10 vegetable juices that can help you get rid of many diseases

10 vegetable juices that can help you get rid of many diseases

Spring beriberi, autumn blues, hibernation? Freshly prepared juices will help you to replenish the body with the missing elements. They are very quickly absorbed by the body, and their energy resources nourish and restore cells, tissues, glands and organs. Natalia Savva, a clinical psychologist, a specialist in rational nutrition, told Wday.ru about the benefits and methods of preparing vegetable juices.

Vegetable juices – healers of the body

They are called so because they contain all the mineral salts, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes that a person needs. If you want to deliver all this to your body, then make juices yourself and drink them in their natural form without adding preservatives and flavors.

You can, of course, just chew a cucumber and grump carrots, but solid food takes longer to digest and the body needs more energy for this.

Make it a rule to add a glass of freshly made vegetable juice to your snacks and dinners.

It is advisable to drink juice an hour before meals, starting with small doses – 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day. Over time, when the body gets used to the new diet, the amount of juice drunk per day should be at least 600 ml. However, do not forget that this is all individual.

Such consumption of juice is considered preventive, but at the same time, contaminated body fluids (blood, lymph and others) are renewed. And after two months you will feel like a truly healthy person.

The recipe is the first

Sore throat, dropped immunity? Carrots, celery and spinach will help.

Carrots – 150 g, celery – 120 g, spinach – 90 g, parsley – 60 g.

Recipe for the second

Have an allergy attack? Is your skin red and itchy? You can’t do without a cucumber.

Carrots – 300 g, beets – 90 g, cucumber – 90 g.

Recipe Three

Tortured by insomnia? Does your nervous tension keep you awake? The best medicine is grapefruit juice and vegetables.

Carrots – 150 g, celery – 120 g.

Recipe Four

Thinned hair? Hair began to fall out for no reason?

Carrots – 270 g, fennel – 30 g.

Recipe Five

Heavy legs, tired, varicose veins? You can make one-component spinach juice or …

Carrots – 300 g, spinach – 180 g.

Recipe Six

Headache? Is it spinning?

Carrots – 240 g, spinach – 90 g, lettuce – 150 g.

Seventh recipe

Painful women’s days?

Carrots – 270 g, alfalfa – 60 g.

Eighth recipe

Stomach problems? Has the ulcer worsened? There is only one way out – to drink potato juice.

Ninth recipe

Has that day been a minor mood? Hands down and the light is not nice? Melancholy took in its grip? Add a daily glass of juice to your rest and exercise.

Carrots – 270 g, celery – 60 g.

Recipe ten

Are you planning a motherhood? Concerned about the condition of your skin, nails, teeth, hair? Pay attention to white cabbage juice. It is also indicated for high cholesterol, gout and cholelithiasis.

Never salt it. Otherwise, it will become useless. You can add lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey to the finished mixture.

The juicer will help to preserve the maximum of nutrients in the juice. The prepared juice must be drunk immediately.

You will need ripe, undamaged vegetables, fruits, leaves, or stems. First you need to wash them thoroughly under running water. It is better to clean the root vegetables with a brush, and hold the leafy vegetables in a saline solution for at least 15 minutes. It is imperative to remove the peel from those fruits that cannot be processed with the peel, and wash again.

It is better to start juicing with homogeneous juices, and if you are preparing mixed juice, follow the compatibility rules, for example, beets, carrots and radishes or apples and tomatoes, pineapples and celery.

1. Vegetable juices are often used to quench thirst. However, our cell needs more clean water. Therefore, if you are thirsty, drink some water, and if you want something tasty, eat some fruit. Just drinking juices has become fashionable now, and you ask, is it fashionable for the body?

2. The medicinal function of vegetable juices has not yet been proven, so it is better to engage in prevention: lead a healthy lifestyle, eat properly and regularly and drink enough water.

3. Avoid drinking vegetable juices in the morning, especially on an empty stomach. Juices should be drunk not in concentrated form, but diluted 1/2 with water.

4. You can mix vegetables with fruits, for example, add carrots to an apple-banana smoothie, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter, a little white yogurt and put in the freezer, having previously divided into portions, so you get a low-calorie ice cream.

5. It is advisable to add a little fat to the vegetable juice (vegetable or animal oil or white yogurt). This contributes to their better assimilation. For example, carrot juice contains provitamin A, in order for beta-carotene to be present, fat must be added.

6. Losing weight with vegetable juices is a myth, since they do not give long-term saturation, which means that after several days of such a diet, a breakdown is required.

7. And finally, always approach all recommendations wisely. For example, there was a bromelain boom some time ago. The bromelain, found in pineapples, was thought to aid weight loss. Experts estimate that 1 pineapples are needed to burn 50 g of fat.

Be healthy!

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