10th week of pregnancy – the course, tests, development of the fetus, how to take care of yourself

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Your 10th week of pregnancy is now starting. Your baby is about the size of a walnut and is starting to grow vigorously. See what is changing in his body and how your body changes in 10 weeks of pregnancy.

10th week of pregnancy – course

Although you may not have gained weight yet, you may already have a slightly rounded tummy by 10 weeks of pregnancy. It largely depends on whether it is your first pregnancy or your next pregnancy. In the first pregnancy, the abdominal wall is not yet stretched and the tummy becomes round a little later. With subsequent pregnancies, it grows a little faster.

At the start of your 10th week of pregnancy, your baby measures around 25mm, but in the next seven days, your baby will grow to a length of 40mm! You are slowly approaching the end of the first trimmer, so now your little one will grow faster and faster.

For many women, the 10th week of pregnancy is very hard, as nausea is at the highest frequency. From that moment on, however, it should get better and better.

About this period, the risk of miscarriage due to genetic defects also decreases, although it should be remembered that there is still some time to the end of the first trimester.

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10rd week of pregnancy – baby’s development

The baby is immersed in the amniotic fluid. There is not much of it, only about 50 ml, but its amount will increase soon. Interestingly, around the 10th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to swallow it. The kidneys are now working, so the baby passes urine into the amniotic sac. Therefore, the amniotic fluid is mostly sterile urine.

Your baby’s face is developing more and more. Although the ear resembles a tiny appendage for now, a snail is being formed in the inner ear. But this is not the end of the amazing changes – the palate is overgrown and the first tooth sockets are forming in the gums! This is amazing considering the fact that the teeth will not break through the gums until the child is six months old.

The brain is already properly formed, although of course it will continue to grow intensively and many new nerve cells will be formed in it, and individual areas will be specialized.

Tissues develop intensively and become bones after hardening. The bone marrow is slowly starting to function, although for now blood cells are being made in the liver. The limbs lengthen and bend at the joints. Even though the fingers are already separated, the toes are still connected.

The digestive system is also well developed – the stomach produces digestive juices, and the gallbladder also works. The esophagus muscles contract.

The membranes are almost completely developed and the placenta will soon start working. Thanks to this, the child will have easier access to the nutrients that have so far been drawing from the yolk sac. This means that it will have a lot of energy and building blocks to grow vigorously, which means that in a few weeks it will be difficult for you to hide your growing belly.

Vitamins and minerals are very important for the proper development of a child during pregnancy. Their increased demand can be supplemented with dietary supplements, such as Pregnancy Complex – Viridian pregnant woman.

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10th week of pregnancy – changes in the female body

The 10th week of pregnancy can give you a hard time. In addition to your current pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, constipation, heartburn, and frequent use of the bathroom, you may develop new symptoms. Moreover, the nausea is at its peak, which can completely destroy the appetite.

It is important to still try to eat balanced meals and drink the right amount of fluids. It is recommended that you avoid foods the taste and smell of which may make you feel sick or sick. You should eat mostly protein-rich foods and drink plenty of fluids (mostly still mineral water), especially if you vomit frequently. You should also avoid spicy, highly seasoned or fried foods.

Also, remember to eat regularlyto avoid feeling hungry because it can make you feel sick or even make you sick. If we are talking about vomiting, ginger tea is also helpful in this case. If the symptoms are severe, consult a doctor.

The other gastric disorders that appear in women in the 10th week of pregnancy are flatulence. Although they do not pose a threat to health, they can cause significant discomfort, feeling of fullness and malaise. Usually they are caused by pressure on the intestines of your enlarging uterus, but are also associated with elevated levels of progesterone. This hormone is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy, and it also slows down the digestive processes.

In order to reduce these ailments, it is worth limiting the consumption of products such as: cabbage, legumes and onions. Also, remember that your diet does not lack a large amount of fiber-containing foods, such as: whole grain bread, cereals and pasta, vegetables and fruits (when it comes to the latter, however, you should not overdo it, because e.g. raw apples and pears can increase problems. with flatulence). If you are following a high-fiber diet, you need to drink plenty of fluids, preferably still mineral water (about 3 liters a day).

If you neglect this, the fiber in your food will also cause gas and constipation. Forget about sweetened carbonated drinks as well.

The veins may be very prominent on your body. This is perfectly normal. During pregnancy, blood volume can increase by up to 40%, which makes the vessels widen and become more pronounced. You can see them in particular on the breasts and abdomen. Do not worry about their aesthetic aspect, they will return to normal after you stop feeding.

Dizziness and visual disturbances are also associated with the increase in blood volume. While dizziness, especially when standing up or changing positions, is quite common, visual disturbances require consultation with a doctor. This could be a symptom of high blood pressure which could be serious for the baby. The correct pressure value is 120/80 mmHg.

Already in the 10th week of pregnancy, you may also notice changes in the gums. They are also the result of an increased amount of blood in the body. The gums will become fluffed. They will likely bleed as well in the following weeks of pregnancy.

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Especially important in the 10st week of pregnancy

Your breasts get bigger and more swollen. This is a good time to think about the use of creams and treatments to prevent stretch marks. Remember to carefully check that the cosmetics you intend to use do not contain harmful compounds.

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10th week of pregnancy – take care of yourself

During pregnancy, apart from the right clothes, you should focus your attention on your underwear. In the case of increasingly larger breasts, you should replace your bra with a larger size. In the case of panties, this should not be a problem yet. Typically, most women throughout pregnancy wear ordinary briefs that end below the belly.

However, you should pay attention to whether your underwear is made of airy natural materials, such as cotton, or with a small admixture of synthetic fabrics (e.g. elastane). This reduces the chance of developing an infection and causing irritation. Additionally, make sure that your underwear has a XNUMX% cotton liner. Also, do not forget that the panties do not press against the tummy, thighs or groin, especially during your travels.

Remember not to run out of calcium in your diet. It is an ingredient that is essential for the proper development of a child. It affects the proper mineralization of bones and teeth. In addition, it regulates the body’s metabolism and is also involved in the blood clotting process. Among the other properties of calcium, it is impossible not to mention the fact that it reduces the permeability of cell membranes, which protects the child from allergic reactions.

Calcium deficiency, in turn, may increase the risk of osteoporosis, which is a disease caused by decreased bone density. Women during pregnancy need calcium just as much as they did before pregnancy (1300 mg daily for moms under 19 and 1000 mg for mums 19-50). A good source of calcium can be, among others milk, preferably with a reduced fat content (one glass is 300 mg of calcium) and its products (e.g. cheese, buttermilk, kefir, yoghurt), nuts and seeds, dried fruit, green vegetables or legume seeds.

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Tests in the 10st week of pregnancy

Although the first ultrasound is recommended between weeks 11 and 14, you can do it now. This is important if you are not sure when conception was achieved. Up to this point, the embryos develop at the same rate, so that the age of pregnancy can be judged from the size alone.

Another important reason why it is worth having an ultrasound up to the 10th week of pregnancy is the possibility of assessing whether the pregnancy is ectopic. Ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which the embryo has established itself outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube.

Ectopic pregnancies most often suffer from spontaneous miscarriage, however, there are cases where pregnancy remains at the site of implantation, which may result in rupture of the fallopian tube and hemorrhage. This is an extremely dangerous situation that can even lead to death. That is why an ectopic pregnancy should be diagnosed as soon as possible.

It is also worth adding that the NIFTY test is recommended from the 10th week of pregnancy. It is a non-invasive prenatal test, the effectiveness of which is almost 35%. During the NIFTY test, fetal DNA is analyzed for a dozen or so syndromes of birth defects caused by chromosomal abnormalities. This test is recommended mainly for women over XNUMX and those who underwent in-vitro fertilization.

Interesting facts about the 10th week of pregnancy

Your baby is developing at a surprising pace and already has fingerprints! In addition, it is worth mentioning that your child is already moving his chest, this is how he practices breathing. His heart beats about 140 times a minute and the bend in the baby’s elbow is more and more clearly visible.

See also:

  1. 9rd week of pregnancy
  2. 11rd week of pregnancy

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