10 ways to delay the approach of old age

There comes a time in life when you have to take stock. The children have already been raised, grandchildren are growing up, houses have been built, moving up the career ladder has satisfied all ambitious projects.

And the question is what to do? The correct answer is yourself! Pay yourself all the debts for many years of life. With joy, pleasure, self-love.

Not every person is ready to meet old age with open arms. Therefore, he will be happy to take at least some (preferably painless measures) to delay the meeting with old age for longer.

Therefore, the methods presented below will help everyone interested to try to cope with the inexorably approaching age and fight, if there is still gunpowder in the flasks!

10 Insomnia

10 ways to delay the approach of old age


This is a painful condition that every person has experienced at least once in his life. If this is an episode – do not be upset. But with age, insomnia can become chronic.

Physiologically, it is conceived by nature that the processes of recovery in old age are slower than in youth. The sleep hormone breaks down faster over the years.

Sleep duration is shortened. It becomes superficial, saturated with dreams, fears.

In the morning – a state of weakness, fatigue. A person becomes irritable, previously acquired diseases become aggravated, or platforms are formed for the emergence of new ones.

Currently, there is already a therapeutic specialty – anti-aging therapist. It is necessary to resort to his services if the person himself does not solve the problem of sleep.

9. Food

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

With age, the number of kilocalories burned per day decreases, as well as the absorption of food and energy production. On the one hand, due to a sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, because of problems with swallowing and chewing.

If you do not follow the principle of a balanced diet for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the processes of restoring body cells will be perverted, which can lead to a decrease in immunity and the threat of developing cancer.

In addition, the diet should include foods that prevent constipation. Here it is necessary to say separately about the drinking regime. Also adjust it depending on body weight and existing diseases.

8. Vitamins and minerals

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

These are nutraceuticals that are beneficial to the body. They do not have the ability to accumulate in the body. Acting from the outside, they are built into the metabolic processes of the body and leave naturally.

It is remarkable that taking these drugs in the quantities prescribed by the manufacturer, an overdose of the drug is guaranteed. The only side effect is good health.

7. Swimming

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

This is the type of motor activity that must be started in life as early as possible. Buy fun swimwear and quickly into the water.

Preference can be given to aqua fitness or swimming in one of the possible styles. Swimming promotes endurance, general strengthening of the body without overloading individual body systems.

Water, among other things, cleanses of energy pollution, turns on the mechanisms of healing. Guarantees good mood.

6. Breathing exercises

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

It rarely occurs to anyone that all diseases of the respiratory system are primarily associated with improper breathing.

By nature, the gift of correct inhalation and exhalation is given to men. Short inhale and long exhale. That is why they look fit, without saggy tummies.

A woman breathes as she likes and depending on the situation. If he wants to please – deeply and slowly, if angry – superficially and often.

There are many breathing techniques available. Learning to breathe properly is helpful. This skill can relieve acute pain, reduce chronic pain, slow down the heartbeat, strengthen the pectoral muscles, which is not bad for women – the breasts will acquire wonderful relief.

5. Yoga

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

Yoga is for all ages. Especially after thirty years. Soft asanas eliminate stiffness, chronic pain in the joints. Restore balance between the physical, mental and spiritual components. They activate the immune system, as uniform blood circulation accelerates the circulation of energies in the body.

It is imperative to start practicing with a mentor so that entry into yoga practice is more harmonious.

4. Emotions

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

Scientifically obtained data show that with age, a person consciously or subconsciously cuts off negative emotions from himself. If someone does not succeed, then it makes sense to take control of this sphere of life.

If you stretch your facial muscles into a smile, your mood is already improving. If possible, stress should be prevented in your life. Be careful in communication in the home circle.

As the piglet Naf-Naf said: “My home, my fortress.” She needs to be protected. And be also attentive in work teams where mentoring is possible.

3. Teams of like-minded people

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

Over the years of life, people who are not related by family ties, but united by a common cause, become irreplaceable.

Singing groups, various interest clubs. In horticultural associations. The great benefit of having like-minded people is in communication. The opportunity to inspire each other.

2. Matters of Faith

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

A very subtle and deeply personal question. If you come to the temple or communicate in home circles, there is an opportunity to touch the spiritual wisdom of the ages.

Reading and comprehending the resources of the Bible is a great happiness. Visiting monasteries gives a special experience in solving everyday issues.

There is a reassessment of values. There is no time for this. In addition, people in faith feel the need for selfless activity, for service. And here the fields of activity cannot be plowed.

1. Doctors

10 ways to delay the approach of old age

It is very good when people in white coats act as consultants on health issues, not illness.

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