10 Women’s Wishes That Won’t Come True If You Don’t Act

“I want to, but of course I won’t do anything for this …” – a funny phrase from the Internet does not seem so funny when it comes to our lives.

Inaction rarely leads to something good. At least, in search of a husband, it is definitely not your friend.

Stop postponing your dreams for a special occasion, but rather act here and now. In our collection, we want to offer ways to start moving towards your goals.

10 Want to get married

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act But I will not look for a husband. He’s like in famous novels: he accidentally bumps into me on the subway, looks into my eyes and swims…

In reality, unfortunately, it is not so simple. He may swim from your beauty, but it is not known what kind of person he will turn out to be and in general whether he will be suitable for family life.

If you want to get married, look for a husband. First, make a portrait of your ideal man: write down all the points that you would like to see in your future husband. Analyze the portrait and determine the locations where you can meet the man.

For example, you want your future husband to be an artist – go to art exhibitions. Or you want to have a rich entrepreneur husband – get together and go to business forums. Do not look for a businessman under the hood of a car in a car repair shop.

9. I want a baby

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act A point flowing smoothly from the previous one. If you want a child, but your husband is not ready for him yet, then talk to your partner.

If you are really ready for children, then you should give reasonable arguments to your man and tint all this with female emotions.

8. I want a divorce

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act Living in dislike is the worst torture. You live in deception and pretense, and you are deceiving not only your partner, who may not even be aware of your plans for a divorce, you are also deceiving yourself.

If you want to get a divorce, then there will be no more ideal case than now. No need to wait for a sign from above or a suitable occasion, you just need to rip off the band-aid.

It is desirable to disperse with her husband without shouting and scandals, calmly inform about your decision. You do not have to justify and argue your decision, just your unwillingness to be married to your current husband is enough.

7. I want to change my place of residence

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act in the dream of hot California beaches? Or have you always dreamed of walking in the squares of Paris in the evenings? Or maybe the soul lies in the rainy, but poetic Petersburg?

Many people dream of moving, and the principle “where you were born, it came in handy there” does not want to get used to mental throwing towards the city of dreams. And therefore, stop tormenting yourself, take a piece of paper, a pen and sit down to write an escape plan.

Calculate how much money you need to save for moving, what ways of additional income are suitable for you. Solve all the cases that still keep you in the city of not your dreams.

Find an apartment using specialized websites, arrange a job in the planned city and prepare things for the move.

6. I want to become independent

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act On the way to becoming an independent person, a lot of work will need to be done. But first things first.

To gain financial independence, you need a job that not only generates income, but also emotionally satisfies you. Nervous and unloved work will lead to stress, not independence.

Also learn not to react to external aggressive remarks. If you hear in your address from colleagues or relatives that you don’t dress like that, dream, talk, and so on, then learn to abstract yourself from this garbage stream.

Be truly independent of other people’s opinions. Do not be afraid to tell these people that they do not intend to listen to comments addressed to them.

And, of course, for independence it is important not to be a person following the crowd, it is important to have your own opinion and be able to defend it, and it is also necessary to get rid of all the stereotypical frames in the head.

5. I want a lot of money

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act Now there is a huge amount of earnings on the Internet. In addition to the main office work, you can smoothly switch to freelance activities.

Instagram has a huge number of accounts that need a visual design of the page. All social networks require copywriters and for this it is not even necessary to be a narrow specialist.

Choose an online activity that you enjoy and want to develop in. The more you promote your name and personal brand, the more money potential customers will be willing to pay you.

4. I want to be healthy and beautiful

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act Everyone knows the formulas on how to keep your body beautiful and healthy. It’s just that not all of these formulas follow.

To maintain a figure, you need to calculate the number of calories for daily consumption. Minimize the consumption of fast food, sugar and chocolate. Note: do not refuse, but minimize.

To maintain the beauty and youth of the face on the Internet, there are a huge number of free and paid Facebook building courses.

Thanks to daily massage, the skin on the face remains fresh, smooth and supple. Fine wrinkles are smoothed out, eyes are opened, skin tone is evened out.

3. I want to change jobs

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act It’s never too late to change jobs. You should not linger in an unloved place just for the sake of money or status, remember that every day you experience stress, you get sick more often, lose your youth and joy in life. Stress is very harmful to our body, and you will constantly be in it if there is an item in your daily routine: “Go to an unloved job.”

Stop selling your health and youth. Check job sites, take the risk of submitting your resume for the job of your dreams. Even if they refuse you, you have absolutely nothing to lose! But if you don’t try at all, you will end up losing yourself.

2. I want to find myself

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act Devote an evening to introspection: think and write down what brings you pleasure in life, what you would like to do, what you have been in the dream about for many years.

You will find yourself by starting to do what your soul lies in. Start painting if you wanted to pour watercolors on canvas since childhood – your life will soon change even from this seemingly insignificant new hobby.

Immerse yourself in meditation and yoga: thought control has a beneficial effect on our lives. By learning to control a huge stream of empty information in your head, you will be able to hear your inner “I”, and it will tell you what to do next.

1. I want to travel

10 Womens Wishes That Wont Come True If You Dont Act Most often, the desire to travel rests on finances. If this is your case, then write down the subgoals of your global goal – this helps a lot to structure the accumulation of money.

Keep track of discounts on ticket sales, they are very often sold at a discount of more than 50% off the original price!

The search for fellow travelers can be found in thematic groups or Instagram accounts, as well as on specialized sites that you can find on the Internet.

And remember: nothing is impossible, you just need to stop doing nothing.

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