10 ways to refresh your senses in a couple

“I love you” … If you want to add “still”, “it seems”, or “despite everything” to these words, then the relationship in your couple needs special care and close attention. Regina Bright, a family psychologist, explains how to restore feelings to their former brightness.

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Relationships – like everything else in our lives – don’t run as well on auto-pilot as we hope. At first glance, the couple may look quite prosperous, but it is worth taking a closer look – and we will see two not too happy people who do not know how to approach this topic. Let’s face it, our romantic relationships sometimes hit a dead end.

So it’s time to rekindle the flame of the passion you and your partner deserve. But as? American sexologist, psychotherapist and family consultant Regina Bright offers 10 simple steps.

1. Date happy couples

Find other happy couples that you can spend time with – barbecue or picnic, go hiking or to the beach. Communication with other couples will bring you new experiences and adventures.

2. Make your partner feel special

Let him or her know that your relationship is at the very top of your priority list. Come up with different ways to send the message, “You are the most important person to me,” every day.

3. Listen with the intent to understand

Learn to communicate effectively. And that means being a good listener. Most people listen with the intent to respond. You listen with the intent to understand.

4. Play Fair

Things don’t always go well. Sometimes the agreement in a couple is broken. And at such a time, it is especially important to monitor your intonations, not to call your partner names, not to humiliate, not to blame. Before you say something, ask yourself, “Will this make our relationship better or worse?” And if you happen to make a mistake, don’t forget to ask for forgiveness.

5. Let your partner be himself

Learn to accept your partner in both what you like and what you don’t like. Respect your differences. Let your partner be themselves. If we are trying to force our partner to be what we would like him to be, this means that we love only our own reflection.

6. Make time for yourself

We all need to be alone from time to time. Set aside a day just for yourself and enjoy your own company. Go for a walk, spend a day at the spa, kick a ball, play tennis – relax to your liking.

7. Surprise your partner

Write on a card how you enjoy spending time with him, give him a balloon in the middle of a hard day at work, a bouquet of wild flowers, or a box of gourmet chocolate to eat while watching a romantic movie. And for someone it will be a good gift if you dismantle the garage or clean up the kitchen.

8. Create intimacy

Intimacy means not only physical, but also emotional attachment. Take the time to tell your partner about your mental and physical needs. Discuss what you can do together to meet them. Also distribute work around the house. Shared household chores equate to greater intimacy.

9. Try new things

Do a room redecoration together or take a sushi making class together. Break the routine, come up with something new that will make your life more exciting.

10. Spend a day together

Set aside a day in your schedule that you will spend just the two of you – and so that no one bothers you.

See Regina Bright’s blog on the website for more details. steppingstonescounseling.org

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