10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe

Where does the average Russian traveler usually dream of going when it comes to Europe? Of course, to France! See Paris and the castles of the Loire, admire Provence, drink French wine.

Or, for example, to Italy: stroll through magnificent Rome, ride a gondola along a canal in Venice, stand under Juliet’s balcony in romantic Verona.

You can also go to Germany to admire the Saxon Dresden, drink beer in the old royal brewery in Bavarian Munich, or finally see imperial Berlin with its wide streets, huge squares and many interesting museums.

It turns out that Western Europe is more known (and popular in terms of tourism). As for Eastern Europe, perhaps only the Czech Republic is more or less visited by Russian “voyagers” (more precisely, its capital, Prague).

We either imagine the rest of the countries in this rather large region very poorly, or we don’t know at all. But in vain! In fact, there is not only something to see (and even something to admire), but it will also cost much less.

We present you 10 Eastern European countries that turn out to be much more interesting than we could have expected.

10 Lithuania

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe Our closest neighbor Lithuania is part of the once prosperous and vast territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In fact, the name of its capital used to sound different – Vilna.

Echoes of the glorious times of princes Gediminas, Olgerd, Vitovt and others can be found here everywhere and in our time. For example, tourists are strongly recommended to visit the former residence of the Lithuanian princes – the Gothic castle of Trakai. And the historical center of Vilnius itself is a real illustration of that era.

Narrow streets paved with paving stones and cobblestones, magnificent Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque cathedrals, old (and still residential!) Houses – all this is a special, very pleasant and cozy atmosphere.

And in Vilnius there is almost a real republic – this is the district of artists and people of art Užupis (with its own currency, anthem, ambassadors and consuls, customs and, of course, the president and ministers).

Of course, there are many other attractions in Lithuania that are worth visiting. For example, would you like to feel a chill on your back and a state of “memento mori”? Then you need to go to the hill of crosses near Siauliai (there are more than 50 thousand of them).

9. Belarus

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe “Well, here’s more!” – you say, – “What is there to see in that Belarus? They still have the Soviet Union!” And you will be right, but only partially. Yes, those who are still nostalgic for the USSR will indeed feel comfortable in this country. And not because of the standard urban views, such as Khrushchev’s buildings and shops of the “selpo” type (there is such a thing in small towns), but because of the real, very sincere and kind attitude of Belarusians both towards their compatriots and tourists.

And Belarusian rubles (not so long ago denominated) go there, and therefore the current prices in Belarus – especially for food – are very reminiscent of the good old Soviet ones.

But, in fact, Belarus has changed a lot since those times. Minsk has really grown prettier and flourished: many new, beautiful and unusual buildings have appeared here, which is worth only the National Library in the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron.

By the way, Belarus was also part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and castles of those times have been preserved here. The most beautiful are Mirsky and Nesvizhsky (which once belonged to the princes Radziwills). We will also remind you about the Brest Fortress, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Lake Naroch, the Dudutki Museum, etc.

8. Bosnia and Herzegovina

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe Of all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, the most “unexplored” for us are, perhaps, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia (and we will also gradually reach Slovenia). So here is Bosnia and Herzegovina. In fact, this is an amazing region with a very rich (and often very tragic) history.

Once Slavic, this country was, at one time, very much “turkish” after it fell under Ottoman influence. And now you can easily find yourself between the Catholic Cathedral and the mosque, standing at different ends of the same square.

Another example – here you can walk through a typical European (once Austro-Hungarian) quarter and go to a real oriental bazaar. Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims lived peacefully here for a long time, until Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s. decided not to become independent. During these years, all over Yugoslavia, a mass of old grievances against neighbors suddenly surfaced. In some areas of BiH, it is still not safe to go off the road: you can stumble upon a mine from the Bosnian War.

But there is even something to see here: the capital of the country Sarajevo – “European Jerusalem”, Mostar with its old high bridge over the turquoise Neretva, the magnificent nature of the Sutjeska National Park and Mount Maglich, the picturesque Kravice waterfall – these are far from all the beauties of BiH.

7. Montenegro

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe Our tourists know Montenegro, at best, as a resort country where you can have a great rest on the beaches of the beautiful Adriatic. Yes, the most attractive thing in this country is the clean warm sea. But Montenegro also has a very rich history, reflected in its architecture and other sights: once upon a time, Turks, Venetians, Austrians, etc. ruled this territory.

Therefore, almost every city in Montenegro – this is how Montenegro is called in Europe – combines several styles. Particularly magnificent in this regard are the ancient Kotor, bright Perast, cozy Budva, etc.

And here is excellent nature: very picturesque mountains, clear fast rivers that overcome deep gorges (by the way, rafting on them is very popular with active tourists), sea bays and bays, whose beauty is difficult to describe in words – this must be seen.

In addition, there are many Orthodox monasteries in Montenegro, some of which are located high in the mountains and cut right into the rocks (this is how the monks once tried to hide from the Turks). Oh yes! And this country also has a very nice “cultural capital” – Cetinje.

6. Croatia

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe Here the story is about the same as with Montenegro: well, what can you see where the foundation of tourism is the transparent sea of ​​the most indescribable color and very comfortable temperature? In fact, a lot.

Firstly, in Croatia, almost half of the country’s area falls not on the mainland, but on numerous picturesque islands, on which bright cozy seaside towns and villages are located.

And, since the northern part of Croatia is located just opposite Venice across the Adriatic, it is quite logical to assume that Venice at one time somehow influenced this country. So it is: very many coastal cities of Croatia are distinguished in their architectural appearance by a clear Venetian flavor.

In addition, for a long time the southern part of the country was “under the Turks”, and the northern “under the Hungarians”, and this is also noticeable to this day. Well, in very ancient times, the territory of present-day Croatia was the Roman provinces of Dalmatia and Illyria. And from that era to the present day, a number of well-preserved Roman buildings remain, including the huge amphitheater in the city of Pula (which looks better than the Colosseum).

Oh yes! And several episodes of Game of Thrones were filmed in Dubrovnik (which is why the flow of tourists in this city has grown so much that it is already literally “choking” with them).

5. Poland

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe For many of our tourists (especially those who prefer to go on bus tours), Poland is just a transit country. Again, – well, what could be interesting there? This is not Germany, and not even the Czech Republic with its many castles.

Have you been to the old center of Warsaw, where bright houses gather into narrow cozy streets? And in the restored picturesque area of ​​Gdansk around the old port (thoroughly destroyed during World War II)? And in the ancient episcopal Wroclaw (which was the German Breslau for two centuries), the central part of which seemed to be “mothballed” around the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries?

By the way, do you know that Wroclaw is the capital of the dwarves-dwarfs? Since 2001, more and more sculptures of these funny creatures have been constantly appearing in this city – today there are already about 400 of them. Therefore, the most favorite pastime for tourists in Wroclaw is “gnome hunting”. They even sell special cards here (!), as the gnomes tend to hide in the most unexpected places where they are not so easy to find.

And we have not yet mentioned the magnificent royal Krakow, about which you can talk for hours with aspiration and delight! So, if you thought that Poland is not worth your attention, change your mind immediately.

4. Romania

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe About Romania, too, most often, they think rather dismissively: just some kind of provincial Eastern European country, almost impoverished by the standards of Western Europe, the population is mostly peasant, “uncivilized” (not like refined French or neat and disciplined Germans). But again, in vain you are so!

First, Romania over the past few decades has also made significant progress in many respects. And secondly – guys, this is the country of the famous Count Dracula! And the Romanians (very adept at attracting tourists to their country in recent years) will willingly show you many places associated with this legendary character: Dracula’s (Vlad Tepes) ancestral castle Bran (although there is no evidence of this, in fact, Vlad Tepes, most likely, only a few days was here in Turkish captivity); as well as his hometown of Sighisoara; the ancient monastery of Snagov on an island in the middle of the lake, where Dracula, according to legend, was buried, and much more.

In fact, Romania is a very beautiful country: there are many other (both ancient and “almost new”) picturesque castles, and very beautiful (such “atmospheric”) towns with a medieval layout, and amazing mountain landscapes, etc. .d., etc.

3. Hungary

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe How often do we hear about Hungary (at least on TV)? Agree, – definitely not every day, and generally very little. Meanwhile, this country is the most interesting (both in terms of history and culture, and, again, in relation to the beauty of nature).

You will understand how true this is if you visit (at least!) its capital alone – magnificent Budapest. Believe me, this city is in no way inferior even to Paris! There are truly chic districts created in the style of classicism, eclecticism and modernity, beautiful palaces, huge majestic cathedrals, and unique old bridges.

One building of the Hungarian Parliament will leave you with the most unforgettable impressions! Wouldn’t you like to swim in thermal water in luxurious open-air baths? There are several here! And if you decide to see other regions of the country, then you will definitely fall in love with Hungary.

There are also huge lavender fields (yes, just like in France!); and the boundless, pleasantly “emerald” warm Lake Balaton, on the banks of which there are a huge number of resorts and camp sites (and be sure to drop by the Tihany Peninsula – that’s where the real paradise beauty and silence are!); and ancient castles; and many more other goodies.

For example, how about the picturesque town of Szentendre, where there is a museum of the most delicate marzipan (which you can buy “to go”)?

2. Slovakia

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe We usually hear (and know) even less about Slovakia than about Hungary. It is simply part of the once united Czechoslovakia. The Czech Republic is another matter. Prague, Karlovy Vary, Czech beer, Bohemian crystal, funny mole cartoons, etc. – this is more or less familiar to us.

What is Slovakia? What things “from there” can we remember? Yes, almost none … (In fact, this country exports to Russia mainly cars, various equipment and vehicles, but not consumer goods).

And, by the way, Slovakia is the picturesque Tatra Mountains, these are mineral thermal springs (and baths with them), and very good wine (especially its fruit varieties: plum, currant and others), and truly brutal medieval castles and fortresses , and many many others.

And Slovakia has a very cozy, quiet and pleasant capital. In beautiful Bratislava, where no one is in a hurry, there is a lot of greenery and flowers, and in its very beautiful historical center you will find the most unusual, funny and strange sculptures – for example, a monument to a city madman, a plumber, a soldier of the Napoleonic army, a witch, etc. . And how beautiful is the white Bratislava Castle, visible from almost anywhere in the city!

1. Slovenia

10 unexpectedly interesting countries in Europe And, finally, the real “blank spot” on the map of Eastern Europe (from the point of view of Russian tourists) is Slovenia. Perhaps the only thing we know about this small country is that it is part of the former Yugoslavia. (And many do not distinguish Slovenia from Slovakia at all).

Domestic travel agencies very rarely offer tours to Slovenia, but meanwhile it is simply surprisingly beautiful. And there is a lot to see here too. For example, Ljubljana, one of the most “modest” capitals in Europe in terms of population, is so cozy and somehow “homely” that you really want to sit in the nearest small cafe in a bathrobe and slippers.

And the picturesque Maribor, located on the Drava River, was once called Marburg and withstood two long Turkish sieges in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, which is now reminiscent of the remains of the ancient bastions near the Maribor Castle.

Would you like to see one of the largest (and truly beautiful) caves in Europe? Well, then you have a direct road to Postojna Pit. We bet you’re the first time in your life to go through the cave on a real railroad?

And not far from the Postojna Pit, you can see another “beauty” (but already man-made). Predjama Castle – a castle of the XNUMXth century, was literally built into the rock (which protected it very well from enemies from the rear).

But the real “pearl” of Slovenia is the mountain lake Bled (located in the Julian Alps), the main “highlights” of which are a chapel built on an island in its center, and Bled Castle on a high rock above the lake.

And all this is useless to describe, but it is better to see with your own eyes.

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