It is probably difficult to find a person who would be completely satisfied with the surrounding reality. It is difficult not to notice the evil and injustice that we somehow face in this life.
We are indignant, it depresses us, sometimes even drives us to despair, but only a few decide on any actions that can change something. If you are tired of being content with the position of an observer and are determined to change this world for the better, then this material may be useful to you.
We present the top 10 ways to add a little kindness to the surrounding reality.
10 Do what you love
Of course, it is an honor to be engaged in socially useful work. However, if it does not personally bring you pleasure, then at one fine moment you can simply quit it, no matter how important it may be for others.
When a person takes up a business with love, those who will use the results of this work will feel it, and it doesn’t matter whether you bake bread or sweep the streets – with this approach you will succeed in any business!
9. Don’t be afraid to hug your friends again
You probably know that a kind word is also pleasant for a cat. And if a kind word is accompanied by friendly hugs, then the effect of it will increase tenfold.
Don’t be afraid to sound sentimental or overly open – life is too short to hold back your feelings and suppress sincere impulses for the sake of etiquette. Hug the one who is nearby, and maybe in this cruel world, at least for a moment, it will become a little warmer.
8. Give advice to someone who needs it
Recommendations without a preliminary voiced request are called obsession. And the balanced opinion of a benevolent person who decided to express it only when asked about it is called wise advice.
Do not hesitate to help a person in a difficult situation with good advice, perhaps he does not dare to make a decision without third-party support, which, in this case, can be you.
7. Respect others
Only a person who treats others with respect can earn respect himself. Show your respect in simple ways: give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person, leave a tip in a cafe, say hello to your neighbors.
At the same time, you should not do it strained, only out of a desire to please. Try every time to enjoy the fact that you were able to provide a service to some person, or just bring these skills to automatism.
6. Say nice things to others
This is not about flattery. In almost every person you can find a quality that deserves praise. In addition to the good mood that you give someone with just one compliment, you will thus develop your personal communication skills.
5. Do small good deeds daily
There are many ways to do good every day. For example, build a birdhouse in your yard. So you will save the birds from starvation, and set a positive example for others.
You can also feed homeless animals or people. Find out if someone in need of help lives nearby. You can buy medicine for a lonely grandmother or just help a mother with many children with the housework.
You can also do charity work. Do you think only very wealthy people can do this? Not at all! The contribution can be very modest, the main thing is your participation and indifference to someone else’s needs.
In the end, remember the folk wisdom: with the world on a thread – a beggar’s shirt. In general, there are a lot of options – there would be a desire.
4. Think positively
Many happy people realize that our thoughts are material, and therefore they try not to dwell on the negative, but look for a reason, even in a difficult situation, to think about the good.
They perceive any failure not as another reason to complain about fate, but as a useful experience that helped them become a little wiser. Happy people are sure that after a black stripe, a white one will definitely come.
And even if it’s very difficult now, you need to force yourself to tune in to the positive, and it will really appear very soon.
3. Smile sincerely
You have probably heard that laughter or a smile prolongs life. But they can not only prolong life, but also make it better.
Psychologists recommend that each of us, in the morning before leaving the house, stand at the mirror for a couple of minutes and just smile at our reflection.
Thanks to this simple exercise, you will be able to charge yourself with optimism for the rest of the day. And it is easy to infect everyone around you with a good mood, you just need to smile and wish good morning.
2. Don’t judge others
There is no need to condemn another person for this or that act if you do not have information about all the circumstances of the situation. You cannot know for sure what motives prompted him to such actions. It is quite possible that, being in a similar situation, you will do exactly the same.
No need to rush to condemn your actions or thoughts. Of course, constructive self-criticism will only benefit, but self-flagellation is an occupation that is completely devoid of any meaning. It “eats” your energy and does not contribute to self-improvement.
It will be much more useful to look at yourself as impartially as possible from the outside, realize your mistakes and not make them in the future.
1. Know how to thank
The ability to be grateful is a very expensive quality. After all, an ungrateful person will never appreciate what he owns, which means he will not be able to fully experience joy, therefore such concepts as happiness and inner harmony will always be alien to him.
Gratitude is not only an exercise in etiquette, it is one way or another the need of every person. In moments of deliverance from some kind of danger or in joyful moments of life, we say: “Glory to God!”.
We subconsciously say praise to the Almighty for what is happening to us. This is done even by those of us who do not consider ourselves a person of faith.
But it’s not just God that needs to be thanked. Those people who are next to us deserve to have their concern for us noticed and appreciated, even with one simple word: “Thank you.”