10 week of pregnancy from conception
Finally, the first trimester is coming to an end … Together with him, at the 10th week of pregnancy, all the “charms” of the early term gradually recede from conception – nausea, vomiting and bad mood

What happens to the baby at 10 weeks

10 weeks of pregnancy from conception – 12 obstetric weeks – marks a gradual transition from the first trimester to the second. At this time, the organs and systems of your child’s vital activity are formed.

The baby has tiny ears, the entire system of the hearing organs is laid, you can see small nails on the hands. Gradually, the features of the face of the child appear.

Around the 10th week of pregnancy, the visible sexual characteristics of the baby begin to appear. The accuracy of determining the sex of an unborn child is growing day by day. At this time, the baby is actively moving in the mother’s womb, but so far it is too small for the mother to feel it moving. Usually the movements of the baby become noticeable at 18-20 weeks.

Fetal ultrasound

At the 10th week of pregnancy from conception, the first of three screenings is performed. This is a simultaneous ultrasound examination of the fetus and a blood test for biochemical parameters: hCG and PAPP-A.

The results of this double test are entered into a special program for calculating risks for chromosomal pathologies: Down, Edwards and Patau syndromes. Also, the program includes the age of the woman, the medicines she uses, and the existing diseases.

If the program shows a high risk of mutations – 1:100 or less, then the local obstetrician-gynecologist will advise the pregnant woman to sign up for medical genetic counseling. It involves an extended examination, including non-invasive and invasive prenatal diagnostics.

For the first, blood is taken from a woman from a vein, fetal DNA is found in it and examined for various mutations. For the second diagnosis, as a rule, they wait for the second trimester. It uses amniotic fluid.

– If a woman did not have time to register for a consultation before the first screening, then it is better to go through it for a fee in a private clinic or laboratory. This study is important for the timely diagnosis of gross violations of fetal development and, therefore, the possibility of terminating a pregnancy at a short time, experts explain.

On an ultrasound of the fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy, the baby is similar in size to a tangerine. He has the first hints of sexual characteristics, but so far it is difficult to judge whether your parent has a boy or a girl.

Mom can see on ultrasound how the baby moves, how he opens and closes his mouth and closes his tiny eyes. It is at the 10th week of pregnancy that you can observe the beginnings of the baby’s facial expressions.

Photo life

A baby at 10 weeks pregnant is about the size of a tangerine, about 61mm tall and weighs between 9 and 13 grams. With such parameters of the baby, it is almost impossible to notice that a woman is pregnant.

A photo of the abdomen at 10 weeks of gestation hardly hints at an “interesting position.” If the tummy has increased, then quite a bit.

– If a woman believes that her stomach has increased in volume, then most likely the reason is not in a growing child, but in the hormone progesterone. It provokes a decrease in intestinal motility, and this leads to increased gas formation, bloating and constipation. This explains the fact that in the photo the stomach at the 10th week of pregnancy looks a little larger than usual, obstetricians-gynecologists explain.

What happens to mom at 10 weeks

By the end of the first trimester, a woman feels spiritual uplift. At about the 10th week of pregnancy, “unpleasant companions of a pleasant position” disappear from conception – nausea, vomiting, and sudden mood swings. Not all pregnant women manage to say goodbye to them at this time, but most.

Gradually, the hormonal background of a woman comes to balance. However, fatigue and drowsiness can also appear at the 10th week of pregnancy. Their reason is that the woman’s body spends a lot of energy on the development of the unborn child. During this period, expectant mothers note a gradual increase in heart rate.

The mother is also growing. At this time, it reaches 10 cm. Sometimes its stretching is associated with discomfort, but after a short rest it disappears.

What sensations can you experience in 10 week

Feelings at the 10th week of pregnancy can be very different. From the pleasant – the symptoms of early toxicosis disappear or weaken.

  • frequent urge to go to the toilet recede a little: the uterus rises and stops pressing on the bladder;
  • sudden mood swings stop, depression and irritability go away – the woman’s body gets used to the new state;
  • drowsiness and weakness remain, as all energy is redistributed to the development of the unborn baby;
  • the breasts may remain sore, and the nipples and areolas may become darker in color.

Pigmentation can also increase in other areas, for example, freckles can suddenly appear.


At the 10th week of pregnancy from the conception of menstruation, a woman should not normally be. Any spotting at a similar time is a reason to be wary. If you notice that the color of the discharge is bright scarlet, you should immediately call an ambulance. Bleeding can signal a possible miscarriage or other troubles with the unborn baby.

Stomach ache

Pain in the abdomen at 10 weeks of pregnancy is acceptable if they occur periodically and do not knock the woman out of her usual rhythm. As a rule, abdominal pain at this time can be caused by sprain of the uterine ligaments. This is unpleasant, but it is enough to rest on the couch and the discomfort will recede.

Sometimes abdominal pain is associated with the intestines. Many pregnant women experience bloating and constipation due to progesterone, hence the pain. Pain in the abdomen can be “reflected”, that is, the spine actually hurts, but it is felt like pain in the abdomen.

If the spasms do not subside for a long time, grow and do not allow the pregnant woman to get out of bed, it is better to go to the doctor. Severe pain can be harbingers of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy unnoticed in time.

Brown discharge

Any brownish or reddish vaginal discharge at 10 weeks pregnant should not be ignored. Even if these are meager spotting, similar to those that follow after menstruation, you need to report them to your doctor.

Another thing is the allocation of scarlet, light red. When they appear, you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital to determine the causes of bleeding. They may hint at complications during pregnancy.

With such secretions, as well as with pulling pains in the lower abdomen, ultrasound is usually performed. Ultrasound examination will eliminate missed pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

Popular questions and answers

Can pregnant women fly on an airplane?

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, there is no threat of interruption and complications, then there are no contraindications to flying on an airplane, but it is better to clarify this point with a doctor in advance. It is best to plan flights for the 1st or 2nd trimester, no later.

There are a number of factors that can negatively affect pregnancy during flights. First of all, this is a change in atmospheric pressure during takeoff and landing. Flights can lead to thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities. However, all these risks are the same, both in those who are pregnant and in non-pregnant women.

It is good if the flight lasts less than 4 hours. If more, then every half hour you need to get up and walk around the salon. You definitely need to drink a lot.

Do pregnant women need to wear a bandage?

In the early stages, there is no point in a bandage. It is recommended to use it somewhere from the 28th week of pregnancy, but if you are expecting two or more babies, there is polyhydramnios or the threat of termination of pregnancy, you should wear it from 20 weeks.

The bandage well relieves muscle tension, reduces the load on the spine and improves blood flow in the uterine arteries. The main thing – without fanaticism. You need to wear a bandage periodically when you walk or do household chores. It is better to remove it in a sitting and lying position. But in the first days after childbirth, a bandage is necessary.

What is screening and how many times does it need to be done?

Screenings are studies that are necessary for prenatal diagnosis. Ultrasound screening should be performed three times during pregnancy. The first screening (together with a blood test for biochemistry) is carried out at 11-13 weeks of obstetric term, the second – at 18-21 weeks, and the third – at 31-34 weeks along with Doppler. The latest study allows you to assess the condition of the vessels in the baby, in the uterus and umbilical cord.

Is it possible to have sex?

“You can have sex throughout your pregnancy and at 10 weeks from conception, too, if the attending physician has not made restrictions,” explains obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – In some cases, sex may be contraindicated, for example, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. In general, a healthy pregnant woman should not limit her usual lifestyle, so sex, sports, work – all this is allowed within reasonable limits.

The main thing is not to overdo it, too intense physical activity both in the gym and in bed can be harmful.

What to do if the temperature rises?

– An increase in temperature to 37,5 degrees is the norm for the first trimester. If the temperature exceeded this indicator, that is, there was some kind of inflammatory reaction, whether it was SARS or something else, you need to see a doctor, and not self-medicate, – warns obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – In case of SARS, a therapist should examine a pregnant woman. If he deems it necessary, he will prescribe medicines suitable for the expectant mother. In general, with a cold in the early stages, the main thing is rest, sleep and plenty of fluids. Everything else is at the discretion of the doctor.

How to eat right?

– Pregnancy should not impose serious restrictions on a woman. Of course, the most healthy, proper nutrition is recommended. If before pregnancy a woman observed some restrictions, was on diets, now she must reconsider her diet. It should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates – all food groups, plus – a minimum of dyes and preservatives, – explains gynecologist Anna Osipenko. – There is no need to eat for two or three, it will not benefit the child.

At control weighings, doctors determine whether you are gaining enough kilograms or overdoing it. If the latter, then fatty, floury, salty, marinades should be removed from the diet.

It is recommended to eat every 3-4 hours. At night – a light dinner 2 hours before bedtime.

The diet should include fruits, meat dishes, fruit drinks, homemade juices, cottage cheese products, fish, turkey, rice, vegetables.

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  1. Mèsi bokou

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