
Kuzmina Vera Valerievna
Endocrinologist, nutritionist
Fertility is the ability of a man and a woman to reproduce naturally without the use of reproductive medical technologies. Infertility is a serious problem faced by more and more couples who want to have a baby. If your couple is having difficulty conceiving, know that you are not the only one who has experienced such difficulties. Every year, medical research reveals fertility problems in male partners in one in six couples.
Infertility requires a serious diagnosis and an integrated approach to treatment. Unfortunately, even the most advanced techniques do not always lead to the desired pregnancy. Many years of experience of doctors has shown that fertility can be improved by taking active nutritional supplements, changing lifestyle and revising eating habits.
Male infertility – what is it?
Male infertility is understood as the inability of a sexually mature man to fertilize a sexually mature woman. The problem occurs against the background of sexual (erectile) disorders or changes in the quality of spermatozoa.
There are several types of sexual disorders:
Decreased sex drive. Sexual desire or libido is an expression of the desire to engage in intimacy. You can increase libido with the help of special additives, products that are called aphrodisiacs.
Impotence or erectile dysfunction. The disease is defined as the inability of a man to develop, maintain an erection for sexual intercourse.
Sperm count. For conception, a high concentration of spermatozoa in the volume of ejaculate is important.
Sperm activity. Healthy spermatozoa have the ability to move due to flagella. Semen analysis determines the percentage of motile (active, passive) spermatozoa in the sample.
Testosterone level. Insufficient levels of the main male sex hormone can lead to problems with conception.
Male infertility depends on key factors:
General condition of the body.
physical form.
The presence of acute and chronic diseases.
Impact of harmful external factors.
For men’s sexual health, lifestyle and daily diet are important. Certain foods, valuable substances can positively affect fertility.
10 Ways to Boost Male Fertility
Here are 10 science-backed ways to increase male fertility and improve sperm quality.
1 Use D-Aspartic Acid Supplements
D-aspartic acid (D-AA) is a form of aspartic acid that differs significantly from L-aspartic acid. D-AA is synthesized in small concentrations in the male testicles and enters the semen and spermatozoa.
Andrologists claim that D-aspartic acid increases male fertility. Analyzes show that D-AA in infertile men is several times lower than in fertile men [1].
Medical studies have confirmed that preparations containing D-AA increase testosterone levels, which directly affects male fertility. During one of them, infertile men took 2,7 grams of D-aspartic acid for three months. After the end of the experiment, the control analysis showed an increase in testosterone levels by 30-60%, the number of active spermatozoa increased by 60-100%. The main indicator of the benefit of taking D-AA is an increase in the number of pregnancies in experimental couples [2].
A controlled study of the effects of D-aspartic acid in healthy men showed that taking 3 grams of D-AA for 14 days increased testosterone levels by 42% [3].
Studies of the effects of D-AA have shown somewhat inconsistent results for male professional athletes. So a study that took physically strong men, athletes with normal or high testosterone levels, showed that D-AA did not increase it. [4]. With a high level of testosterone, even its decrease was recorded. [5].
Researchers are initiating additional research to establish the benefits of D-aspartic acid supplementation for men with low fertility and the risks for men with normal or high testosterone levels.
2 Exercise regularly
Regular exercise is good for health. Competent physical activity helps to increase testosterone levels, increase male fertility.
Research results confirm that men who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels and better ejaculate composition. Similar effects have not been established in inactive men. [6], [7], [8].
Doctors remind that excessive enthusiasm for strength exercises can cause the opposite effect and reduce testosterone levels. To minimize the chance of negative effects, take zinc supplements.
[Video] Hypodynamia, as the main reason for a decrease in libido + 5 exercises that will instantly increase potency: