- 1. They don’t obsess over things they can’t control.
- 2. They choose what to fight for
- 3. They sleep well
- 4. They follow their moral compass
- 5. They exercise on weekdays
- 6. They are growth oriented.
- 7. They clean up
- 8. They help others
- 9. They know how to enter the state of flow
- 10. They believe the best is yet to come.
We are accustomed to blaming external circumstances for an unhappy life. However, happiness is in our hands. Here are 10 strategies to help you live a happier life.
Happiness takes on so many different forms that it can sometimes be hard to comprehend. Misfortune, on the contrary, is hard to ignore. If someone around you is unhappy, you know about it, if you yourself are unhappy, even more so.
Let’s face it: happiness and work don’t always go hand in hand. Gallup researchers analyzed survey data from over 180 million people. The results showed that only 13% are happy at work. At the same time, people who consider themselves happy are 36% more motivated, six times more energetic and twice as productive than their unhappy counterparts.
Happiness depends on life circumstances much less than you think. Scientists from the University of Illinois also analyzed the relationship between happiness and income levels. It turned out that people who earn the most (more than 10 million dollars a year) are slightly happier than ordinary employees with an average salary.
First of all, happiness depends on you. Happiness is the result of your habits and outlook on life, the product of your work. You either create your happiness or you don’t. What most happy people have in common is that they are highly emotionally intelligent. TalentSmart has tested over a million people and found out how people with high emotional intelligence create their own happiness.
1. They don’t obsess over things they can’t control.
It is useful to know that the UK’s exit from the European Union has affected the market situation in your country, or that the company you work for may merge with a major competitor. But it is one thing to understand these processes, another to worry about them. Happy people are well-informed and ready to take action, but don’t get overwhelmed by events they can’t control.
2. They choose what to fight for
Such people know how important it is to come out unscathed from the daily trials of life. In conflict situations, unbridled emotions make you insist on your own and fight to the last, even if you are doomed to defeat. If you learn to manage your emotions, you will be able to choose «battles» wisely and only stand your ground at the right moments.
3. They sleep well
The importance of sleep in terms of mood, attention, and self-control cannot be overestimated. When you sleep, your brain recharges and gets rid of toxic proteins that build up throughout the day. As a result, you wake up refreshed and with a clear mind. When you sleep little, energy reserves are reduced, attention and memory deteriorate. In addition, the lack of sleep itself increases the level of stress hormones, even if nothing stressful is happening to you. Happy people make sleep a priority.
4. They follow their moral compass
Walking over heads for success is a sure path to an unhappy life. When you violate personal principles, it provokes regret, dissatisfaction and loss of motivation. Always feel when you need to take a firm stand. If someone wants you to do something you shouldn’t, stand your ground. If you feel confused, take the time to reflect on your values. You can even write down on paper what you think about it. This will help set your moral compass.
5. They exercise on weekdays
When you set your body in motion for at least ten minutes, the body releases a neurotransmitter that calms and reduces impulsivity. A study conducted at the University of Bristol showed that those who play sports on weekdays are better at allocating time, working more productively and showing a good mood. These benefits more than compensate for the time spent on training.
6. They are growth oriented.
Deep human mindsets fall into two categories: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe they can’t change. Therefore, difficult tasks are avoided. Anything that feels too heavy makes them feel overwhelmed. People with a growth mindset believe they can change for the better if they put in the effort. They are ready to take on challenging tasks because they perceive them as opportunities for development. As a result, they show better results.
7. They clean up
Look at your workplace. It should be easy and pleasant for you to work with him. Put in a prominent place things that lift your spirits: a family photo, a houseplant, or an award that you are proud of. So they will always be in your sight. Get rid of garbage and nonsense that does not matter to you and does not improve your condition.
8. They help others
When you help others, your body releases neurotransmitters that make you feel good. A Harvard study found that employees who helped others were ten times more focused on their work. They were 40% more likely to move up the corporate ladder.
The same study found that people who consistently participated in social support programs were better at coping with stressful situations. Help others and it will make you happier. The main thing is not to overdo it.
9. They know how to enter the state of flow
Scientists from the University of Chicago have investigated the process of achieving outstanding results. They found that people who managed to achieve a state of maximum focused attention (flow) received huge benefits.
Flow is a state in which you immerse yourself in your project or task, losing track of time and not paying attention to external stimuli. Flow is often described as an energized state in which you feel both euphoric and mastery at the same time. The result is not only a sense of happiness and increased productivity, but also the development of new skills through more intensive training.
10. They believe the best is yet to come.
Just talking to yourself about it is not enough, you need to believe. A positive, optimistic outlook on the future will make you happier and help you achieve better results. The brain often “inflates” the memory of past pleasant moments to such an extent that the present pales in comparison with them. Because of this, you can lose faith in the future, because it will not be better than what you have experienced. Don’t fall into this trap. Trust that good things are ahead of you. This will make you happier and improve your emotional intelligence.
Choose the strategies that suit you best and experiment.
About the author: Travis Bradbury is a coach and co-founder of TalentSmart, a consultancy whose clients include three-quarters of the Fortune 500 companies.