10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists

The beauty of the world is boundless, so many people travel every year to admire it. The tourism industry brings states a good profit due to the flow of travelers visiting them.

But sometimes more tourists come to the country than it can afford. This threatens with negative consequences, leading to the destruction of natural attractions and architectural monuments.

In our article you can find a list of 10 wonders of the world that are almost destroyed by tourists.

10 Seokguram cave temple (South Korea)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists Seokguram is a rock temple located in South Korea. It is located in one of the grottoes of the mountain, has access to the sea. One of his statues, depicting the Buddha, strikes with splendor.

The construction of the temple began in 742 and ended in 774. The architects attribute the attraction to the Skill era, it is considered one of the best monuments of Buddhist culture.

On the territory of the temple complex there are also images of the Indian deity Bodhisattva and his followers. In addition, the tourist will be able to see here a bridge, a statue of Buddha made of bronze.

Despite the supervision and care of the temple, crowds of numerous travelers violate its integrity and original appearance.

9. Venice, Italy)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists Every person dreams of visiting romantic Venice, but this poses a significant threat to the city. Everyone knows that he stands on the water and slowly goes under it.

Venice has a huge number of attractions, and therefore it is visited by an unthinkable number of people, which negatively affects the state of the city.

The gradual flooding is influenced by the pressure of ground objects, which include not only buildings, but also the people themselves. Many scientists believe that by 2028 the city will become unacceptable for living in it.

8. “Golden City” Jaisalmer (India)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists India also receives a large number of tourists every year, many of whom travel there to visit the “Golden City” of Jaisalmer. The attraction is located in the middle of the Great Indian Desert.

Travelers are interested in the fort of the city, it can be entered through one of the four gates, they all lead to different places.

Inside the fortress there is a palace and numerous temples. The local infrastructure is not ready to accommodate a large number of tourists, so the annual flow of travelers negatively affects it.

7. Yangshuo (China)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists Yangshuo is a small city in China, located on the Lijiang River. Every year it is visited not only by Chinese tourists, but also by foreigners. The town attracts people with its natural beauties and low prices.

Travelers go to Yangshuo to swim in the river in boats, ride bicycles, admire the hills surrounding the town, as they have an interesting shape, and visit other interesting natural places. A large flow of people has a bad effect on the environment, the river is heavily polluted from their garbage.

6. Wadi Rum (Moon Valley) (Jordan)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists The desert is located in Jordan, it attracts the attention of a person because it is not just sand dunes. Its surface is covered with canyons, mountains and failures.

The highest mountain has a height of 1830 meters. Her landscapes have repeatedly attracted the attention of filmmakers.

Travelers visit the desert to see rock inscriptions, go on a jeep safari, try themselves as a climber. These entertainments are gradually destroying the Moon Valley.

5. Stonehenge (UK)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists The complex of megaliths, located in the UK, attracts the attention of tourists with its mystery, the mystery of its appearance has not been explained by scientists.

The annual visit of the monument of architecture by people leads to its destruction, many try to drag pieces of stones with them, this violates the integrity of the complex.

Restoring Sonhenge is difficult, as it does not lead to the reproduction of its original appearance.

4. Bay of Fire Tasmania (east coast of Australia)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists The attraction was named in 1773, it was named so by the sailor Tobias Furno. It was he who noticed the lights on the shore from his ship.

In reality, they were bright red stones that are covered with lichen, lying on pure white sand. Now this area is visited by crowds of tourists to take photos.

3. Timbuktu (Mali)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists Timbuktu is located in Mali, near the Niger River. The city experienced an economic boom and was considered an intellectual and Islamic center during the era of Mansa Musa. It was created around 1100 by the Tuareg. It entered a state of decline in 1591.

Today, tourists come to the city to see the Jingareber mosque, built according to ancient technologies, to visit museums where you can see rare manuscripts.

Despite the ancient buildings and other attractions, tourists are not recommended to visit the city because of the constant uprisings, the actions of terrorists, which are already destroying it so much.

2. Machu Picchu (Peru)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists The mysterious Inca civilization and its creations have long attracted people, and Machu Picchu has not gone unnoticed by travelers. This trace in the history of the Incas was left in the 15th century. Today, this attraction remains the most significant in Peru.

The city was discovered by explorers in 1911. Today, at least two thousand people try to visit it every day, this destroys its original appearance.

1. Tulum (Mexico)

10 wonders of the world almost destroyed by the invasion of tourists Mexico has always attracted the attention of tourists, today one of its main attractions is Tulum. It is the ruins of an ancient settlement created by the Mayan civilization.

It is located on the coast with sheer cliffs. The name is translated into Russian as “wall”. Previously, the settlement had a different name – “Sama”, which meant “city of dawn”. On the frescoes of the main temple of the city you can see the image of the Descending God.

Today it is quite often visited by tourists, buses go to it, all this activity destroys the natural beauty of the sights.

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