10 ways to relieve stress

Stress surrounds a person. People face them every day, sometimes without even noticing nervous tension. It intensifies while standing in a traffic jam, in line at the checkout of a store, due to the disobedience and whims of children, etc. Sometimes even a small problem causes a psycho-emotional explosion.

Regular overstrain and anxiety leads to nervous and physical exhaustion, which is manifested by various diseases. In order to prevent the occurrence of health problems, you need to be able to properly get rid of stress. It turns out that you can deal with it in the most unusual ways.

1. Account 27 items

A well-known Chinese proverb says: “If you want to cope with sadness, move 27 objects in the house.” It doesn’t have to be heavy things like a sofa or wardrobe. You can rearrange vases, books, cosmetics, stationery. Having busy yourself with business and directing energy and thoughts in a different direction, you can escape from problems and relax on a psycho-emotional level.

2. Dancing

Music improves mood – it’s a proven fact. To get rid of stress, you can listen to familiar tracks that you would like to move to. This will release negative energy. In order not to experience discomfort, it is best to dance alone.

It’s good if the dance is energetic. It is necessary to do intensive swings with arms and legs, include in the movement the lower back, sacral spine, neck and shoulders. By relaxing the muscles, you can cope with discomfort.

3. Earlobe massage

Self-massage of the ear lobes can be performed in almost any situation. To get the maximum benefit from the procedure, you need to relax, close your eyes and take a comfortable position.

The movements of the fingers should be smooth, even, without jerks. It is necessary to walk over the entire surface of the ear, gently pulling the lobes down. After performing the massage, you need to spend a few minutes in silence and solitude. This will replenish your energy reserves.

4. Plank exercise

Stress is not easy to deal with. It is recommended that efforts be directed towards its prevention. Perfectly tempers the psyche of sports. Performing physical exercises, yoga and boxing increase the stress resistance of any person. At the same time, muscles are strengthened, self-confidence appears.

If it is not possible to regularly attend training, then you can perform the bar. This exercise has a versatile effect on the human body. The bar allows you to strengthen all muscle groups, tighten your stomach and buttocks. Regular exercise helps reduce anxiety, increase concentration.

5. Use of chewing gum

Chewing gum will not only keep your teeth healthy, but also increase stress resistance. It is enough to actively work with the jaws for 3 minutes in order to achieve mental balance and reduce the intensity of stress. This fact is confirmed by studies published in the Journal Of Prosthodontics Research.

The more intensively a person makes chewing movements, the faster he calms down. And the gum itself has nothing to do with it. The point is the fast work of the jaw muscles. These movements help reduce the level of catecholamines that appear in the body during stress. The fewer of them, the calmer the person.

6. Cleaning the room

By tidying up in an apartment or at a workplace, you can cope with negative emotions. There is no need to rub the floors to a shine, or sort out the mezzanines. It is enough just to disassemble the drawer in the desk, or arrange the books in the closet.

The order surrounding a person contributes to an increase in mood. Moreover, during cleaning, he is forced to actively move.

7. Water in the fight against stress

Joy hormones are produced in the body during bathing. Water heals not only the body, but also the soul. It washes away stress, taking it away with dust and sweat. If possible, then you must definitely sign up for water aerobics courses, you can visit the pool, swim in the river. It is important to relax in the water, and not be in tension.

10 minutes of water treatment is enough to cope with stress. ablution is necessary from the head, allowing the water to carry away all the negativity with it. Calm Start and relax the nervous system scented shower gels. You can light candles with the smell of cinnamon or vanilla while in the bath.

8. Drawing

Drawing calms the nervous system. During this lesson, you can gather your thoughts, think about upcoming things, find ways to solve problems. While drawing, those areas of the brain that are responsible for imagination and abstract thinking are activated. This helps fight stress.

If you can’t draw a complete picture, then you can use antistress coloring pages. They are available in many stores. Such coloring pages are popular among adults and children, as they are great for relaxing. You can even draw at work, during a lunch break.

9. Cocoa

Most people are used to taking a break for a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. However, in order to get rid of stress, it is recommended to drink cocoa. This drink is a source of magnesium, which allows you to effectively cope with stress, increases efficiency, and gives you a boost of energy.

If there is no time to cook a healthy drink, then you can eat a few slices of natural dark chocolate. Such a dessert improves mood and allows you to better focus on work.

The source of magnesium are flax seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

10. Hugs

Touching and stroking are known to improve mood. Even the famous scientist Einstein always resorted to the embrace of his wife to overcome difficulties in his work. Tactile contact helps to unload the psyche, reduces muscle tension, and relaxes.

The support of a loved one allows you to cope with the most difficult situations. Moreover, not only psychological, but also tactile contact is important. Hug your husband, child, parents more often. This will allow you to recharge your batteries and reduce the content of the stress hormone – cortisol in the body.

To combat stress, there is no need to resort to taking medication. You can deal with anxiety in simple and affordable ways.

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