1. Water
Mineral water does not contain carbohydrates, fat or protein, so it is often called a calorie-free snack. By “drinking” hunger, we fill the stomach, cheating a bit center of hunger and satiety located in the hypothalamus. However, you should not drink the food you eat, as this dilutes gastric juices and reduces the efficiency of the digestive process.
Water regulates metabolic processes and providing it in appropriate amounts is necessary to achieve the expected weight loss results.
2. Chewing Gum
According to a study by Scottish scientists from Glasgow Caledonian University, chewing gum reduces appetite and the feeling of hunger. This is especially true of the appetite for sweet products and dishes. People in the study chewing gum were found to eat less food during the day. Although the differences were not large, body weight may be affected if the effect is long term. If you have an opinion on this, please comment on forum.
3. roughage
It’s a fact that fiber slows the rate of nutrient absorption and prevents it rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levelsi. As a result, it inhibits the feeling of hunger. In addition, it has a positive effect on cholesterol levels, the digestive tract and prevents intestinal cancer. Fiber is not digested and therefore does not provide additional energy to the body. Therefore, it is worth making sure that each meal includes products rich in this type of carbohydrate, i.e. vegetables, fruit, whole grain cereal products.
The recommended daily intake of fiber is approx. 30-40 g, we can deliver this amount with a properly balanced diet, so additional supplementation is not always justified. Too much fiber in the diet can lead to flatulence, constipation, vitamin and mineral deficiencies (including iron, vitamins A, D, E). In order for fiber to bring the expected positive results, you should remember about the right amount of fluids you drink.
4. Protein
Protein is digested in the gastrointestinal tract for quite a long time and therefore the feeling of fullness lasts longer after eating it. It is especially important to get the right amount of protein for breakfast. Studies have shown that this wholesome protein consumed during this meal gives the longest lasting feeling of fullness.
However, what too much is not healthy and quantity about 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight it is absolutely sufficient. high-protein diets can lead, inter alia, for kidney disorders, drowsiness, vitamin deficiencies, acidification of the body. The basis of a properly balanced diet should be complex carbohydrates.
5. Fruits
“When you are hungry, eat fruit, they do not fatten.” – while on a diet, you can often meet with such advice. Although fruit is an inseparable element of healthy eating, one should approach their consumption in unlimited amounts with a distance. The fruit contains sugar fructose, which is an easily digestible source of energy for the body. They can also contain starch (bananas) or fatty acids (avocados).
One average pear or apple is 50-60 kcal, and so is a handful of grapes. However, dried fruit is more calorific. 100 grams of raisins, prunes, apricots are about 250-300 kcal. The least caloric fruits are raspberries, strawberries, currants and citrus fruits. In difficult times, it is much better to eat raw vegetables instead of fruit.
6. Blue plates
As a result of research, it has been proven that the blue color of the tableware suppresses the appetite. This is due to the fact that products of this color are perceived by the body as dangerous and poisonous. Because few of the food products naturally have a blue color. In the process of evolution, the body developed an “aversion” to this color of food.
In addition to the color, the size of the plate also has an influence. It works on the subconscious, which is often used by restaurateurs – eating the same portion on a large plate, it seems to us that we ate less than the same portion served on a small plate and we reach for more.
7. Light products
Indeed, these types of products are reduced in fat and sugar, but this does not mean that you can consume them in unlimited quantities. In addition, dyes, sweeteners, emulsifiers and preservatives are often added to their production. The safety of using these substances in large amounts is still controversial. The use of the term light by the manufacturers is regulated by law. Such a product must have a reduced calorific value of at least 30% compared to the traditional product. However, these provisions do not apply to the terms slim, fit, fitness, etc.
8. Eat more often
There is no doubt that eating more and smaller meals is more beneficial for the effectiveness of the diet and the fight against hunger. Better to eat 5 smaller portions during the day than 2 large meals. Eating a wholesome meal every 3-4 hours prevents fluctuations in blood glucose levels and thus prevents the appearance of hunger.
9. Chromium
The role of chromium in the body is not fully understood. Research shows that it affects the metabolism of proteins, fats and, above all, carbohydrates. Chromium can therefore affect blood sugar levels and, as a result, reduce the desire to eat sweets and prevent hunger pangs.
10 Intense physical exertion
Physical activity, in addition to a properly balanced diet, is the main factor in the prevention of overweight and obesity. However, the effort involves additional energy expenditure that should be supplemented. In the case of diets with too little energy supply in relation to the demand, the effect will be quite counterproductive. The body will switch to the sparing mode, slowing down the metabolic rate and will definitely make it difficult to lose more kilos, and usually it will end up with the yo-yo effect. Physical activity while losing weight is recommended, but not as a way to reduce hunger.