10 tricks to cheer up in the fall

Less heat and sun, more stress. In autumn, not only the temperature and leaves from the trees fall, but also our vitality. Journalist and writer Isabelle Arthus shares ways to keep it from sinking to zero.

Experts are unanimous: it is impossible to avoid the autumn blues and fatigue – biological rhythms will take their toll. In autumn, all living things fade and fall asleep. It is not surprising that we all want to take a nap all the time and there is not enough energy for vigorous activity. But do not despair. Simple exercises will help to cheer up and not become limp this fall.

1. Cold bath for hands

Nothing invigorates the body like cold water. Back in the middle of the 18th century, the Catholic priest Sebastian Kneipp, who became famous for his method of hydrotherapy, proved that water with a temperature below XNUMX ° C has a strong stimulating effect, primarily on the nervous system. Kneipp advised patients in the fall to walk in the morning on the grass or roll up their pants and walk along the sea or river.

It is not necessary to resort to such extreme methods – a contrast shower or cold hand baths will do. It is enough to fill the sink with ice water (about 14 ° C) and lower the brushes there for 30 seconds. Then do not forget to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream.

2. Exercise “Big Tree”

This exercise is several thousand years old. In qigong practice, it is considered the most powerful way to receive vital qi energy. “Big tree” does not require physical effort. The main thing is to find free time.

Take the starting position: the body is relaxed, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel, the knees are slightly bent, the back is straight. The pelvis should be slightly forward. The chin is down, the neck is straight. At the same time, the head seems to be suspended by the top of the head. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed, but not completely closed.

Imagine that your feet turn into tree roots and absorb moisture, nutrients, and yin energy from the ground. Imagine that the body is growing and reaching for the sky. Raise your arms so that your palms are opposite your navel. Elbows are set back from the body, as if you are clasping a large inflatable ball. Feel it between your palms and your navel.

Feel how this ball begins to grow, becomes larger, goes beyond your body, and you find yourself inside it. Then the ball begins to shrink, and now it fits in your hands again. Repeat the exercise several times.

3. Breathing exercises

Lie down on the mat, put your hands under your hips, and lift your legs vertically, leaning your heels against the wall. Take a deep breath in through your belly and exhale through your nose. Repeat the exercise for five minutes. It stimulates the flow of blood from the lower extremities and pelvis to the upper body, due to which the brain is better oxygenated, and you feel more alert.

4. Finger yoga

This exercise in the practice of mudra (finger yoga) is called energy mudra. Connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers, extend the index finger and little finger. For optimal results, mudra is recommended to be done once a day for 45 minutes or three times a day for 15 minutes.

5. Musical pause

Psychologist Stefan Goethen believes that the right playlist will help “recharge the batteries.” Of course, music should not just be loved. Tracks need to be placed in the correct order: at first – slow relaxing melodies, but from track to track the tempo should gradually accelerate.

He offers this option: a piano sonata in adagio tempo, then a string quartet accompanied by a piano in moderato tempo, and, in order to finally get out of the stupor, the symphony orchestra – allegro. The optimal duration of a musical break is 20 minutes. Make a playlist ahead of time and listen on your way to work.

6. Ayurvedic tea

It is easy to prepare: mix half a teaspoon of cumin, coriander seeds and dill, pour three cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes, strain. Cumin improves digestion, stimulates blood circulation; coriander removes heavy metals and other toxic substances; dill – express cleansing for the liver.

It is also useful to add ginger, lemon and turmeric to the usual black or green tea. This composition improves mood and energizes, so it is better to drink it in the morning.

7. Light therapy

As soon as you get out of bed, open the curtains and turn on bright lights in all rooms. This instantly blocks the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and you immediately feel more alert. Do not save on electricity in the office if you want to work faster and more efficiently.

8. Adaptogenic infusions

Ginseng, lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea are natural adaptogens. On the one hand, these plants themselves adapt to human needs, on the other hand, they help the body adapt to environmental conditions and make it easier to endure stress. Adaptogens are not toxic, they can be taken in the form of pharmacy tinctures or make decoctions on your own.

9. Vitamin D

There is little sun in autumn, and without ultraviolet radiation, a reaction leading to the synthesis of vitamin D is impossible. But it is he who strengthens the immune system and improves mood. The main sources of vitamin D are fatty fish (especially cod liver), meat, egg yolk and milk. Be sure to include these foods in your diet.

10. Aromatherapy

Citrus oils, especially sweet orange oil, stimulate the production of joy hormones and activate the brain. In addition, they protect the respiratory tract from viruses and bacteria. Just keep the essence vial on your workbench and take three deep breaths as needed.

About expert

Isabelle Artus – journalist, author of the book “The Little Japanese Shop” (“La Petite Boutique japonaise”, Flammarion 2016).

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