10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre

According to the results of the RBC poll, the Horror genre is in third place in the rating of film fans’ sympathies. Among horror films there are real masterpieces, after watching which the viewer either cannot fall asleep for a long time, or is tormented by vivid nightmares from the pictures he has seen. But fans of horror films do not complain about the consequences, because it is precisely because of these emotions that horror films have an extensive fan base.

The films we are going to talk about evoke slightly different emotions. Laughter and indignation, although according to the declared genre they should give goosebumps and slow down the blood in the veins.

We have compiled a list of the 10 worst horror movies so you don’t waste time watching these “nightmare” movies.

10 Piranha 3DD | 2012

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre The name itself is already bad. Perhaps in the 70s the word “piranha” on the poster could scare someone, but in 2012, when “Sinistr” and the second “Silent Hill” were released, Hardly.

According to the plot, piranhas through drains and sewer pipes reached the city pools, water parks and reservoirs. Now carnivorous fish not only bloodthirstyly tear people apart, but also penetrate them under the skin, starting to eat from the inside. And if you read this terribly, then it looks just described as ridiculous.

And the 3D effect is only visible in the chest area of ​​female characters. The piranhas themselves did not cause the proper horror, but the scenes with their attacks caused a feeling of disgust in many. Apparently, no one told the creators that fear should fetter the viewer from horror films, and not spasms of nausea.

9. Pyramid | 2014

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre In 2014, the premiere of “The Curse of Anabel” thundered, which later gave rise to several sequels and prequels, and in general a movie franchise about a scary doll. In the same year, “Pyramid” was released, which failed at the box office.

The characters are flat and equally stubborn: they climb ahead, find problems for themselves, from which they subsequently die. In the story, a group of archaeologists finds an ancient Egyptian pyramid and descends into its catacombs. Tangled turns, dark corridors and narrow forks lead the heroes to where they can no longer get out.

The viewer will not find the screaming mummy on the poster in the film, the creators decided to satisfy people’s thirst for adrenaline with computer graphics of ancient hairless cats. Properly, the cat family frightened only the main characters of the film, but the “scarecrows” left the audience indifferent.

8. Dislike | 2016

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre Russian filmmakers have been trying for years to win the hearts of film lovers with high-quality horror. “Dislike” refers to unsuccessful attempts, after all, the film did not cause the audience to feel fear, but rather laughter.

According to the plot, 8 famous video bloggers come to a country house to shoot a joint advertising integration. But it turns out that the house is a trap and none of the youth’s favorites will live until dawn. A maniac in a mask went hunting, and who is hiding behind this mask, the viewer will find out only in the very finale.

7. Human centipede | 2009

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre Not to look nervous! Unfortunately, the slogan of the film does not sound like that, and therefore a huge number of people patted their psyche in the cinema.

In the story, two young friends travel around Europe. According to the law of horror films, the girls’ car breaks down in the middle of an empty highway. In search of help, the heroines come across an abandoned villa. The owner of the villa is a retired surgeon who in the past specialized in operating on Siamese twins.

The girls are drugged, and in the morning they wake up on the operating table. The surgeon is preparing for an experiment: he wants to connect three people, sewing them into an independent organism with a single digestive system.

6. Hidden 3D | 2011

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre

The plot of this horror film is recognizable: an abandoned monastery, experiments on the sick, evil spirits and young adventurers who become objects of revenge of the former mentally ill.

After watching the film, the viewer gets a clear feeling that somewhere in the narrow circles of directors, a book is going around: “How to make a banal and uninteresting horror film.” And the director of “Hidden” as if more than once turned to this book for help. There are simply no other explanations for such banal plot twists, predictable “boo-moments”, familiar forest paths and abandoned monasteries…

5. Bloodrain | 2005

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre The synopsis for the film “Bloodrain” looks like a crumpled brief retelling: it is about the childhood of the main character, and about her parents, and about the antagonist, and about the hunters, and about vampirism, and much more…

The fact is that the film is based on the BloodRayne computer game, so it was as if they deliberately tried to place the entire game background in annotation lines.

The plot itself develops sluggishly, there is no dynamics in the frames, the dialogues are drawn out and most often stupidly constructed, and the existing fight scenes are staged badly. Definitely do not recommend this movie.

4. Phobos. Club fear | 2012

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre A Russian-made film whose main triggers focus on the fear of the dark and claustrophobia.

According to the plot, a group of young and dissimilar guys find themselves locked in a Soviet bunker. At first, the company does not worry about the fact of slammed doors: they joke in every possible way, scare each other and have fun within the walls of Phobos.

But soon the heroes realize that cellular communication does not penetrate the walls of the bomb shelter, and the locked ones did not tell anyone about their intention to go to Phobos.

The plot to the horror is very good: to beat various phobias and show what people are capable of in a fit of uncontrollable fear. But the implementation of the idea let us down. Some actors openly overact, others, without sparing the eardrums of the audience, scream to the ultrasound, others do not follow logic or any sequence.

From this, the film becomes more and more boring every minute, and the desire to ever revisit the horror completely disappears.

3. Apartment 1303 | 2012

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre Apartment number 1303 has been cursed for a long time. Indeed, within the walls of the apartments, a mother and daughter were brutally killed, and now their souls are taking revenge on every new tenant who has moved in.

The film is very cliched, it definitely does not bring anything new to the horror genre. The main characters are absolutely illogical, the viewer does not believe them, if only because any normal person, having seen the bloodied ghost of a little girl in his room, would have disappeared not only from the apartment, but also from the city!

And then the main character calmly falls asleep after the visit of otherworldly forces, and she does not plan to move out. What fate awaits such a fearless person, probably, it is not worth specifying.

2. House of the Dead | 2003

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre

A film based on a computer game, and stuffed with the most common stereotypes. The creators decided not to bother, as a result, in front of the audience were mediocre actors playing poorly written characters. The film deservedly failed at the box office – it is impossible to watch.

1. Diggers 2016

10 worst horror movies in the history of the genre

At one time, the film attracted a large number of viewers to cinemas thanks to the slogan: “Every day more people go down the subway than go back up …” But every person leaving the cinema hall was not too lazy to write a devastating review or at least leave a negative review to friends on Diggers. Therefore, every day there were fewer and fewer visitors to the cinemas, and as a result, the horror failed at the box office.

In the center of the film is the Moscow metro. The last train rushes past the terminal station and takes away into the darkness of the tunnels the passengers who do not understand anything. The authorities hide information about the missing people, but the friends of the disappeared decide to go looking for them themselves.

The plot of the film is interesting. It attracts fans of horror films and fans of the subway catacombs to the screening. But the implementation of the idea about monsters in the subway is impossibly bad.



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