There is no special magic in words, and why they affect us and others so much can be explained.
The word depends on how you perceive it – if it is “charged”, that is, it is framed with a certain “thought form”, and you put energy into it, then the word is able to program reality and modify it.
It affects the one who pronounces the “charged” word and the one to whom it is addressed. It is not the word itself that matters, but what we put into it.
Naturally, if you say: “Everything is bad with me”, imagining something unpleasant, then you will attract the bad even more.
But once you start saying, “I’m fine,” imagining yourself healthy, full of energy and able to create life around you, you will attract more good things.
10 Fate
This word each gives its own meaning for itself. For some, fate is things that happen to them, regardless of themselves – that is, predestined from above.
For others, fate means those actions that a person performs in his life and receives a result. What does fate mean to you?
This word greatly affects the attitude of a person, and with the help of it you can change your destiny.
But it is important to pronounce this word confidently, and to understand that there are no higher forces that “lead” you somewhere, only you create your own destiny, and do it every moment.
9. Love
People are afraid to love because they got burned once. They think that if they fall in love again, they will get burned again. Yes, this is possible, but life consists of bad and good lessons. And who said that you need to be fixated only on loving another person?
Take a look at the world around you – you can love animals, nature, art, admire how someone confidently goes to his goal – that is, love not the person himself, but single out and admire someone’s qualities or talents.
Love and openness is the key to happiness. Say this word as often as possible and radiate the energy of love.
8. Happiness
What makes a person happy is not the fulfillment of a dream, but the movement towards it – do not forget about it. It is known that when a person gets what he wants, he “burns out”, because all his energy was invested in the projection.
That is, a person experiences in advance the feeling that should happen after the dream comes true, and when he gets what he wants, then he no longer experiences strong emotions.
Therefore, your goal is to feel happiness from the process, from your movement, and do not forget to repeat to yourself that you are worthy of the happiness that you imagined. So say: “I am worthy of happiness.”
7. Passion
Passion is a very strong feeling, it does not necessarily mean attraction to any person. Passion can be called a hobby, fetish, hobby, etc.
This word means immersion, passion for something or someone. This is not only strong love, but also sensual attraction.
Say this word as often as possible, especially during those periods when you are overcome by doubts – the Universe will dispel them all.
In addition, passion helps to cope with stereotypical thinking and opens up new horizons for you.
6. Prosperity
This is an important word that should be used more often. Thrive in everything – in business, in hobbies, in friendships and love relationships, spiritually, etc.
In fact, we always prosper if a person consciously spoils his life – this is called self-destruction, usually this behavior is characteristic of people who have not found meaning in their lives for themselves.
You can get out of all failures, but you need to fight stagnation – wish prosperity not only to yourself, but also to other people, to the world – let luck be on your side, and prosperity and happiness will come with it.
5. Victory
Do you know why some athletes win at the Olympics? Of course, it’s all about preparation and polished actions, but, in addition, they always believe in their victory and repeat to themselves: “I will win”, this is what makes them stronger than their opponents.
Imagine an athlete who did not believe in his success, what would come of it? At the very least, because of his doubts, he would be less sure of winning, and this would affect his physical condition.
Say to yourself, “I will win” more often, no matter in what area.
4. Confidence
A self-confident person radiates powerful energy, one who knows what he needs and does something to realize what he wants always commands respect and admiration.
In fact, we always know what we need, but we do not always see the ways to implement what we want. It is enough to understand that the paths can be different, and from them you can choose the one that seems to you the most acceptable and fastest.
We don’t want what is impossible to get. Do you want money? So you can think of a way to earn them.
Want to prove some theory? You will find a way how to do it. There are always ways if there is a real desire.
Become confident in yourself and your abilities, know that you can do everything, and if something doesn’t work out for you, then you don’t want it so much.
3. Nadezhda
Many people live only in hope – they hope for a chance, for a good combination of circumstances, etc …
Is hope bad? If a person does nothing and only hopes for something, then yes, because he stops managing his life.
But if you are moving towards the realization of your desires, making your efforts, then the magical feeling of hope will only help you.
You can’t do something without the hope of a positive result – then people would not do anything at all. Miracles happen to those who at least know how to recognize them.
2. Confidence
If you have ceased to trust yourself, this is a bad sign. Betraying others is bad, and betraying yourself is even worse.
What does it mean to betray yourself? It means to stop listening to yourself and your soul, to do what you really don’t need, but to follow the lead of society, friends, teachers, etc.
To be a happy person, you need to believe in yourself and trust yourself, to know that, despite the vicissitudes of fate, you remain yourself. And that will definitely get you where you need to go.
Trust yourself and repeat: “Everything will be as I want.”
1. Thank you
Whenever you say, “Thank you,” you show the world how grateful you are for something. You should not only receive, but also give thanks.
It doesn’t matter what you thank for – loved ones for their wise advice, the weather for being able to spend more time in nature or a waiter for delicious ice cream – the very fact that you express gratitude is important.
When you give thanks, you get more and more surprises and pleasant situations in life. Say: “Thank you”, never forget about gratitude.