10 ways to trick your body

By deceiving people, we risk being misunderstood or offending them. But this is definitely not the case with the body! If you are tormented by a headache or you are experiencing discomfort in the body, there is only one way out – to deceive him, so much so that he does not notice. The human body has so many hidden features that we don’t even know about.

It is possible and necessary to outwit him and the brain, especially in those moments when the pain is very strong. The tricks that will be discussed in the article are not harmful to health, but on the contrary, they can even strengthen and improve it. But the methods are rather effective if the pains are “one-time” – for example, a headache from overwork or hiccups. In those cases, if you often have pain in any area, you need to go to the doctor.

10 To relieve toothache

10 ways to trick your body

Toothache is probably one of the most annoying ailments. Teeth can hurt from different things: caries, pulpitis, sinusitis, heart disease, etc. Or it is possible that you have only recently cured your teeth, and now they are aching and haunting you. You can relieve toothache. To do this, you will need an ice cube (if you don’t usually store ice in cubes in the freezer, then now is the time to freeze it). You probably think that an ice cube will have to be applied to the tooth? But no! You need to massage between your thumb and forefinger with an ice cube. You will not even notice how you switch to this action, forgetting about the pain.

9. To relieve the pain of a blow

10 ways to trick your body

Each of us has such situations when we hit, stumble and fall, do not see the joint and hit it, etc. You can ease the pain by screaming! Yes, you heard right. If negative emotions, resentment, anger have accumulated in you for a long time, stop keeping it in yourself. Usually this “rush” happens automatically when we hit something, do you know this? When hit, we can throw something at the wall or start screaming. So do not think that such behavior is wrong. On the contrary – splashing out the negative, you only make yourself better.

8. If it is difficult to hear the whisper of the interlocutor

10 ways to trick your body

Do you want to eavesdrop on what is being said behind the wall? But the conversations are so quiet that you can hardly hear anything? There are great ideas! First, remember – the right ear hears inexpressive language better, and the left ear deftly perceives the melody. Secondly, use one idea: put a glass cup against the wall. An “acoustic link” is formed between the glass and the wall, through which sound waves pass from one side of the glass to the other. You can use other glasses, but glass is best.

7. To wake up quickly in the morning

10 ways to trick your body

Are there many of us who enjoy getting out of bed in a hurry in the morning? Most likely no. But “life” is calling, each of us has things to do, work, obligations, etc. Although, of course, you still want to sleep sweetly. It’s great if you have someone nearby who will cheer you up with a prepared cup of coffee in bed, but many do not have this, so you need to get up quickly somehow on your own. What can be done? Everything is simple. Hold your breath as long as you can – the lack of oxygen will definitely invigorate your body.

6. If the nose is blocked

10 ways to trick your body

A stuffy nose is always annoying. We do not know when it can be laid, so it will be useful to take note of one interesting idea – when the nose is blocked, you need to rest your tongue on the sky, and press your finger between the eyebrows. This will take the pressure off. After such simple actions, the nose will begin to “postpone” after 30 seconds. An interesting idea, isn’t it? You should definitely try it when “stuffing” the nose.

5. If the hand is numb

10 ways to trick your body

It can happen anywhere and anytime, and most often at the moment when we least expect it. The hand becomes numb due to the fact that the muscles in the neck are pinched, which causes numbness of the limbs. The condition is certainly not the most pleasant, and you need to somehow get rid of it. And it’s not that hard to do! Just turn your head in different directions – this will stretch the muscles. Such an action will help you quickly bring the limbs back to normal.

4. Side pain after running

10 ways to trick your body

Running is very good for health, besides, moving, we burn calories. Sometimes pain in the side can occur during running, the reasons may be the following: poor warm-up, poor endurance, a heavy breakfast, or liver disease. Find out your cause of pain. In the meantime, as soon as the pain appears, take note of this idea: exhale, and then transfer the weight of your body to your left leg. Pain will subside almost immediately.

3. If you need to memorize information

10 ways to trick your body

It doesn’t matter if you have to learn a verse, English words, or the speech you are going to give. It is best to repeat the information before you go to bed. Waking up in the morning, you will remember everything exactly. This was understood after the experiment – it turns out that our brain works more productively at a later time. But it is important that when memorizing the necessary information there are no extraneous noises, and the brain is not densely loaded before that.

2. How to fall asleep quickly

10 ways to trick your body

The best way to fall asleep is to stop trying to fall asleep. You can get out of bed and do something – read, write a few lines in your diary or drink tea. Sometimes it is very difficult to fall asleep, all the worries of today, tomorrow and past days climb into my head. We think about what things await us the next day, about any events, etc. Of course, how can you fall asleep here ?! People who work a lot do not even think about how to fall asleep, because they immediately “turn off” as soon as they lie down on some surface. Try to do the following – open your eyes wide and repeat: “I do not want to sleep”, most likely, you will experience the opposite effect.

1. To hold back the cry

10 ways to trick your body

We all cry sometime. Maybe you should not try to restrain crying, but give vent to feelings? If it’s appropriate. But crying can make us uncomfortable, for example, when we don’t want anyone to notice our tears, or we find ourselves in a situation where crying is inappropriate. In this case, this exercise will help: raise your eyes up and try not to blink. Breathing also helps to stop crying – try to breathe as deeply as possible. Move your attention completely to your breathing, and you will notice how you don’t feel like crying anymore.

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