move” the stone. It is contraindicated in the first period of pregnancy, and in children over the age of six.


Rating: 4.5

Sinupret is usually prescribed by ENT doctors. But as we saw above, in many ENT diseases, expectorants are also needed, for example, in the case of inflammation of the middle ear, so that the Eustachian tube does not become clogged with mucus. Similarly, facilitating nasal breathing significantly improves the physicochemical characteristics of mucus in the bronchi. Because if a person has sinusitis, his nasal conchas may be clogged, he can only breathe through his mouth. This leads to intense evaporation of fluid from the lungs, and compaction of sputum into mucous plugs.

Sinupret is sold in drops and tablets, the tablets contain herbal ingredients: these are gentian primroses, sorrel and elderberry, verbena grass. The drops contain the same ingredients in the form of aqueous and alcoholic extracts, and an alcoholic solution. The drug has a secretolytic effect, reduces inflammation and improves sputum discharge. It can be used for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, in the presence of a chronic process and intense nasal congestion, due to the formation of a viscous secret. Sinupret is produced by the German company Bionorica, and a 100 ml bottle will cost from 360 to 430 rubles. It is necessary to apply it 50 drops 3 times a day, the duration of treatment is a week or two.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sinupret has proven itself in the complex therapy of bronchitis, in the presence of nasal congestion, and such a concomitant diagnosis as chronic sinusitis. Drops contain up to 20% ethyl alcohol, so it is not recommended to drive during treatment. There may be side effects such as skin rashes, minor allergic reactions, or itchy skin, but these are very rare. There are practically no contraindications to taking the drug: the only thing is that children under 6 years of age cannot swallow tablets, and drops are not recommended for chronic alcoholism. Since the drug contains alcohol, it should not be given even in drops to children under the age of two, in the presence of liver diseases, convulsive syndromes, epilepsy.

Linkas (syrup)

Rating: 4.4

Linkas is another herbal syrup that is produced by the Pakistani company Herbion Pakistan. It contains extracts of pepper and licorice, hyssop and violet, marshmallow, and several other components with an unpronounceable name. Glycerin and citric acid, peppermint oil, clove oil were introduced as auxiliary substances and bases.

Linkas is also available in the form of lozenges with mint, honey and lemon flavor, orange flavor. This comprehensive set of medicinal herbs increases the productivity of cough, thins phlegm, helps expectoration and stimulates the ciliated epithelium. It is indicated for all those diseases in which there is a cough with sputum difficult to separate, including influenza, SARS, coronavirus infection, bronchitis in smokers and other conditions. Adults need to use it inside, 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day for a week. You can buy syrup in a volume of 180 ml at a price of 200 to 340 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This drug perfectly disinfects the respiratory tract, and alone can be used as a means of prevention. In the same case, if you already have an unproductive cough, or you have ARVI, a viral infection, then it is advisable to combine it with other expectorants. The syrup contains sugar, which must be taken into account in patients with diabetes. Also, the remedy is contraindicated in children under the age of 6 months, pregnant and lactating women. As in other cases, this remedy should not be combined with cough suppressants.

Dr. MOM herbal cough lozenges

Rating: 4.3

Herbal cough lozenges of different flavors are another great addition to the complex therapy of an unproductive cough. There are a variety of records on sale: orange and lemon, raspberry strawberry, pineapple, fruit and berry. But they all contain menthol, licorice extract and ginger. Ginger prevents the development of infection, relieves pain when coughing, so these lozenges are now in great demand. Licorice extract helps to expectorate, relieves bronchial smooth muscle spasms and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Menthol is an antiseptic. It is necessary to take and dissolve lozenges with known diseases, which have already been called more than once, as well as for prevention during epidemics, with a dry cough. Lozenges dissolve slowly, one piece every 2 hours, but not more than 10 lozenges per day. These lozenges are produced by the Indian company Unic under the brand name “Doctor MOM”, and you can purchase a package of any taste and aroma in the amount of 20 pieces at prices from 120 to 155 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this tool is its ease of use, a wide variety of aromas, the ability to use it for prevention, and the presence of very effective and long-known components. A well-chosen recipe allows you not to get sick if you regularly dissolve these lozenges, going out into the street, during the epidemic under an individual mask. They have practically no contraindications, with the exception of younger children, when lozenges can be choked on, or accidentally inhaled. But in the event that you have severe bronchitis, difficulty coughing, an abundance of thick sputum, then lozenges alone are unlikely to help you. It will be necessary to use them, but together with inhalations, mixtures, and the intake of mucolytics described above.

Licorice P

Rating: 4.3

“Licorice P” – means “licorice produced by Parapharm”. It can be considered one of the cheapest drugs in which the only component is licorice. It dilutes sputum, and is indicated for use with both dry and wet coughs. This remedy can be used for all of the above indications, but in addition, licorice still tones, improves the healing of intestinal ulcers, is used in the pathology of the liver, biliary tract and bladder, and can be considered a dietary supplement. This preparation contains 60 mg of licorice root and 15 mg of rose hips per tablet. You need to take 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals for 1 month. The medicine allows you to be healthier during the epidemic, and you can buy one package of 100 Parapharm tablets from 150 to 300 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all dietary supplements, biologically active substances, licorice + rosehip is not a therapeutic agent, and can be used, but in complex therapy along with other drugs. This will speed up the duration of treatment, reduce its cost, and reduce the likelihood of prescribing antibiotics for SARS and influenza and coronavirus infection. Of the contraindications can be called individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation. In general, the effectiveness of this drug is due to the fact that licorice roots and rosehip powder are processed fresh frozen, and this method of cryoprocessing allows you to save all the useful properties of the components.

Tussamag (Thyme Extract)

Rating: 4.2

Finally, the last preparation on the list is the popular thyme, which is produced by the German company Merkle. As we remember, ivy leaf extract was also from Germany, which is famous for its purity and perfection in obtaining plant extracts, and the development of the pharmaceutical industry. In this case, you can buy a liquid alcoholic extract of thyme herb in the form of drops, syrup with sugar, or syrup without sugar. It is a wonderful mild bronchodilator that has expectorant properties. The syrup can be used three teaspoons 3 times a day, and drops – 3 times a day, 40 – 60 drops. This tool is sold at prices ranging from 160 to 470 rubles. for a package of about 200 ml.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all monocomponent herbal preparations, the dignity of Tussamag is practically in the absence of contraindications, except for individual intolerance, the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and during breastfeeding. On the other hand, the effectiveness of this drug, as the only means for expectoration and sputum removal, will be high if the process of SARS, influenza and tracheobronchitis is just beginning. But in the event that there is already an unproductive, dry, debilitating cough, then it is necessary to add additional components to the treatment process. This is the same Lazolvan, ACC, inhalations and other drugs.

Do not forget that the quantity and quality of the liquid consumed is of great importance for expectoration and sputum thinning production. It is known that warm alkaline mineral water will be better than a simple liquid, it is prescribed to stimulate expectoration.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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