10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Modern beauties invest quite a lot of money in their appearance. They buy all kinds of cosmetics, various devices for eyelashes, nails, hands and feet. But you can save a lot by using improvised means. For example, a toothbrush will be a great helper. It can be used for various cosmetic purposes. Admit it, you’ve never thought of anything like this. Make the most of this device. Of course, for such purposes, do not use the brush that you use every day, buy a new one, and preferably not one. Especially for you, the top 10 non-standard uses of a toothbrush when caring for your appearance.

10 To create a creative manicure

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Try using a toothbrush for a creative manicure. If you do a manicure in a salon, you can save a lot and learn how to do it yourself. With the help of a toothbrush, you can achieve different effects. The easiest way: brush over freshly painted nails, you can use continuous lines or tapping. You will be surprised what an interesting embossed manicure you get. For the second method, apply a base tone on your nails, light shades will look best. Dip the bristles of the toothbrush in colored varnish, and touch them to the nail, colored dots will remain on it. Lucky is better to use different colors. After each use, do not forget to wipe the brush. Manicure will turn out with the effect of “confetti”, very bright and festive. Don’t be afraid to experiment!

9. To soften cuticles

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

The growing cuticle does not look very neat. It is very difficult to fight her. Some girls prefer to cut it off, but this makes it grow even faster. Try another way. Soften your cuticles every day. Make hand baths more often, and then use a toothbrush. First of all, smear your nails with cosmetic oil or cream. And then rub them with a brush, try to move the dead skin towards the palms. After a while, you will notice that the cuticle has almost stopped growing, and your hands look perfect. Similarly, you can use a toothbrush for a pedicure. Some craftsmen use old electric brushes for this purpose, they say that the result is no worse than in the salon.

8. Instead of a lip scrub

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

The brush can easily replace a lip scrub. Rub her lips, preferably in a circular motion. Do not rub hard, the skin of the lips is very sensitive, it is easy to damage. Previously, lips can be smeared with petroleum jelly or a special emollient. Choose a brush with soft bristles. The result will not be long in coming, the lips will become soft. In especially neglected cases, when you need to urgently tidy up your lips, you can use toothpaste, but always mint. A couple of minutes of such a “massage” will be enough to remove dead skin particles. After the procedure, cover your lips with a thick layer of hygienic lipstick or balm.

7. For hair coloring

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

For coloring hair, a toothbrush is an indispensable tool. Of course, if the hair is thick and long, then a toothbrush will not work. In this case, it is better to purchase a wide brush. But if you need to tint the regrown roots, it is better not to find a brush fixture. In addition, with the help of it you can independently make highlighting or paint individual strands in the desired color. It may seem complicated to you, but there are a lot of training videos on the Internet, where everything is explained in detail. Try it, you will surely succeed.

6. To remove self-tanner

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Many girls choose tanning, it does not harm the skin, gives a beautiful and even shade. You just need to choose a quality tool that is right for you. And we will tell you how to avoid uneven spots on the palms, elbows and other parts of the body. You will need a toothbrush. It is only necessary to rub heavily stained areas. You can also use a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. If self-tanning is not washed off the hands, if the nails are stained, use a whitening toothpaste. Just apply the paste on your hands and nails and scrub these areas with a toothbrush. Some of the tanning will come off them.

5. Eyebrow styling

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Until recently, thin eyebrows-threads were in fashion. Now it is in the past, and naturalness has returned to fashion. They should be wide and well-groomed. Your eyebrows do not obey you, hairs stick out all the time, which you actively pull out, so you risk being left without eyebrows at all. Sticking hairs need to be trimmed with a trimmer, as well as styling every day. Of course, using a toothbrush. Apply gel or varnish to the eyebrows, comb them up, and only then to the sides. Many girls use a mixture of castor oil with beeswax and even ordinary hand soap instead of cosmetics. But the latter option is more suitable if you need to put yourself in order, and there are no cosmetics at all. After all, naughty eyebrows need daily care.

4. To create an effective bouffant

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Recently, bouffant hairstyles have become popular again. But how to make it at home if you don’t have a small comb? It can easily be replaced with a toothbrush. You will be surprised, but professional brushes used by stylists to create hairstyles are very similar to toothbrushes. Just spray a strand of hair at the roots with varnish and comb it. You will have a wonderful hairstyle.

3. To smooth out frizzy hair

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Toothbrushes are indispensable for creating hairstyles. If you like smooth hairstyles with slicked back hair, then you probably notice that the whole picture is spoiled by short hairs that break out. You comb them with a comb, smooth them, but nothing helps. Take a toothbrush, spray your hair with hairspray and comb it back. In addition, it is very convenient for her to style her bangs, especially if she is even and straight, with the help of a brush you can lay her hair to hair. The brush is indispensable in emergency situations when you need to use dry shampoo. Its particles remain on the hair, the comb cannot cope with them, the brush will correct this situation.

2. For combing eyelashes

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Of course, in order to tidy up the eyelashes, there are special brushes. But the fact remains that a toothbrush copes with this mission much more successfully than the most expensive device. The bristles of a toothbrush are very thin. Using it, you can comb your eyelashes, as well as solve the problem of stuck eyelashes. In addition, a toothbrush is not so expensive, and there is almost always a spare at home. Try this method and you will never buy special eyelash brushes again.

1. For cleaning hair combs

10 Unconventional Uses for a Toothbrush in Skincare

Cleaning combs can be very difficult. Especially if you regularly dye your hair dark, you know how difficult it can be to remove dirt and paint from a thin comb. A toothbrush will help you. She will clean the combs, hairpins. The brush can save even your hair dryer from dirt, easily cleaning the grate and filter from dust and hair. Of course, in this case, use only a dry brush.

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