10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

Everyone experiences headaches from time to time. Usually people prefer to cope with such a problem with the help of medications, but they can cause side effects. In addition, over time, the body gets used to such effects, and drugs begin to help much worse. Not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to get rid of a headache with the help of special medicines: there are other effective remedies that are also safer.

10 Lemon

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

Lemon is a remedy that few remember, but usually it is very good for headaches. To make it less strong, you can drink some lemon juice mixed with warm water. This option is especially suitable in cases where the head begins to hurt due to gas in the stomach. To improve your condition, you can apply lemon zest to your head. Another way to eliminate pain is to simply drink tea with lemon.

9. ice pack

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

A cold compress quickly improves the condition of a person who has a headache. To make the pain disappear, you need to put an ice pack on your head and hold it for a while. Frozen vegetables, a cloth moistened with cold water are also suitable for this. The cold constricts the blood vessels, as a result of which the headache disappears. This method is especially well suited in cases where an unpleasant state is caused by a stressful situation.

8. Aromatherapy

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

There are many different aromatherapy remedies, but chamomile, sweet marjoram, and lavender are especially common for headache relief. They can be added to water during water procedures, used during neck massage. For some people, simply inhaling the smell of one of these products is enough to relieve the condition. You can create a product specifically for massage: mix 5 drops each of lavender, nutmeg and rosemary oils. Massage your upper back and neck.

7. Water

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

When there is not enough water in the body, a person is not always thirsty: he may simply have a headache. It should be remembered that you need to drink from 1,5 liters of water per day. Its exact amount depends on the lifestyle of a person, on his weight and height. If you get a headache from dehydration, this problem can be dealt with very easily – just by drinking a glass of water. A headache caused by a lack of fluid in the body will not go away if a person consumes a caffeinated drink. It might even make it stronger.

6. Practicing relaxation techniques

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

You can try to relax, distract from the pain. It is recommended that you choose the relaxation technique that is easiest for you: it is very likely that this will be the most effective in the end. Among the most popular ways to relax are listening to binaural beats, entering a meditative state, deep breathing. Another option is to just try to calm down. If the pain is not very strong, you can try to sleep: when you wake up, many people notice an improvement in their condition.

5. Cinnamon

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

You can get rid of pain with the help of cinnamon powder. To get it, grind a few cinnamon sticks to a powder. Then you will need to add a small amount of water to this powder: the result should be a thick paste-like agent. Apply this remedy on your head and lie still for about 30 minutes. Very soon the pain will subside, and then disappear altogether. When the remedy helps, it will need to be washed off with warm water. Cinnamon is especially good for getting rid of those pains that come from the cold.

4. Head, neck, earlobe massage

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

With the help of light massage movements, you can relieve tension, normalize blood flow and distract from pain. The easiest way is to simply press on the head with your fingers and slowly move them in a circle. When performing a massage, you can use argan or coconut oil. Such a tool will need to be applied to the hands.

You can massage not only whiskey. Try to act on the bridge of the nose: this massage relieves sinus headaches, migraine attacks. You can massage your hand between your thumb and forefinger. From such a massage, the blood vessels on the forehead narrow.

3. Apples

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

If you experience a headache after waking up, eat an apple with salt and drink some warm water. After a while, the discomfort will disappear. Apple cider vinegar can also be used to relieve headaches. Pour a few tablespoons of this vinegar into the pan, add hot water (up to the top). Then you will need to take a towel, cover your head with it. Then keep it over the pan for about a quarter of an hour. There is another way: take a glass of water, add a little apple cider vinegar to it and use this remedy several times a day.

2. Ginger

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

This remedy allows you to get rid of tension headaches. It reduces swelling, relaxes blood vessels. If you are prone to headaches, you can drink ginger tea several times a day: this drink greatly alleviates the condition. Ginger helps with more than just headaches. It eliminates discomfort during menstruation, sore throat, joints, muscles. Besides, the ginger root well tones up, raises immunity.

1. Mint

10 ways to quickly get rid of a headache

This remedy is very soothing and quite effective in relieving headaches. You can make a herbal tea and add some dried mint to it. You will need to cover the cup with a lid and wait a few minutes. Then you should strain the drink and add a small amount of honey to make the tea sweeter (however, some people prefer to do without sweeteners). It should be drunk in small sips, rather slowly. You can also do a massage with peppermint oil: gently massage the back of the neck, cheekbones and temples.

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