10 women who played a huge role in Pushkin’s life

For many people, Alexander Sergeevich is a talented writer. Such romantic poems about love could only be written by a person with a fine mental organization. But his contemporaries had a slightly different opinion about Pushkin.

The moral character of the poet left much to be desired, he loved women too much. Alexander Sergeevich started romances with young girls and married ladies, did not hesitate to pronounce the names of his mistresses aloud.

The “Don Juan list” of the poet has even reached our days. Pushkin compiled a rating of ladies in the album of Elizaveta Ushakova in 1829. It listed all the women with whom he had a close relationship. The poet called his wife Natalya Goncharova the 113th love.

If we assume that Pushkin never cheated on his wife, and she was his last woman (and this is not so), then you still get a rather impressive list.

In this article, we will focus only on 10 hobbies of the poet. These are women who played a huge role in Pushkin’s life.

10 Princess Golitsyna

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Evdokia Ivanovna was a rich woman. She had a party every night. A famous fortune-teller predicted a woman’s death in the dark, so she was afraid to go to bed. In her salon one could meet the smartest people in Russia, French emigrants, future Decembrists.

Pushkin fell in love with Evdokia at first sight, and she was 20 years older than him, the poet then turned 18. The princess accepted his love, but still did not become the “next trophy” of the young Don Juan.

Soon these meetings ceased, but Pushkin and Golitsyna did not forget about each other. She helped him when Alexander was sent into exile. The woman contributed to the fact that the poet was sent to Odessa. He often thought of her too.

9. Princess Volkonskaya

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Pushkin met young Maria when he was serving a link in the south of the country. The girl is the daughter of General Raevsky. The poet was struck by her beauty and dedicated several poems to her. Maria herself will subsequently consider that the image of Tatyana Larina is written off from her.

Little is known about the relationship between Pushkin and Raevskaya. Some sources indicate that there was a long-term secret love between them. There are those who have the opposite opinion, namely that Maria was unrequitedly in love with Pushkin.

In any case, this woman had a great influence on the poet’s work. He dedicated the poem “Poltava” to her. Maria, then already Princess Volkonskaya, went into exile for her husband, a Decembrist. This act struck Pushkin.

8. Ekaterina Orlova

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Another “hidden love” of the poet. Alexander Sergeevich met her when he was still studying at the Lyceum. The girl had a strong character, was smart, versed in literature, knew languages. Pushkin liked to meet her, they could talk for several hours in a row, often spent time alone.

Catherine did not want anyone to know about their relationship, but it was not always possible to hide a huge interest in Pushkin’s person. She was interested in the work and life of the poet.

It is known that Pushkin liked to draw portraits on the margins of his drafts. So among them, a portrait of Orlova is very common. She is also on Pushkin’s list, listed as Catherine III.

7. Aglaya Davydova

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Once Alexander Davydov invited his friend to visit his estate. He did not yet know that he had made an unforgivable mistake. The young poet met his wife and charmed her.

It is worth noting that the woman was not particularly chaste, and Pushkin was not her only lover. The details of their relationship are unknown, but judging by the poems and epigrams that the poet dedicated to her, they parted far from being friends.

He ridiculed her, called her windy, ingenuous, pointed to her “venerable” age. Pushkin wanted to hurt Aglaya as painfully as possible. Surely he had some feelings for her, and she offended him. If Pushkin had been indifferent to her, he would never have written The Coquette.

6. Elizabeth Khitrova

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life But the daughter of Mikhail Kutuzov was very strongly attached to Pushkin. The name Elizabeth is on Pushkin’s list, but it is not known whether the poet had her in mind.

Alexander Sergeevich called the girl “the most brilliant secular lady.” He perceived her as an older sister, a friend. She went crazy with love, wrote letters to him, sent gifts. The poet laughed at her, complained that she was following him. But he wrote letters to Elizabeth herself of a completely different nature.

When Elizabeth found out that Pushkin had decided to marry, she was very upset. The girl wrote him a letter. She wanted the poet to know that she was ready for anything for him.

5. Sofia Pushkina

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life A distant relative of the poet, was considered perhaps the most beautiful Moscow young lady. Pushkin met her in 1826, he then arrived from exile. When I saw her, I could not overcome the surging feelings. It was love at first sight.

Indeed, the girl was very good. Pushkin always easily communicated with the ladies, and when Sophia was shy and blushed. The poet even tried to propose to her.

He wrote a letter to Zubkov and asked him to marry Sophia. Apparently he did not take any action, and maybe it was already too late. One way or another, when Pushkin returned to Moscow, Sophia was already engaged to another.

4. Anna Kern

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Pushkin devoted the legendary “wonderful moment” to this woman. It seems that their romance was built on lofty feelings, but no. Anna was married, their relationship with the poet was fleeting. At first, Pushkin was carried away by the beauty, especially since she did not show interest in him.

Alexander Sergeevich fell in love, he dedicated poems to the girl, was jealous, suffered. After two years, the situation changed, now Pushkin called her “the Babylonian harlot.”

In fact, he allowed himself much more, dishonored her in every possible way and told everyone about their relationship. Anna then moved to St. Petersburg, left her husband, her reputation was ruined.

3. Anna Olenina

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life This woman could become Pushkin’s wife, but rejected his proposal. Olenina, a lady-in-waiting of the imperial court, a very beautiful and intelligent woman, immediately attracted the attention of the poet. He fell in love. However, Anna also felt sympathy for Alexander Sergeevich, but did not allow her feelings to overcome her mind.

The girl wanted to get married, but she understood that Pushkin’s candidacy was not the most suitable one. Olenina looked at him and did not find in him those qualities that are inherent in a good husband. In addition, the parents were against it, so Anna answered Pushkin’s proposal: “No.”

2. Agrafena Zakrevskaya (Tolstaya)

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Fleeting infatuation. Agrafena is the wife of Arseny Andreevich Zakrevsky, a statesman and military figure. Even such a man could not pacify his passionate nature.

Agrafena had many lovers, Pushkin also could not resist her charms. Their relationship was short-lived, but the poet spoke more than once about sincere love for her.

1. Natalia Goncharova

10 women who played a huge role in Pushkins life Our list is completed by Natalia, who became the wife of the poet. She, of course, was not his last woman, Pushkin did not disdain novels even after the wedding.

Alexander Sergeevich first saw Natalya at the ball, she made a great impression on him. The girl was very beautiful.

After some time, Pushkin asked for her hand, but was refused. He pursued her for two years. Everything was not in vain, the girl agreed to marry him.

Pushkin had a lot of women, but Natalya occupied a certain place in his life and in his heart. No other woman could replace her.

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