Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean (medicinal plant) by pressing. His homeland is India. Inexpensive, and most importantly – natural oil contains many useful properties, and should be in everyone’s first aid kit.
It can easily replace expensive personal care products. Since ancient times, castor oil has been used for skin and hair care. It perfectly fights wrinkles and softens dry skin. Positive results can be seen within a few weeks.
From this collection you will find out what castor oil is capable of. Be sure to purchase it!
10 Colic
Colic in newborns is a normal phenomenon associated with increased gas formation in the intestines. The baby has severe pain in the tummy, but this is not dangerous.
Usually, colic appears in babies who are no more than 3-4 weeks old – that is, those who were recently born. Worried parents do not know what to do, because prolonged crying of their child always causes anxiety and worries.
If you have castor oil in your first aid kit, then you can give your child a massage with it. Warm up the oil with your hands, and then rub the baby’s tummy – colic should become less.
9. Calluses and corns
Tight and squeezing shoes, long walking sooner or later cause blisters – you can’t get off with one adhesive plaster. Many people put a band-aid on their wound, put on the same shoes and think that everything will go away on its own …
Over time, the calluses will disappear, but this process can be accelerated – if castor oil is applied to the damaged areas, the skin will recover very soon and you will not be in pain. In order for the remedy to justify itself, apply it on calluses (or corns) every day, simply rubbing it into the skin.
8. Hair and eyelashes
Many women face the problem of dry hair and sparse eyelashes. This tool in its action resembles burdock oil – castor oil promotes abundant growth of hair, eyelashes, relieves hair from dryness.
If you can’t leave the house without applying mascara to your lashes, try switching to castor oil – regular grooming will make your lashes lush and grow faster.
Take note of one easy recipe: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of jojoba oil. Rub this miracle remedy on your head before you are going to wash your hair, and you will be satisfied!
7. Pain relief
If you suffer from joint diseases (arthritis) or muscle inflammation (myositis), then castor oil will help you reduce pain. Natural oil is excellent for muscle and joint pain, even in severe cases, and has been actively used by the people of India for several centuries. Just a few drops can do wonders!
The oil is directly applied to the affected area, and then this place must be massaged with smooth movements. The procedure is repeated until the condition improves. The oil also promotes good blood circulation and wound healing.
6. scalp
Some people suffer from dandruff and itching, castor oil will help to cope with this. Frequent nutrition and hydration with this miraculous remedy will prolong the youthfulness of the scalp (and not only the head, but the whole body).
Oil masks combined with massage supply skin cells, as well as hair follicles with useful substances and relieve dandruff.
To get rid of dandruff, you will need to mix 2 tbsp. spoons of dill seeds and 10 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for about an hour, after which it is applied to the scalp with massage movements.
This procedure should be carried out 2 times a week, keeping the product on the head for 3 hours. If you add tincture of red pepper to the product, it will also accelerate hair growth.
5. Hemorrhoids
Many doctors recommend using castor oil for hemorrhoids. External use performs such tasks as: skin disinfection, acceleration of wound and crack healing, moisturizing the anal area, alleviating itching and soreness, preventing the development of infectious complications.
Castor oil helps with anal itching, anal fissures, constipation and anal eczema.
The oil should be applied as follows: soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the disturbing area. You need to do this regularly several times a day for 15 minutes.
4. Acne
Pimples appear for a variety of reasons, and of course, it is better to visit a doctor to identify and fix the problem. But if you have castor oil in your first aid kit, make it a habit to use it, and acne will stop bothering you – there will be fewer of them, and even if they appear, they will be much less common.
Castor oil not only reduces inflammation, but it can also kill the bacteria that cause acne. This makes cleansing your face quick and easy. Add a few drops of oil to a cotton pad and apply it on the affected areas (best done before bed). It also helps with dermatitis.
3. Gut health
As you know, castor oil is an excellent laxative, so when preparing the product, it is recommended to be careful not to overdo it.
For cooking, you will need to add 1 teaspoon of oil to cranberry or orange juice. Drinking juice with castor oil is recommended every day, so you can maintain bowel function.
Castor oil perfectly cleanses the intestines, and for health it is sometimes necessary to clean it, because over the years a huge amount of toxins and toxins accumulate in the intestines.
2. birth control
Castor oil contains a toxin called ricin, which in small doses acts as a bactericidal agent. Due to its property, castor oil can be used as a spermicide (a substance that destroys spermatozoa).
1. Warts and other skin diseases
Today, in a pharmacy, you can find an abundance of products that promise to get rid of neoplasms, but there is no need to pay more when a budget product perfectly removes warts and papillomas on the skin.
For an effective result, castor oil should be mixed with peppermint (essential oil) 1:1. Moisten a cotton pad with the product and apply to the damaged areas for 10 minutes. Do this every day for 2 weeks and you will see results.