10 weeks pregnant

At this time, the embryonic period of the child’s development ends. By the beginning of the 10th obstetric week, the main systems that support the life of the fetus have been formed, the umbilical cord now supplies it with everything necessary, and waste products are excreted through it. A powerful hormonal restructuring has made changes in the functioning of the female body, gently preparing it for bearing a child and for the upcoming birth.

What’s going on with the baby?

During this period of fetal development, brain tissues develop most intensively – up to 250 thousand neurons appear in one minute. There was a differentiation of the nervous system into 2 subdivisions – central and peripheral, the immune and lymphatic systems are actively developing. The formation of the liver, intestines, bile ducts has ended.

Fetal parameters:

  • Weight – 5-6 g;

  • Length – 30-45 mm;

  • Heart rate – up to 150 beats per minute;

  • The thickness of the placenta is 1,5 cm.

Externally, the fetus is a miniature copy of a person with arms, legs with fingers, knees and elbows. Eyes, mouth, auricles are distinguishable on the head. The child opens and closes his mouth, can put his fingers in it, touch his face. In the oral cavity, the laying of milk teeth begins.

Since the main organs have already been formed, the pathogenic effect of negative external factors is significantly reduced at week 10. Despite this, the fetus is still very vulnerable and fragile. If he is male, the testicles of the future boy at week 10 began to produce testosterone. Sexual characteristics during ultrasound is still difficult to determine.

What’s going on with mom?

The pregnant uterus retains the size of a large apple, and it can already be felt above the pubic joint. Most women have not yet observed an increase in the external dimensions of the abdomen, although the weight has already increased by 2-3 kg compared to body weight at the beginning of pregnancy.

Reasons for weight gain:

  • Increase in the size of the uterus, breasts;

  • Decreased metabolic rate;

  • Increase in the volume of circulating blood;

  • The appearance of additional adipose tissue – a reserve of nutrients for the period of breastfeeding.

In addition to an increase in body weight, hormonal changes cause a weakening of the elasticity of the soft tissues of the small pelvis, an increase in the thyroid gland. On the abdomen of some women, a dark pigmented strip can be distinguished. This is evidence of an increased synthesis of melanin in the body of a pregnant woman.


Hormonal restructuring still actively affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman, who becomes sentimental, can experience a whole range of feelings in a short time, gets tired quickly, becomes drowsy. All these symptoms are subjective, in some women they may not be felt at all.

Early toxicosis is manifested by nausea in the morning, less often by vomiting.

Very soon, at week 12, it will cease to be felt, but for now the woman has to take preventive measures:

  • Have breakfast without getting out of bed;

  • Make meals frequent and small in volume;

  • Take water and a light “snack” with you on trips to work to alleviate the condition, eliminate nausea.

Video about what happens in the female body at the 10th week of pregnancy, its complications: cystitis, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis:

Week 10 Lifestyle Tips and Tricks

For a successful pregnancy, you should follow the instructions of your gynecologist.

The doctor may make the following recommendations:

  • If instead of weight gain there is a decrease, this is a reason for an additional examination;

  • To prevent constipation, you need to move more, eat more vegetable fiber;

  • Gymnastics in the fresh air, airing the premises will help to avoid the feeling of lack of air;

  • Do not take medicines without consulting a doctor;

  • A contrast shower will help maintain immunity at the right level;

  • Emotional contact with the unborn child is important, it is desirable to introduce him and even talk with the unborn baby;

  • Bath, sauna, overheating in the open sun can provoke a miscarriage;

Positive emotions are no less important than healthy eating – books, museums, exhibitions, walks in interesting places will bring a huge amount of interesting and useful experiences.

Pregnancy with twins

If during a singleton pregnancy the uterus extends beyond the small pelvis at 13-14 weeks, then with a multiple pregnancy this process occurs at about 10 weeks. The future mother of twins will immediately feel how her condition is relieved, because the frequent urge to urinate has stopped.

Pregnancy with twins is a reason for a more attentive attitude to all the little things that make up a healthy background for its successful course. Not every multiple pregnancy ends with a timely birth at 40 weeks. The supply of nutrients, the resources of the mother’s body can be exhausted as early as 35-36 weeks, and then preterm labor will begin.

There is no need to be afraid of this, since newborns at this age are quite viable, although they weigh somewhat less than full-term babies. At week 10, they are no different from the fetus of a normal pregnancy. They have formed all the organs, there are arms and legs, the size of the head is 2 times smaller than the body. These are active babies, intensively moving in the amniotic fluid of the fetal bladder.

The first 10 weeks of pregnancy are over. Taking care of your health and the health of your child, proper nutrition, following the doctor’s recommendations, timely examination and treatment will help you pass the time remaining before childbirth without any problems.

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