10 ways to raise low blood pressure

Hypotonic states are the scourge of modern society, in which a lot of daily trials fall on a person, ranging from chronic lack of sleep, unhealthy ecology and harmful work, and ending with poor stress tolerance. An exacerbation of the disease is observed during the autumn blues, when many people fall into the notorious depression and take unpleasant news to heart, which causes pressure drops. Older people are more susceptible to the disease, since with age the heart muscle weakens and takes more time and effort to drive blood around in circles, and the vessels wear out, become thinner and lose their tone.

As a result of the disease, many people have sound questions, for example, is it possible to do without chemical methods in therapy, and if pills do help, then which ones are better.

Today we will look at the TOP 10 effective ways that, alone or in combination with each other, give good results in the treatment of hypotension.

10 Infusion of cinnamon

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

Fragrant oriental spice can be the very quick remedy that will greatly alleviate the condition with reduced pressure. For surgical treatment, it is enough to steam half a teaspoon of dry spice in a glass of boiling water, adding a tablespoon of honey for sweetness. Let the product brew well and cool to room temperature, then take it at the first sign of hypotension (weakness, dizziness, pallor of the skin, etc.). Also, cinnamon can be added to tea or coffee to enhance the effect, prepare an alcohol infusion based on it.

9. Alcohol tinctures of herbs

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

Herbal preparations have long been used in folk medicine to increase blood pressure. And here it is important to understand medicinal plants, since many of them, on the contrary, have a hypertensive effect and can worsen the condition. To make you feel better, we recommend that you combine 25 drops of lemongrass herb tincture with water and drink the product before meals. Lemongrass tones blood vessels, stimulates the central nervous system and improves heart function. Alcohol infusion of Eleutherococcus relieves overwork, excites brain and physical activity. Ginseng-based tincture strengthens the vascular walls, allows you to recover faster from neurosis, depression and insomnia, improving performance.

8. Cup of sweet strong coffee

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

One of the favorite ways of hypotension is treatment with a coffee drink. Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, stimulates blood circulation and gently dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow and relieving stress from the heart. Of course, for the best effect, coffee should be drunk periodically so that the body does not have time to get used to it. For treatment, use only real grain or ground coffee, but don’t expect any sense from the “3 in 1” option and other soluble ones. By the way, do not forget to sweeten the drink well, because glucose stabilizes blood pressure well. About 500 ml of moderate-strength coffee is enough per day to treat hypotension.

7. Contrast shower, breathing exercises and yoga breathing exercises

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

A healthy lifestyle and physical activity is a panacea for many ills. Exercise and yoga improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, train the heart muscle. This is especially facilitated by the correct breathing technique, which can be learned from Eastern teachers. Many asanas are designed specifically to strengthen the cardiovascular system and stabilize pressure in the arteries. It is enough to devote at least 15 minutes to gymnastics a day. Add a contrast shower after class, which perfectly strengthens the immune system and allows blood to flow better to tissues and cells.

6. Cold sweet fruit drinks, juices or lemonade

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

Children, adolescents and pregnant women should not use coffee drinks and alcohol solutions in the treatment of hypotension, which can also have side effects. Natural freshly squeezed fresh juices, berry and fruit fruit drinks, nectars with pulp, compotes, as well as homemade lemonade will help to gently increase the pressure. Especially connoisseurs of folk methods praise cranberry and pomegranate juice, as well as grape and birch sap. Do not forget to add sugar or honey to the drink, which will also have a beneficial effect on low blood pressure.

5. Acupressure of some areas

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

It is also necessary to combine healthy drinks and other means with a manual effect on the body. For example, it is known that there are some points on the body that are responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. You can run your fingers from top to bottom along the carotid artery, as if smoothing it. Press slightly with the pads of your fingers on the center of the back of the head. Massage the point at the base of the head with your thumbs, rub the temples. A very pleasant and effective method for improving blood circulation and combating hypotension is a massage of the shoulders and arms.

4. Cognac or tea with cognac

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

Drinkers can, of course, take this advice out of context to justify their addiction. However, we recommend that you do not add alcohol to your treatment diet unless absolutely necessary. There are other more effective methods to raise the pressure without side effects and harm to the liver. However, some doctors believe that 50 ml of organic drink daily will expand blood vessels and improve blood distillation. At the same time, they advise drinking cognac, both in its pure form and added to tea, coffee, etc.

3. A pinch of salt on the tongue

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

It turns out that many spices and spices in our buffet can be useful for hypotension. Nobody canceled glucose and sugar in the fight against the disease, but simple rock salt also produces a good effect. For a therapeutic effect, it is enough just to have a snack with something salty (snacks, lard, marinades or preserves, dried fish, sausage, etc.). But this option simultaneously clutters up your gastrointestinal tract with unnecessary chemical compounds, so you can go the simpler way – put half a teaspoon of salt at the base of the tongue and let it dissolve on its own.

2. Outdoor walks and physical activity

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

Above, we gave advice on gymnastics and yoga to increase pressure. However, joints and physical flexibility do not always allow you to perform exercises with high quality. For such people, a way out has also been invented – often walk in the fresh air, actively working with the musculoskeletal system. You can also go for a light jog a couple of times a week, which trains the cardiovascular system, starts the brain, and allows you to get rid of the feeling of chronic fatigue and dizziness. For efficiency, spend jogging for 20 minutes a day. Busy or weak people can go for a regular walk every day for 30-40 minutes, which will also slightly increase the pressure.

1. Medications that increase blood pressure

10 ways to raise low blood pressure

If the methods of psychosomatics, massage, physical activity and folk recipes turned out to be ineffective in their sum, then it’s time to move on to the “heavy artillery”, namely to effective drugs to increase pressure. In your arsenal should be analgesics and antispasmodics that allow you to stop dizziness, pain, spasm of the vessels of the brain or heart. Additionally, have Aspirin to thin the blood and reduce pressure on the vessels, as well as the well-known drugs Gutron, Strofatin, Papazol, Citramon, Mezaton and camphor. Medicines should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription!

Hypotension responds well to treatment, including traditional medicine and other home remedies. Why waste time and energy going to the hospital when you can try safe and affordable methods that have been preserved from our ancestors.

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