10 Unexpected Things Aboard the Titanic

The legendary marine disaster – the wreck of the Titanic, occurred in 1912 on the night of April 14-15. The huge and luxurious ship was called unsinkable, but it only seemed so …

A huge and beautiful ship was supposed to come to New York, but the Titanic never reached its final destination … On April 14 at 23:39, it collided with an ice block – an iceberg, and what happened next is probably known to everyone. Gradually, the liner began to sink (it took 160 minutes due to the fact that it was huge) in the Atlantic Ocean.

The tragedy claimed many lives, the data on the number of deaths is rather contradictory, but, according to sources, almost all the women and children from the cabins of the 1st and 2nd classes were saved.

From this collection you will learn about the amazing finds that were discovered on the legendary Titanic.

10 Diamond collection

As you know, on the Titanic there were people of different classes, among whom were very rich and influential. According to some reports, a lot of jewelry was found on board.

The ship served as a place to transport diamonds, which are worth $300 million. In addition, there were untold riches on the ship, which the passengers kept in their safes.

Around some things, for example, a blue diamond, an ancient mummy and the manuscript of Omar Khayyam (more on this below), there are a large number of legends concerning the catastrophe that happened.

9. Perfume suitcase

The leather suitcase in which the perfume bottles were found was found only 89 years later. The head of the perfume company, Adolf Saalfeld, took part in the sea voyage. In his suitcase were bottles of various and exquisite perfumes – 65 fragrances were counted among them.

And only in 2001 this interesting find was discovered. What is surprising is that the fragrance of the perfume was preserved, as if time and tragedy had not touched it … Now perfumers are trying to uncover the secret of these smells, deciphering their chemical composition.

8. Portrait of Garibaldi with his autograph

Among the passengers of the 2nd class on the ship was an Italian named Emilio Ilario Giuseppe Portaluppi, carrying with him to New York a portrait of the revolutionary and politician Giuseppe Garibaldi, who left him his autograph.

Fortunately, Emilio miraculously managed to survive that fateful night – while in the water, he clung to an ice ledge and drifted until the rescuers found him and picked him up on a seagoing vessel.

His valuable thing – a portrait, sank; and when Emilio ended up in the US, he wrote a statement to the insurance company, and was able to recover $ 3000.

7. Lecture notes

Among the passengers was a theologian – Sidney Clarence Stuart Collet. The student was heading from the UK, where he studied, to the USA to see his parents, who lived in the village of Port Byron.

Stewart was Reverend Mr. Crater’s assistant for 2nd grade during an evening service attended by 100 people (this was shortly before the iceberg impact on April 14).

When the liner collided with an iceberg, and passengers began to be seated in boats, Colette helped in this. The student, fortunately, also escaped, he was paid $ 50 for the abstract of 2-year college lectures sunk in the ocean.

6. Opium

A powerful drug, opium, was found on the Titanic, it was in four bags. Opium belonged to the American John Jacob Astor IV (he was a businessman, millionaire and writer), was the great-grandson of a wealthy man, engaged in real estate, as well as furs for sale. The American businessman could not survive this catastrophe, he never set foot on the ground in the USA …

Interestingly, opium was trafficked illegally, since 7 years before the tragedy it was a banned substance (it was banned by the US Congress), but the narcotic substance remained popular for medical purposes.

5. marmalade machine

In the early 1900s the preparation of marmalade was popular, and people used a special apparatus to precisely cut and peel the fruit.

27-year-old Edwinna Trutt, a 2nd class passenger, was transporting this device to the United States. The girl survived, but left the marmalade car on the ship, because in the turmoil, screams and panic it was not at all up to collecting things, it was necessary to get to the boat as soon as possible. Later, she demanded damages from the insurance company for the lost device.

4. Irish farmer’s bagpipe

Passenger 3rd class – 29-year-old Irish farmer named Eugene Patrick Daly wanted to see New York. It is known that on the way he liked to play “Lament for Erin” for his friends and fellow travelers.

When there was a collision with an iceberg, Daly jumped into the water, but before that he put on his coat, but did not put on a life jacket. He got to one boat, which was capsized. The ship, which was called the Carpathia, picked up the passenger of the Titanic from this boat.

His loss for the brass instrument was made up, Daly received $50. The man said that his coat always brought him good luck, so he decided to jump into the water in it.

3. Manuscript of Omar Khayyam

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is an immortal classic for connoisseurs of wise words. One of the passengers of the Titanic had with him a manuscript of the famous quatrains of the Iranian philosopher of the XNUMXth century.

The manuscript was bound in enamel, in addition, its decoration was made of precious stones. Many newspapers at that time wrote that (according to the stories of survivors) that the pages of the manuscript of Omar Khayyam flew through the water during the disaster … Therefore, the mystical version is often attributed to the event that claimed the lives of people and left a mark on history.

2. Legendary car Renault Type CB Coupe de Ville

As already known, very valuable and expensive things were transported on board the Titanic: among them were diamonds, as well as real works of art. Along with these expensive cargoes was a brand new car called the Renault Type CB Coupe de Ville (partially dismantled).

The owner of this car and his family escaped, upon the arrival of the United States, he demanded compensation for the sunken car – the insurance company paid him $ 5, in addition, the man received another $ 000 for his 300 dead dogs.

What’s interesting: Rose and Jack’s love scene in the car in Titanic took place in a mock car.

1. Mummy under the captain’s bridge

Among the things that were transported on the Titanic, you can also find completely exotic ones – for example, it is believed that an Egyptian mummy (during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV) was hidden on the ship in one of the wooden boxes.

In addition, an amulet was still kept with her, which depicts the Egyptian god – King Osiris. Those who believe in mysticism believe that it was the ancient mummy that led the Titanic ship to tragedy, while others say that there was no mummy on board.

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