Recently, more and more people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity and proper nutrition, of course, are very beneficial for health. But not all products recommended by nutritionists and friends, as well as advertised by stars, are equally useful. Moreover, some of them harm the body.
People, on the other hand, are happy to purchase advertised products, and they don’t even try to read the composition before buying. But in vain.
If they read it, they would think several times whether it is worth giving money for a useless product. By the way, usually they are not very cheap, so buyers cause damage not only to their bodies, but also to their wallets.
Below is a ranking of useless products for which we significantly overpay. Read our article and never again fall for the tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers.
10 Almond milk
Almond milk is made from almonds, so it should be useful a priori. This is what the majority of healthy lifestyle adherents think.
Manufacturers also recommend boldly eating it for allergy sufferers, as well as those who want to lose weight. For the latter, this milk becomes “the closest friend.” People add it to coffee, drink it in its pure form, milk serves as the basis for drinks and cocktails.
Nutritionists have their own opinion on this matter: almond milk can be consumed from time to time, but there is little practical benefit from it. Yes, it contains a small amount of calories, but also few nutrients.
The amount of protein and calcium is small, although manufacturers focus on them, promising the buyer healthy nails, teeth and bones, as well as weight loss.
In addition, carrageenan is often added to milk, which is harmful to the stomach, and it can also cause cancer.
9. Rose salt
Recently, only lazy people do not talk about the benefits of pink salt. It costs much more than usual, but this does not bother anyone.
Still, because it is rich in minerals, it brings great benefits to the body. Is this really true, or is it just another marketing ploy?
Indeed, the composition of pink salt is richer than that of table salt. But do not forget that eating a lot of salt will do more harm than good.
If you replace table salt with pink, minerals will enter the body. But this amount is so insignificant that you definitely won’t see the magical effect promised by the manufacturer. If you still decide to include pink salt in your diet, take care of an additional source of iodine.
8. Tea for cleansing the body
These teas appeared quite a long time ago, they do not carry much benefit for the body, but they are still popular. Many women hope to lose weight with the help of the coveted drink.
Usually, the composition of tea for cleansing the body includes substances that have a laxative and diuretic effect. You can “cleanse” the body, but you must follow the instructions.
If you drink tea in large quantities, health problems will begin: dehydration, leaching of potassium and other substances, exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Do not waste money, it is better to include dairy products, vegetables (necessarily beets), water with lemon in your diet.
7. Instant oatmeal
Everyone knows that oatmeal is very beneficial for the body. It’s just plain oatmeal that needs to be cooked for a long time, but most people choose instant oatmeal. These colorful bags and boxes promise a “delicious and healthy breakfast.” Make no mistake, they are of no use.
Instant oatmeal is steamed, sugar and flavorings are also added to it. A little hot water or milk, and you can have breakfast with harmful and fast carbohydrates.
Opt for regular oatmeal, it is usually much cheaper and several times healthier than instant oatmeal.
6. Gluten Free Products
On Earth, only 1% of the total population suffers from gluten intolerance. The rest can eat bread and pastries without fear. When gluten-free products appeared on the market, people began to consider them harmless.
In fact, foods containing gluten do not harm the body. The main thing is not to get involved in them. It is clear that if you abuse pastries, then you can forget about health: extra pounds will entail many other problems. But if you don’t have gluten intolerance, maybe you shouldn’t overpay for gluten-free products?
5. Juices in boxes
In advertising, very often they show slender girls who drink juice from boxes and become slimmer and more beautiful every day. If you are even a little interested in proper nutrition, then you probably know that juice from boxes is banned. They do not contain vitamins, a lot of preservatives, sugar, dyes and flavors.
If you want to drink a glass of juice, get yourself a juicer, such juice is much healthier. Another question is how many useful substances are contained in vegetables and fruits from the store? In any case, there are more of them than in the juice from the box.
If you have a garden or vegetable garden, it will be much easier for you. You don’t even have to spend money. Homemade apple or carrot juice is not only very tasty, it is also a shock dose of vitamins.
4. Vegetable chips
Everyone knows about the dangers of potato chips, so manufacturers offer an alternative – vegetable chips. Adherents of proper nutrition are delighted, manufacturers too. The product is popular and sells well.
In fact, vegetable chips are more harmful than potato chips. They contain a very large amount of fat and salt. Moreover, buyers are confident that vegetable chips are a healthy food, so they use them without restriction.
If you want to eat right, it’s better to forget about chips altogether.
3. bottled water
The fact that plastic bottles are evil, even a small child knows. But people continue to drink from them, not even realizing that they harm not only the environment, but also their body. Scientists have proven that plastic releases harmful substances into the water.
For example, residents of the UAE will never drink water from a bottle that has lain in the sun for at least a couple of hours. They’ll say it’s corrupted. Plastic can cause infertility, cancer, diabetes and other diseases.
If you want to save money, buy yourself a reusable water bottle. It is not cheap, but will last a very long time.
2. Muesli Bars
Muesli bars also do not have particularly useful properties, but their price is often unreasonably high. The manufacturer assures the buyer that the bar is the perfect choice for a snack. Perhaps he is right about something – cereals, nuts, berries are really very useful for the body.
But in addition to these components, the bars contain sugar, palm oil, flour, dyes, flavors, preservatives. As a result, the calorie content of one bar can be equal to the calorie content of a full meal.
Before buying a bar for a snack, read the composition, or better, prepare this delicacy yourself.
1. Zero calorie soda
Carbonated water can now be drunk even on a diet. Manufacturers took care of consumers and came up with zero-calorie soda. Yes, there are no calories in diet soda, sugar replaces the sweetener there. That’s just, its effect on the body is a moot point.
The opinion of nutritionists is divided here. Some believe that there is nothing wrong with sweeteners, others are sure that they are harmful to human health.
In any case, after drinking zero-calorie soda, appetite increases significantly. Breakdown guaranteed. Therefore, if you adhere to proper nutrition, give up sugary drinks, give preference to freshly squeezed juices and clean water. And leave useless soda to those who do not think about their health.